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A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 2:32:36 AM
I want this mod so badly right now! its AMAZING! even if the planets dont rotate I'd still play it right now smiley: smile Where does one find mods for ES anyway?
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11 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 6:44:01 AM
I'm about as amazed by this mod as a pilgrim meeting an endless. lol I love it. By the way, need any ideas for anomalies? I have a few suggestions from (a now dead) mod you could use.
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11 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 8:19:56 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Sure, suggest away!

Here all 4 of them:

EDITED for spelling and etc..

Off-Kilter Axis:

-10 approval

-1 industry per person on planet.

+2 science per person on planet.

Needs adaptive colonies

When fixed: Negatives removed, change the science bonus to +4.

"Due to no moon or one that is too small or far away to be of a significant stabilizer, the axis of this planet cannot stay in a fixed angle, poles shifting to the equator zone and vise-versa in a matter of years. Either needing to rapidly adapt to survive these extremes in a couple of generations or surviving both in their lifetime makes living extremely difficult to both flora and fauna. As well as it increases environmental stress to buildings. Scientists are massively intrigued as to how life can cope with such drastic changes in the biosphere in an impossibly short time".

Tidal lock

-1 smiley: food per person

-10 smiley: approval

+1 smiley: science per person

+1 smiley: industry per person

Adaptive colonies- Remove negatives

In layman's terms one side of the planet is always facing the sun and being baked while the other is freezing eternal darkness. This makes farming difficult because you have either too much or little sun. The constant day/night/twilight interfere with peoples' internal clocks; causes sleeping issues and track of the passage of time making life difficult. However perpetual day grants solar power to be to used it's highest potential, making cheap efficient power for industry. Secondly, the constant night side allows for uninterrupted observation of the stars, aurora, and other nocturnal activities to the scientists.

Bio-illuminant life

+10 smiley: approval

+2 smiley: dust Per person

+1 smiley: science per person

"In daylight the life on the planet appear ordinary...until nightfall. Then, nearly all flora and fauna begin to glow with vibrant cool colors, primarily blues with shades of green and purple with a few warm colors mixed in, able to be seen from the night side of orbit this anomaly stunned colonists. Thus creating a natural marvel of biological light unlike any other that makes the mere nighttime an event to be cherished. The natural phenomenon as to why this happened baffles scientists, promoting vast biology research. And the unique plant and animal life contribute towards exotic trade and a large tourist attraction, all of which is profitable and hopefully, legal.

High O2 Atmosphere

+1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

+10 smiley: approval

-2 smiley: food per person

This planet has a high level of oxygen; so high in fact people can breathe in the stratosphere without equipment. This allows people build higher up on the atmosphere, or even levitating platforms, making for more city space in which people can live in. Daily life can literally breathe easier, however spontaneous combustion does too. With such high levels of a reactive gas in the air, fires are very easy to start and nigh impossible to stop. While the flame-retardant business is booming, not everything can be fire proofed. Like crops that are meant to be consumed... well they could, but it would be counter intuitive since flame retardant is poisonous when ingested.

Also I see a pattern to generating anomalies.
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11 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 2:23:04 PM
Progress report!

AGED is now compatible with the Harmony affinity!

Annnnnnd.... Drumroll please.... Dum Dum Dum....

AGED is now compatible with the Sower affinity and Tolerant Faction Trait!


  • Home planets now have a chance of being large, as opposed to always being medium (Those affinities whose homeworlds are not Terran, Jungle, or Ocean have a higher chance of receiving a large home planet)
  • Home systems can now contain certain planet types from AGED (Those affinities whose homeworlds are Terran, Jungle, or Ocean can contain Storm or Desolate worlds, while the others can have Carbon or Desolate worlds)
  • Home systems now have a slightly increased chance of containing 5 planets at default settings (chances of containing 3 or 4 are strong, 5 less likely, 6 unlikely; as opposed to 5 and 6 unlikely)
  • Orbital Defense Grid improvement dropped
  • Military Outpost improvement adapted to Disharmony mechanics (Now gives 25% bonus to Defense, Invasion Regen., Shelter, Collateral v. Troops, Collateral v. SubShips, and Anti-Aircraft; instead of adding fixed values to Defense and Invasion Regen.)
  • Systems that have the Endless Outpost mini-wonder cannot build a Military Outpost

