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A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 1:22:55 PM

Plasma worlds are aptly-named and have captured the imagination of countless artists and inspired innumerable works; yet the physics behind them are inordinately complex and poorly understood. What we do know is a rocky terran world with the right kind of atmosphere and magnetic field, when bombarded with a specific kind of solar radiation, will generate sprawling plasma storms as specific atmospheric elements are stripped of their electrons. Over time these storms will generally scorch the surface rock black, and penetrate deep into the planet's crust, adding to the visual impact. Given enough time, these storms will "charge" the crust with enough energy that the surface of the world itself erupts with plasma spontaneously. These worlds, while amoung the most hostile of environments in the known galaxy, are exceedingly rare and offer extreme rewards in the form of unlimited energy for manufacturing and dust production, as well as unparalleled scientific opportunity.

Planet Class: 6*

smiley: food 0

smiley: industry 25

smiley: dust 25

smiley: science 25

smiley: approval -25

Colonization Technology:

HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE MANIPULATION - I will write this description.

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Plasma worlds. I will write this description.


This is a description of a Paradise World.

Planet Class: 1

smiley: food 6

smiley: industry 6

smiley: dust 8

smiley: science 4

smiley: approval 15

Colonization Technology:

NONE - Can colonize by default

Colonization Tooltip:

Allows colonization of Paradise worlds.



A Starbase provides a colony with the ability to conduct commerce, manufacture goods, and conduct research without the need of constantly launching into orbit and re-entering the atmospere of worlds. This vastly reduces the cost of interstellar trade and provides a colony with an immediate boost in economic, industrial, and scientific output.

+ 15% smiley: industry star system

+ 15% smiley: dust on star system

+ 15% smiley: science on star system

+ 10% Influence on star system

+ 10% TradeRoutesBonuses on star system

Unlocking Technology:

MASSIVE SCALE BUILDING - Description (Think, how do we build something so massive)


A vast industrial undertaking, a colony serving as a Militay Outpost acts as a central point of command for nearby fleets and is equipped with numerous squadrons of fighters, an orbital capital-class shipyard and a huge array of sensors and automated defense systems.

- 10% ship cost on star system

+ 25% Defense on star system

+ 15% InvasionRegenerationBonus on star system

+ 20% DefenseShelter on star system

+ 15% CollateralDamageAgainstTroops on star system

+ 15% CollateralDamageAgainstSubShips on star system

+ 20% DefenseAntiAircraft on star system

+ 1 DetectionRadius on star system

Unlocking Technology:



Unique improvement for Desolate worlds. I will write this description.

+6 smiley: science per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Desolate

+25% smiley: science on star system

Unlocking Technology:

QUANTUM PROCESSING (Default ES Technology)


Unique improvement for Storm and Ocean worlds - Description (Huge underwater windmills (i guess that's a watermill))

+1 smiley: industry on Ocean

+2 smiley: industry on Storm

+1 smiley: dust on Ocean

+3 smiley: dust on Storm

Unlocking Technology:

AQUATIC ENGINEERING - Description (Something about building things in violent stormy waters)


Unique improvement for Plasma worlds. I will write this description.

+20% smiley: industry on Plasma

+20% smiley: dust on Plasma

+20% smiley: science on Plasma

Unlocking Technology:

QUANTUM DEVICES (Default ES Technology)


Unique improvement for Paradise worlds - Description (Ginormous resort complex dedicated to the finest luxury)

+20 smiley: approval on Paradise

+2% smiley: approval on Empire

+50% smiley: dust on Paradise

+2% smiley: dust on Empire

Unlocking Technology:

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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 1:24:47 PM

Unique improvement for Plasma, Toxic, Radioactive, Carbon, and Desolate worlds - Description (Something like an automated planet-wide food network, so things don't get wasted or spoil)

+2 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Plasma

+2 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Toxic

+2 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Radioactive

+2 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Carbon

+1 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Desolate

Unlocking Technology:



Unique improvement for Toxic and Radioactive worlds - Description Think huge, city-sized industrial machines/complexes packed with the most dangerous high tech stuff)

+2 smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Toxic

+3 smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Radioactive

+2 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Toxic

+1 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Radioactive

Unlocking Technology:



Unique improvement for Carbon worlds - Description (Think huge, possibly underground, versions of the oil processing plants we have today)

+2 smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Carbon

+3 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Carbon

Unlocking Technology:



Only a few of the following still need descriptions.

