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Anomaly Overhaul

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:03:07 PM
Well, I found this very enlightening list of planet types! List! Here is a few I keyed on;

Auric Worlds have the equivalent of three huge deposits of gold available for collection on them. They appear yellow from space. They often support life.

Azure Worlds feature light deposits of indium, vanadium, and molybdenum. They appear blue from space, with a blue, heavily cratered surface from orbit. Life may be found on an Azure world.

Crimson Worlds feature light deposits of barium, boron, beryllium, bismuth, and bromine. Life may be present on a Crimson world. They appear red from space, and have a heavily cratered red surface.

Metal Worlds or Metallic Worlds are rich in all sorts of metals, including precious metals, corrosives, and base metals. When they are hot enough, they appear red-orange from space, and have a heavily-cratered yellow and orange surface. If they are not so hot, they appear gray from space, with a shiny cratered gray surface. In Sol, Mercury is a Metal World. Usually found in the first or second orbital position, these worlds are the cores of burnt planets, occasionally having a dangerously high gravity, and usually prone to lightning storms. They may support a few lifeforms.

Noble Worlds are rich in noble gases, sometimes also having small deposits of common Helium. They appear blue from space, with a dark blue surface covered in large blotches of light blue.May sometimes support life.

As for anomalies ... hm! Here's a couple I found that were interesting;

Tzo Crystals are a form of exotic matter that is found on Pellucid Worlds, such as Pluto, and on Ruby Worlds. They are apparently useful for predicting the future, as one of the Melnorme Trade Masters says "Your arrival was predicted by our Tzo crystal's vibrations. We already know why you are here and what you need from us; however etiquette requires that we act as though we are ignorant of your desires."

-- I'd say they'd either add +smiley: approval or +smiley: science or maybe +Detection or +Influence.

Fading Lights are pockets of gas that reflect sunlight before dissipating into the atmosphere.

-- This would be pretty obvious as +smiley: approval & +smiley: science.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:08:48 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
I like it, but I have one tiny issue--I can't place an anomaly dependent on the existence of a moon. The anomalies depend solely on planet type, unfortunately. Is there a particular planet type (or types) you feel would be better for this anomaly?

Eh, it's not like there aren't already any crazy/unrealistic anomalies to begin with. Perhaps edit the description a little:

"Due to no moon or one that is too small or far away to be of a significant stabilizer, the axis of this planet cannot stay in a fixed angle, poles shifting to the equator zone and vise-versa in a matter of years. Either needing to rapidly adapt to survive these extremes in a couple of generations or surviving both in their lifetime makes living extremely difficult to both flora and fauna. As well as it increases environmental stress to buildings. Scientists are massively intrigued as to how life can cope with such drastic changes in the biosphere in an impossibly short time".
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:14:25 PM
@Lydyn: Did I just get hit with an Ur-Quan Master referrence?

The planets are technically easy to make, but the only thing is the files used to make the textures. From what I can tell, they use six differing pictures for the six sides of the sphere (like a round cube). Anything that isn't blocky kind of looks terrible if it doesn't tessellate well (like graham crackers, for instance smiley: biggrin). I'm no photshop expert, considering I don't have it, so making maps for planets is kind of restricted to simple things. In all, my planets LOOK awful, but WORK fine. Except that graham cracker planet. Beautiful AND delicious.

If you can find some decent bitmaps/pngs/etc. for the planets, I'd be happy to slap 'em on a new planet.

Love the anomalies, always looking for new ideas! I'll definitely credit you if/when I add them.

@WhiteWeasel: Nice, that would work just fine. What I meant is in the code, the game doesn't assign anomalies according to moons. I can't actually tag an anomaly to appear with or without a moon.

I'll likely expand the anomaly to the mod's reductions (for example, giving it several reductions to build up the science bonus). I had a similar idea I didn't implement called "Chaotic Polarity." Just haven't gotten to it yet, but I like your idea. I'll make sure to credit you if/when I use it.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:28:54 PM
I'm decent with photoshop (though I use GIMP). If you can give me a better example ... maybe an example of how you made that cracker planet? I might be able to whip something up. smiley: wink Glad I could help with the anomalies though ... and yes, though I wasn't aware of the game or that it was a list referring to the game until after you mentioned it. smiley: stickouttongue

Also, my massive galaxy finally loaded!