What's left to be done (as of now):

  • Technology Costs
  • Terraformation Costs
  • Improvement Costs
  • Anomoly Reduction Costs
  • Descriptions for anomalies
  • Descriptions for improvements
  • Descriptions for technologies, etc.
  • Add any new anomalies or improvements I may think of
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11 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 3:01:01 AM
I'm looking forward to when this mod comes out, if you're still looking for suggestions, I've come up with a few ideas for planets/anomalies. Part of me is apprehensive for sharing, because if you like any of them, it's more time you need to take to set them up, which means a longer wait, but ah well. *shrug*

Apologies in advance if I'm coming up with something similar to something that's been mentioned before. I haven't gone through all the posts, and it's possible I'm coming up with inspiration from something that already exists and not realizing it.


Machine World: Created by a lost race that reviled, if not surpassed the Endless in their technological prowess, these artificially constructed worlds are intricate machines that serve as the pinnacle of what an ideal world should be like. Automated defense systems coupled with advanced environmental controls not only allow inhabitants to alter the planet's conditions to what they find suitable, but to defend this nirvana as well.

(Extremely rare planet type, cannot be terraformed. Provides massive bonus to FIDS and defense.)

NOTE: Think of a clock-work planet, much like the Automatons, clad in a Garden of Eden type surface.

Artificial Superstructure: A colossal space station moored around a sun's orbit, these stations took an enormous amount of undertaking by all aspects of Endless society. While not intended to support significant colonial populations, they instead act as massive research platforms with sufficient internal space to accommodate any type of research. Short of a complete calamity, these stations are as hardy as a real planet.

(Extremely rare planet type, cannot be terraformed. Provides massive bonus to science.)

NOTE: While not exactly a planet type, I think it'd be nice to add some variety to colonization options. Planets or asteroids are much more realistic then a massive space station, but Sci-Fi has taught us that improbable is possible (in fantasy, at least).


Nanite Swarms - The last remnants of a long dead civilization, the planet's atmosphere is is heavily laden with microscopic, self replicating machines. Research into the coding of these machines suggests that they were initially used to prevent a runaway green house effect brought on by the lost civilization's industrial tendencies, but after subsequent degradation in their core programing, the nanites began eating away at everything on the planet to maintain their self replication, destroying the civilization and leaving the planet a barren wasteland. Colonization requires extensive shielding of all facilities to prevent their destruction, however, through reprogramming and constant vigilance it is possible to pacify this threat.

-20 smiley: approval

-2 smiley: food

-1 smiley: industry

Solar Bombardment: The planet's location leaves it susceptible to the brunt of intense solar flares from the system's sun. Colonization of this planet is impossible without adequate radiation shielding. This environment, is however, ideal for the research on the impact of radiation on organic tissue and genetic sequences. Some less reputable scientists have begun paying large sums of money to colonial operators to "accidentally" disable certain aspects of the colonies shields to allow specific exotic particles through, resulting in less then ideal life expectancy, but a substantial increase on dust yield and science.

-75 smiley: approval

+5 smiley: dust

+5 smiley: science

Decaying Orbit: While it will take a few centuries, the planet's orbit is slowly decaying as it is drawn into the system's sun. Colonial entrepreneurs are advertising it as the ideal destination for people who want to stray away from repetition and regularity, as the shifting orbit ensures that global trends in climate will never be the same. This marketing strategy has not seen the same success with industrialists, as the certainty of their investments turning into scorched glass is less then ideal for their long term strategies.

+15 smiley: approval

+3 smiley: dust

-5 smiley: industry

Orbital Cannons: Remnants of a past civilization, several highly advanced energy weapons orbit the surface of this planet. Scientists have concluded that they appear to be a part of what was once a large orbital defense network. While scientists have been unable to successfully re-activate these systems, the study of these devices has provided valuable insight into new technologies.

+7 smiley: science
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11 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 3:43:27 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys, i'll be going through them and seeing if i'd like to add any in the coming days.