Mega Glaciers - Description

-2 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Huge, Large, and Small

-1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Small and Tiny

-2 smiley: food

-1 smiley: science

-5 smiley: approval

Deep Freeze - Description (Abnormally hyper-cold conditions, possibly near absolute zero)

-1 smiley: industry

-1 smiley: dust

-10 smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 1:26:20 PM
Subterranean Rivers - Description

+1 smiley: food

+1 smiley: industry

+1 smiley: science


These mini-wonders are powerful, rare "wonders" that are not limited to 1 occurence per galaxy.

Endless Mine - Description

+200% smiley: industry on planet


+300% smiley: industry on planet

Endless Library - Description

+200% smiley: science on planet


+300% smiley: science on planet

Endless Outpost - Description

+50% Defense on star system

+30% InvasionRegenerationBonus on star system

+40% DefenseShelter on star system

+30% CollateralDamageAgainstTroops on star system

+30% CollateralDamageAgainstSubShips on star system

+40% DefenseAntiAircraft on star system

+15 smiley: approval


+75% Defense on star system

+45% InvasionRegenerationBonus on star system

+60% DefenseShelter on star system

+45% CollateralDamageAgainstTroops on star system

+45% CollateralDamageAgainstSubShips on star system

+60% DefenseAntiAircraft on star system

+15 smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Jul 19, 2013, 6:47:47 AM
Here are a couple of entries:


Col Tech: The biggest problem with settling a Storm world is that nothing ever seems to want to stay put on its turbulent surface. Colonization is made possible by engineering massive super structures that dig deep below ground and flexible interconnected structure above ground. Many have commented on how these structures resemble massive metallic trees. While living in the “branches” of these structure afford a stunning view of the continental electrical storms, the swaying can take getting used to.


Col Tech: The solution to colonizing a planet that does is not welcoming to your biology is to make sure you do not welcome it into your eco system. By creating massive domes filled with closed ecological systems, colonist can have the comfort of their original home worlds and explore the dead world outside at their leisure. While creating these massive domes is an expensive engineering endeavor, figuring out how to create and maintain a closed ecological system is arguably much more challenging.

Terra Tech: Building an air conditioner for your spaceship is easy, building one for a planet? Not so much. Advances in nano-technology and dust utilization has enabled the creation of self-replicating machinery that can modify the atmosphere of a planet on a hyper scale by either converting the local mineral to gaseous form of an appropriate composition or vice versa.


Col Tech: I'm not entirely sure what you're going with when you say "Hyper-Organic Ecological Adaptation". You have a general idea of the engineering approach? Or you just want us to make something up?

Terra Tech: FYI, Carbon planet, if they really follow the theory, are already filled with organic matter (at least for a carbon-based race, which is like majority of ES races). I can make something up but I don't think its gonna have anything to do with organic particle saturation.


Col Tech: Early tests have shown that putting living subjects on a radioactive world is a great way to make steaks and a terrible way to start a colony. All of this changed when a major breakthrough was made in hyper-scaling of baryonic field. By creating gigantic baryonic field generators powered by natural radiation on a radioactive planet, large areas devoid of radiation can be created for massive settlement. These field generators also conveniently only blocks out radiation, so colonist can have BBQ parties by simply sticking meat on a stick out of the baryonic field.

Terra Tech:

There is no safe way to saturate a planet with radioactive particles without killing off the eco system. You might as well just detonate a bunch of nukes. Ofc, we could make something up.
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11 years ago
Jul 19, 2013, 2:37:20 PM
Sounds like fun! I'm not that imaginative with writing but still - let me get my textbooks out and I'll see what I can come up with.

HYPER-SCALE ADAPTIVE ENGINEERING - Description (Something about the kind of engineering needed to live on/in an ocean that's super violent and torrential)

Advances in damping and waterproofing technologies have enabled the building of much larger structures capable of withstanding the stresses of torrential environments.

ORGANIC PARTICLE SATURATION - Description (Something about replacing the matter of a world with organic matter)

Old models of sediment transport can now be extended to a planetary scale: mineral and organic substances in soil can be separated into two layers using very high frequency sound waves directed at a planet’s surface. The entire process is not dissimilar to sorting a bag of mixed nuts.

MASSIVE SCALE BUILDING - Description (Think, how do we build something so massive)

A combination of strong graphene frames and wide elastic foundations allows structures to be built on a similar scale to cities while still being able to support large changes in load weight and external forces from the surrounding environment.

Just as an aside, orbitalvector.com and futuretimeline.net are good look-up sites for sci-fi techology that doesn't stray too far from realism. Very good reading if you're bored! ^_^
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11 years ago
Jul 20, 2013, 2:45:19 PM
My first go at it. You can edit them as you please if they're to long or short.