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
@Lydyn -- Excellent! Glad I was able to mysteriously fix that, heh.

Here is a tentative list of upcoming Anomalies in Anomaly Overhaul 1.2.0:

Mercenary Port (-2 Dust, +Influence, +Defence, +BypassBlockades)

Belt Station (+10 Approval, +1Industry, +1MaxPopulation, Asteroids only)

Minefield (-Approval, +Defense, -50% to -100% trade)

Ancient Battlefield (combo of dust lode and kessler syndrome)

--The Virtual and Concrete collided here at some point in the distant past, leaving an enormous graveyard of wrecked ships. This planet was unlucky enough to be close enough to drag most, if not all, of the debris into orbit and onto the planet itself.

Corrosive Oceans (corrosive soil for oceans)

--Very salty. Needs some desalination coils.

Monocromatic Aura

--Color drains from objects on the planet, leaving a subtle aura of melancholy. Reduction--uncovers intense dark matter radiation.

Eternal Sunshine (+food, +production)

--The Endless placed a massive solar reflector in orbit around this planet. The mirror rotates perfectly in sync with the dark side, reflecting light from the sun mirrored at its edges.

Solar Flares

--Planet close enough to sun to gain benefits/penalties from coronal mass ejections.

Geomagnetic Storms

--Frequent coronal mass ejections causes massive auroras, intense radiation poisoning, constant disruption of communications and navigation, and damages satellites.

Carbon Planet (if this doesn't get made into an actual planet)

--This planet is carbon-rich and oxygen poor. The iron core is surrounded by a substratum of diamond, and volcanic activity frequently pushes diamond masses up to the surface.

Horseshoe Orbit

--Not sure what this would do, game wise, but it is a very interesting anomaly that naturally occurs. Google it.

Crumbling Planet

--This planet has intense seismic activity that stems from a core laced with minute cracks. Further study shows a minute singularity has been dropped onto the planet; the singularity falls back and forth through the planet through the help of gravity, and if not stopped, will eventually devour the entire planet within a few years time.

Mad Scientist

--A Sophon scientist, its mind both enhanced and degraded through dust, lairs on this planet. The scientist's base is riddled with ridiculous traps and a virtual army of mechanical servitors to defend its boundaries. If it weren't for the myriad doomsday devices detected within, the lair would have been nuked out of existence the moment it was discovered.


--Natural life on this planet exudes light, creating a beautiful sight for visitors...

Perfected Axis

--An enormous stabilizing bar runs through the planet, magnetically equalizing it with the sun(s) and other solar bodies (Endless tech?)
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:57:03 PM
If you don't mind i'll throw in another one:

Tidal lock

-1 smiley: food per person

-10 smiley: approval per person

+1smiley: science per person

+1smiley: industry per person

In lamens terms one side of the planet is always facing the sun and being baked while the other is freezing eternal darkness. This makes farming difficult because you have either too much or little sun. The constant day/night/twilight interfere with peoples' internal clocks; causes sleeping issues and track of the passage of time making life difficult. However perpetual day grants solar power to be to used it's highest potential, making cheap efficient power for industry. Secondly, the constant night side allows for uninterrupted observation of the stars, aurora, and other nocturnal activities to the scientists.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 10:59:48 PM
NICE--I've been looking for that for a while now! I read that on wikipedia last night and couldn't remember what the name of it was. That'll definitely find it's way into the next expansion.

I think there is a name for that kind of orbit, but for the life of me I can't find it. Maybe it is just tidal lock.

@Lydyn--Honestly all I did was replace the pics used in the Templates folder of the ExoticPlanets mod. :-D YUMMY PLANET
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 11:12:37 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
NICE--I've been looking for that for a while now! I read that on wikipedia last night and couldn't remember what the name of it was. That'll definitely find it's way into the next expansion.

No problem, if your OK with it I'll be glad to help with anomaly ideas and post more that I come up with. I know it's silly thing to ask.

Tiaximus wrote:
I think there is a name for that kind of orbit, but for the life of me I can't find it. Maybe it is just tidal lock.

