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Super Nova (Disharmony)

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11 years ago
Oct 21, 2013, 12:37:51 AM
Here is some additional info regarding the problem of the AI factions constantly using offensive retreat against a player fleet with mostly long range weapons:

In the vanilla game, players were able to get an easy advantage over the AI simply by loading their fleets with long range weapons. That trick no longer works. It would be suicide for their fleet with short and medium range weapons to stand against a fleet with long range weapons. They would take heavy casualties before they even got into effective range. That is why the AI is designed to use offensive retreat in that situation.

When I play, I prevent that from happening by designing fleets with a variety of weapon types and ranges. I like that because it makes for exciting battles. You might be able to reduce the strength (MP) of your fleet enough that they don't retreat yet your long range weapons are still effective. The good and to a lesser extent neutral factions also retreat less when defending their star systems so you might be able to get them to make a stand there. If you deploy the nano-repair battle card during all three phases of combat, and have reasonable defenses, then you might be able to reduce the damage to an acceptable level.

Here is one final tip. Every time you wipe out the enemies fleet, they learn that they need to use a bigger fleet against you next time. If you scare them away with a fleet that has overwhelming MP, they learn nothing. I generally try to attack with a fleet that is big enough not to take casualties but small enough not to scare them away.

P.S. If you play as the Sheredyn or a custom faction based on the Sheredyn then their battle net ability will prevent enemies from retreating.
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11 years ago
Oct 22, 2013, 11:25:20 PM
I am pretty new to ES but thought I would try the mod out to see how it compares to Disharmony. Quite a bit different but enjoying it.... at least until the amoebas decided they don't like me and have started to siege my farthest outlying system. Don't think I will last much longer in this current game. smiley: smile Perhaps I should not have picked the Pilgrims to play as.....
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11 years ago
Oct 23, 2013, 12:00:10 AM
I recommend you turn the difficulty down to Easy or Newbie because the Super Nova mod has tougher AI than the vanilla game and progressive difficulty on top of that.

Here is the custom faction and galaxy settings I have the most fun with:

I manually choose the factions so I don't get duplicates.

I always put them in the same order so they are always the same color.

How easy or hard the game is will vary greatly depending on the quality of your starting constellation.

I usually generate several galaxies and play the one with the biggest starting constellation, best home system, and best initial heroes.

Good luck,

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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 12:05:02 PM
Hi Leto,

I downloaded your mod and I thought I'd register just to say thank you!

I have tried it a bit and to be honest I didn't like some of the changes too much (especially the tech tree) so I reverted to Vanilla, which probably suits me more.

But I still think your work must be respected and appreciated, therefore a big THANK YOU to you!

P.S. I would have voted in the poll but it's closed?
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 12:27:17 AM
Why is this mod no longer available for download? I just discovered it and was about to download.
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 1:46:33 AM
Hi scAries,

I disabled the download link because I'm not sure if players like this or they are just trying it then discarding it. Also, I'm not sure it will work with the latest patch of Endless Space. I'm into X3 Albion Prelude now so this mod is pretty close to unsupported.

Since you asked, I restored the link so you can give it a try.


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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 2:54:14 AM
Well, I really liked Heavy Nova and probably I was the first one to try it. But this is kinda too much for me.

In this mod, almost all of the changes you've made are based on to your liking, so it doesn't really fit everyone's opinion about the game design. Especially the tech tree, it's probably the only reason I'm not really enjoying your work.

But I have no problems with the changes you made to AI, combat system and the Planets.
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 3:28:03 AM
I have a pretty high tolerance for the changes mods bring, but I just couldn't handle the tech tree in you mod smiley: frown sorry. Maybe if you reorganized it into something a little more like normal ES people would like the mod more?
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11 years ago
Nov 25, 2013, 6:49:19 PM
I hope you will keep your mod downloadable (I for one really enjoy it including the Tech Tree smiley: biggrin ), and I would go as far as hoping that you will update it to the new upgrade of the game.

Irrespective of this, thanks for the good hours I had with the mod.
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11 years ago
Nov 30, 2013, 1:35:57 AM
That's really good(^.^) Although i am a Chinese whose English is very poor...
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11 years ago
Nov 30, 2013, 2:36:19 AM
park wrote:
That's really good(^.^) Although i am a Chinese whose English is very poor...

And I'm an American whose English is really poor... what's your point? smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Nov 30, 2013, 3:28:48 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
And I'm an American whose English is really poor... what's your point? smiley: stickouttongue

Ha-ha...I likes all efforts that can enrich the diversity of the game!When I take a holiday,I would try this MOD at once~
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