Deep Freeze: This planet's mantle has almost completely frozen over. Combined with a very thin atmosphere, it's surface is covered with permafrost, resulting in temperatures that in some places meet absolute zero.

Subterranean Rivers: Below the planets surface is a labyrinthine network of rivers. The improved irrigation can be funneled to farms or dammed, allowing increased production. These rivers are also home to many different species and are a scientific curiosity.

Mega Glaciers: Two large sheets of ice completely cover the southern and northern hemispheres of this planet. Only the equator isn't covered by these enormous glaciers.

Techs and improvements

Industrial Sectors: Building a sprawling metropolis on a world is not easy, especially when it's on a world where the ground is toxic or full of radioactive decay. These buildings are completely air-tight to keep out the dismal environment. However expensive building this is, it would greatly improve the living habitats of the people.

Massive Scale Building: Erecting buildings of this height has dubbed them the name of space-scrapers. These enormous structures reach up past the atmosphere and into the cosmos. Before these can be built, every nook and cranny on the ground must be evened out for this to work.

Tidal Force Harvesters: These great water mills are set below the ocean to harness the power of the ebbing and flowing tides, generating enough hydroelectric energy to power entire continents.

Aquatic Engineering: Building on or under the waves is no easy feat. Tide Protectors, Wave Disrupters, and Current Engines are just a few things needed to tame the ocean and allow construction around it. This greatly frees up space that was formerly impossible to habitat.
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11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013, 7:51:38 AM

Mega-Glaciers: Gargantuan in size and unstoppable in their slow but steady progress, these massive glaciers can be seen from orbit and usually signify a planet in the thrall of an ice age. Although somewhat beautiful, the background effects that allow this anomaly to exist prevent large scale settlement, as well as making living conditions harsher.

Deep Freeze: Perhaps the planet's atmosphere is next to nothing, perhaps some more malicious force is at work, but in any case this planet is dangerously cold, close to absolute zero. These conditions mean that it is hard to maintain constant labour for long periods as well as extracting materials from the planet. Under these circumstances, is it any surprise people don't like living here?

Subterranean Rivers: A miracle of geology, rivers have eroded gaping paths through the rock beneath the surface without causing surface collapse, giving rise to strange habitats beneath the soil of the planet. This not only gives the colony access to new fungoids and night-vision creatures for study and food, but the erosion has revealed ores and minerals hidden in the walls ripe for the taking.


Endless Mine: Across the planet's surface, miles upon miles of shafts, mining robots and refineries belonging to the Endless lie dormant. This mine seems to have been built shortly before the disappearance of the Endless, and fell dormant shortly after. As such, the planet has yet to be stripped by this massive array of mining devices - something that could easily be fixed with some repairs.

Endless Library: It is a find the likes of which will change the fate of the galaxy. A great vault, full of the knowledge of the Virtual Endless, has been found intact, containing stacks of mainframes and storage units that would dwarf skyscrapers. The knowledge within helps with the history of the Endless and the galaxy as a whole. Sadly, some parts of the library have fallen into disrepair, but it is believed that they could be accessed once more if the appropriate repairs were made.

Endless Outpost: From orbit it isn't obvious, but on the ground it is crystal clear - whoever holds this planet will be near impossible to dislodge. Covering almost every surface, there seems to be advanced defensive plating and esoteric flack weapons based of lost technology. The bunkers beneath the surface seem to have been designed to hold Civilians of the Concrete Endless, but it is with little difficulty that your own people could thrive here. With even more effort, it may be possible to improve on the structures of the Endless, creating a planet that no sane force would dare attack.


Perditionary Viability Platform: Worse than gas giants, toxic planets or even radioactive ones, Shattered Planets are seen as a true hell that few would dare to brave. But if this world is to be improved into something of value, it must first be settled. The PVP is essentially a cross between a space station and a survey outpost, anchoring itself to one of the few stable surfaces of the planet and providing a point from which it can be worked on. Due to the fragile nature of these worlds, these facilities are absolutely spartan, and dependant on support from other planets.

Advanced Lava Transformation: The great illusion of Shattered Planets is their size. The many shards of the wreck, held together by gravity into something resembling a planet, have drifted apart into a chaotic mess too dangerous to mine or live on, but with the potential for more. By compressing the planet with gravatic forces reaching solar levels, the planet's core can be re-ignited and volcanic processes can begin, "gluing" the planet back together. The planet shrinks in size as a result, but in truth it's rust returning to how it once was.