As for now though... AGED now Disharmony 1.1.9 Compatible.
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11 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 7:44:54 AM
I think I've decrypted the pattern to anomalies. Here goes,

The wiki has a great chart, But I can't figure out how to post it here, any ways check it out and you'll see this pattern: http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Anomaly

The way this works is that the anomalies have sorta their own point build system like the factions. Actually the term slot would be better.

When buffing/malicing a system, the modifiers work like this,

With the exception of four anomalies (Garden of eden, ancient artifacts/ruins and dust ruins) all anomalies do not exceed a total value of 4 or -4 even after debatable Anomalies have been reduced from adaptive colonies (to prevent min/maxing).


Any of the smiley: fids take up one 'slot' per boni, I.E. +1 smiley: dust is one slot, + 1 smiley: dust and smiley: science or +2 smiley: dust is worth two slots, etc... All FIDS values are +/- per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: effects

10 points of smiley: approval is worth one slot, and only goes in increments of ten. Is not seen greater than +/- 20

One unit of smiley: stickouttongueopulation: capacity is one slot, not seen greater than +/- 1

RollinRollin13 wrote:


It, seems that those anomalies are a bit... extreme, keep in mind the smiley: fids are per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: modifiers, that's -5 industry per person, you need tier 3 planetary exploitation (3D Replication Plants) just to break even. Until you have adaptive colonies. Which would take longer to build due to less industry.
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11 years ago
Jul 12, 2013, 10:20:45 PM
RollinRollin13 wrote:
Machine World: Created by a lost race that reviled, if not surpassed the Endless in their technological prowess, these artificially constructed worlds are intricate machines that serve as the pinnacle of what an ideal world should be like. Automated defense systems coupled with advanced environmental controls not only allow inhabitants to alter the planet's conditions to what they find suitable, but to defend this nirvana as well.


WhiteWeasel wrote:


Any of the smiley: fids take up one 'slot' per boni, I.E. +1 smiley: dust is one slot, + 1 smiley: dust and smiley: science or +2 smiley: dust is worth two slots, etc... All FIDS values are +/- per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: effects

10 points of smiley: approval is worth one slot, and only goes in increments of ten. Is not seen greater than +/- 20

One unit of smiley: stickouttongueopulation: capacity is one slot, not seen greater than +/- 1

What do you want to use the total values for? To balance the anomalies?

IMO, smiley: stickouttongueopulation: capacity should be worth at least 2 points each because when you do the actual FIDS calculations for a typical planet, each extra pop equate to quite a bit more fids than +1 of any fids value.
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11 years ago
Jul 12, 2013, 11:25:07 PM
Antera wrote:

What do you want to use the total values for? To balance the anomalies?

IMO, smiley: stickouttongueopulation: capacity should be worth at least 2 points each because when you do the actual FIDS calculations for a typical planet, each extra pop equate to quite a bit more fids than +1 of any fids value.

Everything stated is just patterns in the list, for instance, hollow planet is +1smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, +1smiley: dust, and +1smiley: science. The total value stated for it is +3. So if dust and science are already taken, the extra pop must be one. And it is seen like this with other anomalies.
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11 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 6:34:24 AM
rockmassif wrote:
Why do we always get the leftmost planet as home planet? Can you change that too?


Not a clue, you'd have to ask the devs.

Can it be changed?

Not to my knowledge, no.
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 2:32:35 AM
Quick update, i've updated all the new planet types with FIDS values in line with the changes in Disharmony. You can see their comparison to the default planet types in the chard below (if your screen is big enough, if not it will look like a jumbled mess, sorry. You can try reducing the zoom on your browser.).