Edit: Tidal lock wiki: "Tidal locking (or captured rotation) occurs when the gravitational gradient makes one side of an astronomical body always face another, an effect known as synchronous rotation".
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 11:16:51 PM
Sure, feel free. I'll credit you for all of your ideas, of course! Now it's time to go be social and perhaps intoxicated, so Tiaximus tech support is down for the night. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 4:13:12 AM
Another one:

Bio-Illuminant Life

+20smiley: approval

+2 trade route cap, OR if you can't mod that; +2smiley: dust

+1smiley: science

"In daylight the life on the planet appear normal...until nightfall. Then, nearly all flora and fauna begin to glow with vibrant cool colors, primarily blues with shades of green and purple creating a natural marvel unlike any other that makes the mere nighttime an event to be cherished. The natural phenomenon as to why this happened baffles scientists, and the unique plant and animal life contribute towards a very profitable, (legal and Humane) exotic trade.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 7:11:01 AM
Interesting ideas I would really love to see more anomalies\planets... esspecially some weird planets.

EDIT: Hmmm... Small problem: The Shereydyn faction has disappeared....

And for some reason I can't put an anomaly on my homeworld...
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 12:17:01 PM
Well, the Shereydyn faction was a gift for getting a certain edition of the game, I think? If I'm right, and you don't have that edition, it may not show up again.

As for the anomaly, Endless Genetics requires you to select Mutated Flora first before being able to select any other anomaly. It's a hiccup in his mod, but it's the only way to do it.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 1:36:11 PM
I certainly chose Mutated Flora first and then chose Hadophelagic Life( I think that's how it's writen ) and no anomaly appeared on my homeworld.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 2:23:07 PM
I've noticed from time to time that if I chose an anomaly first when using Endless Genetics, it will kick it off the list by the time I'm done choosing other traits. This happens when using the mod by itself or in combination with others.

The best fix I've had with this is to pick your anomaly LAST. Get all of your other traits in order, then pick mutated flora + whatever anomaly you want.

If this doesn't help, I'll have to re-write the trait mod.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 3:11:49 PM
And slowly... as this mod just becomes more interesting every day.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 3:35:09 PM
@Lydyn -- those planets you're looking at are from another game. Not that I am opposed to adding them, it's just that a lot of them would be similar to repeats of Barren over and over. That might make it more interesting, but think about how clogged the game might get if you had several systems of nothing but Barren-like planets... might hurt your expansion.

Granted, I could make them more rare to find... but more worlds means a larger file to download, and slightly longer loading times... not a terrible price, but it adds slowly.

How about a delicious cake world? Come on, you know you want one.

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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 3:38:26 PM
Okay, so just to chime in with my progress - everything is working perfectly. The new techs from the other mod (Imperial something) are great and interesting and I'm especially liking Military Outpost. The extra anomalies are just awesome, though modifying them all the time is taking away from research in other areas, but that's not a bad thing ... makes you think a little more about what's more important to research first.

Now the only thing about my game that's unusual is because of the large size ... I'm not having any problems with the other factions, oh no, I'm having problems with pirates! Pirates are literally tearing apart the other empires as I fight to starve them off from my own system. The average pirate group has around 3,000-3,350 MP and so I've had to resort to putting at least two ~4,000 MP (for a total of ~8,000 MP) ships at every solar system I control (in some cases higher). Finally at around turn 200, I have everything under control and I'm able to send out rescue ships to help the other factions out (though they have anywhere from 8-15 planets taken from them already). Not only are the pirates set to "Normal," but this is of course still using my custom faction. I was worrying quite a bit at the beginning and kept cussing the pirates out for destroying all my colonizing ships. xD

On that note - Is it easy to rename things, Tiaximus? I was thinking of renaming the pirate faction to something more sinister/alien instead, seeing as having a bunch of 'pirates' take over entire empires seems kind of silly to me. At best, pirates should destroy ships, but that's all ... so in this case, I think it's more fitting to call them something else.

Edit: Hm ... you might be right. Here's a question, can you add things like +smiley: approval or +smiley: traderoute or +smiley: detection to planets (without the use of anomalies)? If you can, I might be able to think of some more options.

Edit II: See what I mean? If you count, there's at least 20 solar systems under pirate (need a new name!) control, but there's more in the galaxy. I'm Teal to the right, Hissho is the orange, and the Amoeba is the purple.

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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 4:59:02 PM
Why are there no wonders in the new update?


Also wondering if you will eventually separate the mods from each other at some point?
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