Advanced Asteroid Transformation: Some Shattered Planets are too small to be re-constituted into a planet, but may still contain things of value if the shards could be safely spread out. Using advanced hauler ships, the planet is split apart and spread across the system in a ring, forming an artificial gravity belt. The real trick though is doing so without upsetting the orbit of the other worlds in system.
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11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013, 10:34:31 AM
Awesome work guys, very impressed. I've have included descriptions from Antera, Eyrok, Fulcrum, and T41 in the mod and added your names to the mod's description! Keep it coming guys! There's still a lot left!

@Antera i realize a lot of the descriptions are not technically viable with our understanding of technology. So yes, simply making stuff up is completely acceptable in this case, it is science fiction after all. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013, 5:24:56 PM
Antera wrote:
...what do you have left that needs filling in?

  • Tooltip for colonization of Storm worlds.
  • Tooltip for colonization of Desolate worlds.
  • HYPER-ORGANIC ECOLOGICAL ADAPTATION - Description (How do we adapt to the ecology of a planet like this)
  • Tooltip for colonization of Carbon worlds.
  • Tooltip for colonization of Radioactive worlds.
  • IRRADIATIVE PARTICLE SATURATION - Description (Something about safely saturating a planet's matter with radioactive particles without damaging the ecosystem)
  • TOXIC ATMOSPHERE REDUCTOR - Description (Something about making the toxic atmosphere more livable and less corrosive)
  • Tooltip for colonization of Toxic worlds.
  • MEASURED ATMOSPHERIC TOXIGENESIS - Description (Something about carefully seeding the atmosphere of the planet with toxic properties without causing biosphere collapse)
  • Tooltip for colonization of Shattered worlds.
  • Description of a Paradise World.
  • Tooltip for colonization of Paradise worlds.
  • GALACTIC RESORT Unique improvement for Paradise worlds - Description (Ginormous resort complex dedicated to the finest luxury)
  • FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTER Unique improvement for Plasma, Toxic, Radioactive, Carbon, and Desolate worlds - Description (Something like an automated planet-wide food network, so things don't get wasted or spoil)
  • HYDROCARBON PROCESSING CENTER Unique improvement for Carbon worlds - Description (Think huge, possibly underground, versions of the oil processing plants we have today)

Tooltip examples from ES


Barren planets lack atmospheres, often for excellent astronomical or gravitational reasons. By creating controlled plasma domes around large areas of a planet or even entire planetoids, artificial atmospheres can be created and traditional colonization can begin.


For obvious reasons this planet type is nicknamed "Shake-and-Bake". Due to their active, volcanic characteristics and excitingly lively plate tectonics, the major hurdle to colonizing lava-type planets is the creation of sufficiently robust and tremor-resistant buildings and public infrastructures. That are, of course, also fireproof.


Improvement of the system by which sap moves through weather-resistant plants results in the creation of crop species that can survive harsh weather via freezing and thawing. This opens up many opportunities for colonizing previously uninhabitable areas.
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11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013, 8:59:57 PM
Ok, let me try this again:


Col Tech:It’s one thing to make a tall building, it’s another to make one that does not fall down. As the need for ever taller settlement arise, civil engineers have developed new methods for constructing flexible mega structures that can root deeply into soil of any shape and composition.

Col Tip: The biggest problem with settling a Storm world is that nothing ever seems to want to stay put on its turbulent surface. Colonization is made possible by engineering massive super structures that dig deep below ground and flexible interconnected structure above ground. Many have commented on how these structures resemble massive metallic trees. While living in the “branches” of these structure afford a stunning view of the continental electrical storms, the swaying can take getting used to.


Col Tech: Scientists of earlier years created small enclosed ecological systems and though they had the problem licked. Turns out the complexity of these systems increase exponentially with size. Recent breakthrough in mathematical modeling of biological system has finally simplified the problem enough to allow the creation of continent scale closed ecological systems.

Col Tip: The solution to colonizing a planet that does is not welcoming to your biology is to make sure you do not welcome it into your eco system. By creating massive domes filled with closed ecological systems, colonist can have the comfort of their original home worlds and explore the dead world outside at their leisure. While creating these massive domes is an expensive engineering endeavor, figuring out how to create and maintain a closed ecological system is arguably much more challenging.

Terra Tech: Building an air conditioner for your spaceship is easy, building one for a planet? Not so much. Advances in nano-technology and dust utilization has enabled the creation of self-replicating machinery that can modify the atmosphere of a planet on a hyper scale by either converting the local mineral to gaseous form of an appropriate composition or vice versa.