[CODE] FIDS Total Default Planet Size Average FIDS Potential Avg. IDS

Class Type Food Indust Money Science FIDS Apprvl Huge Large Med Small Tiny Food Indust Money Science Potential[/b]

1 Paradise 6 6 8 4 24 +15 12 10 8 7 6 51.6 51.6 68.8 34.4 154.8

1 Terran 4 2 4 2 12 0 10 8 6 5 4 26.4 13.2 26.4 13.2 52.8

1 Jungle 4 4 2 2 12 0 10 8 6 5 4 26.4 26.4 13.2 13.2 52.8

1 Ocean 4 2 2 4 12 0 10 8 6 5 4 26.4 13.2 13.2 26.4 52.8

2 Arid 2 2 6 2 12 -5 8 7 5 4 3 10.8 10.8 32.4 10.8 54

2 Tundra 2 6 2 2 12 -5 8 7 5 4 3 10.8 32.4 10.8 10.8 54

3 Storm 2 3 2 4 11 -10 8 7 5 4 3 10.8 16.2 10.8 21.6 48.6

3 Desert 1 1 9 0 11 -10 6 5 4 3 2 4 4 36 0 40

3 Arctic 1 1 0 9 11 -10 6 5 4 3 2 4 4 0 36 40

3 Desolate 1 2 2 6 11 -10 6 5 4 3 2 4 8 8 24 40

4 Carbon 0 6 3 2 11 -15 6 5 4 3 2 0 24 12 8 44

4 Lava 0 12 1 0 13 -15 4 4 3 2 1 0 33.6 2.8 0 36.4

4 Barren 0 1 0 12 13 -15 4 4 3 2 1 0 2.8 0 33.6 36.4

4 Radioactive 0 3 7 3 13 -15 4 4 3 2 1 0 8.4 19.6 8.4 36.4

5 Toxic 0 8 4 1 13 -20 4 3 3 2 1 0 20.8 10.4 2.6 33.8

5 Asteroids 0 5 5 5 15 -20 4 3 3 2 1 0 13 13 13 39

5 Gas Hydrogen 0 1 20 1 22 -20 4 3 3 2 1 0 2.6 52 2.6 57.2

5 Gas Helium 0 1 1 20 22 -20 4 3 3 2 1 0 2.6 2.6 52 57.2

5 Gas Methane 0 20 1 1 22 -20 4 3 3 2 1 0 52 2.6 2.6 57.2

6 Plasma 0 25 25 25 75 -25 4 3 3 2 1 0 65 65 65 195

6 Shattered 0 0 0 0 0 -35 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 11:45:11 AM
So looking forward to your mod when the patch fixes the planetary rotation!!!!
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11 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 7:36:03 PM
Update: finished writing all the AI Patameters, removed some long-standing strange anomaly choices (good soil on a gas giant? Methinks no), and locked in anomalies (5 good, 5 mixed, 5 bad, 3 mini-wonders).

Whats left? Cost balancing and descriptions... Oh the descriptions.... You guys feel like writing creatively? smiley: stickouttongue. After that, beta time!
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 1:20:43 PM
Help me write the descriptions for A Galaxy of Endless Diversity!

So as you might expect, there are a lot of descriptions needed for AGED; and to be honest, i got in the bad habit of just putting XYZ Title and XYZ Description in the localization file. Trying to come up with creative scifi (but not over the top) descriptions for everything is daunting, especially when i'm busy finishing out the other parts of the mod. Thus, i come to you guys. If you'd like to help write some descriptions and get your name in the "special thanks" section of the mod, bring it!

Anything you see in red needs a description. I've tried to supply the basic idea behind the tech, improvement or description in parentheses where i could.

Here's what i need:



Storm worlds are usually considered oceanic worlds, although to a casual eye they may appear more similar to gas worlds, given their opaque, high-pressure atmospheres. Geomorphically, however, the distinctions are clear: compared to a gas world, the atmosphere of a storm world is usually considerably shallower, and generally composed primarily of more complex chemicals, while the majority of the planet's mass is a rocky terrestrial ball surrounded by a highly complex oceanic environment with little to no useable land. Their name is derived from the continental-scale electrical storms that invariably flash through their upper atmospheres.

Planet Class: 3

smiley: food 2

smiley: industry 3

smiley: dust 2

smiley: science 4

smiley: approval -10

Colonization Technology:

HYPER-SCALE ADAPTIVE ENGINEERING - Description (Something about the kind of engineering needed to live on/in an ocean that's super violent and torrential)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Storm worlds.

Terraformation Technology:



Desolate planets are archetypical "dead terrestrials": dry, rocky worlds with a minimal, windswept atmosphere and an unremarkable composition. They are commonly etched with long-extinct flood channels, which are often broad enough to be visible from orbit; some such worlds have accumulated quantities of ice over their lifetimes, but usually cannot retain it on their surface. Generally surface liquid evaporates rapidly, contributing to the thin atmosphere. Most, but not all, of these worlds have an atmosphere will little or no oxygen, often containing undesirable or inert gasses, making colonization difficult on a world with little value.

Planet Class: 3

smiley: food 1

smiley: industry 2

smiley: dust 2

smiley: science 6

smiley: approval -10

Colonization Technology:

CLOSED ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS - Description (Wikipedia article on Closed Ecological Systems, think Biodomes)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Desolate worlds.

Terraformation Technology:

GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC CONDENSATION - Description (Something about condensing a thin or nonexistent atmosphere to a more habitable level)


I will write this description. Wikipedia article for reference.

Planet Class: 4

smiley: food 0

smiley: industry 6

smiley: dust 3

smiley: science 2

smiley: approval -15

Colonization Technology:

HYPER-ORGANIC ECOLOGICAL ADAPTATION - Description (How do we adapt to the ecology of a planet like this)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Carbon worlds.

Terraformation Technology:

ORGANIC PARTICLE SATURATION - Description (Something about replacing the matter of a world with organic matter)


High levels of cosmic rays coupled with a most unusual naturally occurring radioactive crust and mantle make this world a dangerous place. There is a high risk of disease and death, but the abundance of rare and unusual radioactive substances make this world well suited for industry and scientific study; however, more importantly, that abundance of radioactive substances is ideal for the development of Dust.

Planet Class: 4

smiley: food 0

smiley: industry 3

smiley: dust 7

smiley: science 3

smiley: approval -15

Colonization Technology:

SCALED BARYONIC FIELD PROJECTION - Description (The idea being these scaled baryonic fields would protect from the radiation)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Radioactive worlds.

Terraformation Technology:

IRRADIATIVE PARTICLE SATURATION - Description (Something about safely saturating a planet's matter with radioactive particles without damaging the ecosystem)


The entire surface of this world is comprised of toxic elements, both in the atmosphere and the soil; making this world difficult to survive on. The toxic elements vary from fields of extremely dangerous alkali metals, to rivers of hydrochloric acid, to lakes of outright toxic sludge. It is impossible to grow food except in specialized laboratories, and the unpleasantness of daily life weighs on the inhabitants. However; these worlds are ideal for heavy industry, as no safeguards are neccessary to "protect the environment." There also apears to be a previously unknown exotic form of Dust on these worlds, which is quite valuable.

Planet Class: 5

smiley: food 0

smiley: industry 8

smiley: dust 4

smiley: science 1

smiley: approval -20

Colonization Technology:

TOXIC ATMOSPHERE REDUCTOR - Description (Something about making the toxic atmosphere more livable and less corrosive)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Toxic worlds.

Terraformation Technology:

MEASURED ATMOSPHERIC TOXIGENESIS - Description (Something about carefully seeding the atmosphere of the planet with toxic properties without causing biosphere collapse)


Shattered worlds were once terran worlds, torn asunder by some immense cataclysm. These worlds have been, in effect, boiled away to almost nothing, turned molten as a whole, and are virtually uninhabitable by any known form of life. Unless somehow terraformed, they have absolutely no value; and can produce neither food, industry, dust, or science, no matter what improvements are in place.

Planet Class: 6*

smiley: food -100%

smiley: industry -100%

smiley: dust -100%

smiley: science -100%

smiley: approval -35

Colonization Technology:

PERDITIONARY VIABILITY PLATFORM - Description (From Perdition, meaning hell. Some kind of way of adapting to things that are hell-like)

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Shattered worlds.

Terraformation Technologies:

ADVANCED LAVA TRANSFORMATION - Description (Unlike other terraformations, we need to "crunch" the planet one size smaller in order to make it active and volcanic again)

ADVANCED ASTEROID TRANSFORMATION - Description (If the shattered world is tiny, we crunch the planet up into asteroids instead)
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