Col Tech: Natural evolution is a powerful force, but not nearly powerful enough to develop adaptation for some of the strangest environments in the galaxy. By combining quantum computing with new branches of mathematics to describe evolutionary adaptations, new adaptations can be computed in a tiny fraction of the time it takes evolution to come up with an answer. As a result, thriving eco systems can be created on world that had previous seemed hostile to life.

Col Tip: Interestingly, Carbon world already contain many of the elements that are required by life but never in a form that can support life. By introducing hyper-organic flora designed specifically to re-arrange the local elements of Carbon world, it is now possible to create thriving eco systems on previously lifeless lands. Now if only the process doesn’t produce so much greenhouse gas…


Col Tech: Recent breakthrough in hyper-dimensional field physics has enabled the creation of enormous baryonic fields. Though these fields are not very effective at protecting against weapon-grade baryon streams they are large enough to encompass large cities. Now we just need an enormous energy source.

Col Tip: Early tests have shown that putting living subjects on a radioactive world is a great way to make steaks and a terrible way to start a colony. All of this changed when a major breakthrough was made in hyper-scaling of baryonic field. By creating gigantic baryonic field generators powered by natural radiation on a radioactive planet, large areas devoid of radiation can be created for massive settlement. These field generators also conveniently only blocks out radiation, so colonist can have BBQ parties by simply sticking meat on a stick out of the baryonic field.

Terra Tech: For a long time, scientists thought that life cannot exist naturally on a Radioactive world. Then they actually found one and behold, there was life on it. After many cycles of intensive field studies and laboratory experiments, the survival mechanism has finally been successfully grafted onto other life forms. Planets can now be safety converted into radioactive wasteland, as long as you do it slowly.


Col Tech: Toxic molecules can be broken down by injecting thermal neutrons into key regions in the molecules. The resulting fragmentation renders the molecule harmless and produces a small amount of energy. Since the process can only be carried out locally, engineers have created airborne nano-bots that can “scrub” the atmosphere while feeding on the released energy.

Col Tip: Very few people want to live on a Toxic world, fewer still can survive on one. The advent of atmosphere-scrubbing nano-bots change all that. By containing these nano-bots using powerful plasma fields, localized regions of a Toxic world can be rendered hospitable at an affordable cost.

Terra Tech: Normally, dumping lots of toxin into a world’s atmosphere will kill off most of the native life forms. By augmenting the metabolism of local life with toxin-scrubbing nano-bot and toxin-resistant genes, said local life can survive long enough to develop natural counter-measures against the toxin. Still, you had better not dump that toxin in all at once…


Col Tip: Colonization of Shattered world is made possible by three things. Number one, the Perditionary Viability Platform. Number two, generous wages and benefits for all those involved. Number three, powerful drugs that keep the colonists emotionally detached. Just hope the drugs last long enough for the terraforming to finish…


Description: Better than heaven, this is the Paradise world. This planet is considered a brilliant gem to most living species in the galaxy. Having just the right environment to promote all manners of activities, this planet attracts the rich, the powerful, and the greedy. Guard it well.

Col Tip: Colonization of a Paradise world is generally not talked about in classic text book due to the incredibly low difficulty involved. Any freshmen terraforming engineer that brings up the topic is generally met with gales of laughter. Some have even compared the difficulty of colonizing a Paradise world to that of clicking a button.
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11 years ago
Jul 22, 2013, 10:35:58 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Awesome work guys, very impressed. I've have included descriptions from Antera, Eyrok, Fulcrum, and T41 in the mod and added your names to the mod's description! Keep it coming guys! There's still a lot left!

Just curious, did any of my anomaly ideas make it in?
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11 years ago
Jul 22, 2013, 5:13:52 PM
Looks like a fracking great mod smiley: smile

Can i ask you a question though? I am struggling with just adding 1 planet in my little mod. How did you change the little planet icon with a picture unique to the planet? The "pinky" planet in the test mod just used the PlanetTypeTerranWide.??? file. As you can in this Gui.xml section:


I tried making a custom 230x74 px pinky picture. (Think this is the size it must be?)

Placed it in my mod's GUI/DynamicBitmaps/Planets/ directory.

Named it PlanetTypePinkyWide.jpg (and later tried a png version).

Made the Gui.xml look for PlanetTypePinkyWide insted of PlanetTypeTerranWide

Didn't work smiley: frown Now it just didnt show a picture/icon.

Please tell how you did it?
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