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Anomaly Overhaul

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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 5:03:38 PM
@Lydyn--Oh yes, massive galaxies have MASSIVE problems with pirates... I should have mentioned that, heh! I believe each uncolonized system has a change of spawning pirates after a certain turn, and it seems like they will bunch together and snowball around the map.

So...think about how many systems have gone uncolonized by turn 20. Turn 40. Heck, turn 100.

I recommend no pirates for such a big map, simply because even on Endless difficulty, you might find pirates gobbling up other factions. smiley: biggrin Sorry I didn't mention that earlier!

As for pirates, it's easy to change their names.

Planets giving influence? Quite possible. Positive Approval? Easy. I might be able to include things like discounts to ship cost, increases to trade, etc. It's possible, haven't looked that far into it. But yeah, planets should be just as mod-able as anomalies.

@Advent1s--Sure, I can get them separated. The main page should have just the base Anomaly Overhaul on it. Was there something in particular you wanted separated?

As for wonders, that's pretty easy too, and I have a few lined up for version 1.2.0. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 5:21:17 PM
I'm not really asking for custom wonders, i just never found them on the massive map.

For separating, I am just unsure what really is in the latest combination, beyond the three main things, I am all right with Genetics and the Overhaul, i am a tad unsure about including IA though.

Also about the addition of Massive, is there any more information about it?
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 5:26:28 PM
I love the pirate problem, personally. smiley: stickouttongue Just next time, I'll have to worry less about covering my entrances/exits into a constellation and concentrate more on settling planets near me. On the subject of planets, let me know what you find out for sure and I might be able to come up with creative planets once I know the limits (if there is any).

Also, how do you edit their names?

Edit: IA just adds 4-5 new techs really and makes the ship classes more diverse. I guess adding extra defenses is a little bit of a change and the ability to change planet size if you want. As for Massive, it just doubles the amount of solar systems that you find in Huge - if you make the solar systems density high, you get what you see in that screenshot of mine.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 6:05:41 PM
Go to your steam folder and open up Localization_Locales.xml (Steam/SteamApps/common/endless space/Public/Localization/english/Localization_Locales.xml).

I'd recommend opening the xml with Notepad++ as it won't mess up the file.

Change the following lines:




$Number PIRATES FLEETS[/code]

Change PIRATES to whatever name you're looking for.

I wouldn't recommend changing any other mention of the word pirate, ESPECIALLY the word pirate within the . If you change the word pirate in the brackets, you WILL wreck the game. Just change them like this:




$Number TURDBAGS FLEETS[/code]

As you can see, I changed the name of the pirates to turdbags. Viola!

Of course, as with any changes you do, BACKUP YOUR FILES.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 7:13:38 PM
I just copied the file and put it into your modding folder. I renamed them all to Parasites. I even renamed three events concerning pirates to parasites instead (but left most of them alone).
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 7:51:49 PM
You can mod wonders too? Here's a suggestion I made for the devs a couple days ago:

WhiteWeasel wrote:
Xenomorphic life

"Upon the finding of the the planet, you discover an small parasite-like alien life form that resides in organic structures comprised of flesh and bone that cover much of the surface. However, they are (mostly) not the terrifying creatures depicted in fictional media. The creatures see the first arrivals as symbiotic companions in their existence rather than a food source. They see the benefits of synthesizing with the populace and reaping the benefits of technology while the colonists receive vast enhancements to their DNA in this mutual relationship".

Choice 1: +3 smiley: science per pop (all of these are a on system buff)

(Hive mind) The whole populace becomes intellectually inter-connected and share any and all information almost instantly with each other; achieving a level of learning that even the endless could only hope to obtain.

Choice 2: + 25 defense per pop (rather large considering how situational it is), 25% faster invasion recovery

(Hyper mutation) When a planet is invaded normally the military defends it, however with their new found evolutionary powers the entire populace, when the need arises can evolve natural defenses like a carapace, claws, bone-scythes, the ability to disgorge acid and more, making them (nearly) as dangerous as their assailants. Not pretty, but war never is.

Choice 3: +2 smiley: industry per pop

(Xenoadrenaline) The muscle structure of the denizens have permanently mutated giving way to superior strength and endurance making normally laborious work only a minimal effort.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 8:03:00 PM
That's plausible--it might not be practical as a wonder per se (as wonders require resources to unlock), but I could make it into an anomaly that had three different ways it could be changed. Since there is no room on the gui for multiple reductions, it could be worked as a terraformation on a planet with that anomaly, thus allowing three different conclusions.

I believe I can make wonders that require specific luxury resources to unlock.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 8:09:14 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
That's plausible--it might not be practical as a wonder per se (as wonders require resources to unlock), but I could make it into an anomaly that had three different ways it could be changed. Since there is no room on the gui for multiple reductions, it could be worked as a terraformation on a planet with that anomaly, thus allowing three different conclusions.

I believe I can make wonders that require specific luxury resources to unlock.

Is it possible to make it a choice like an exploration/game event when you colonize the planet?
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 8:15:06 PM
Not sure--there is the random event that adds anomalies to planets...

It's possible, I will look into it. It might warrant some attention for new anomalies appearing in new areas. For example, coming across one of the Advanced Civilization anomalies--maybe you get a colony ship out of it, or something like it.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 9:32:28 PM
Here's what I ended up making up for planets, though there's nothing out of the ordinary just yet. I might've taken the time to think it through that far, but I got a movie to go to in 20 minutes, so I'll just post what I have. smiley: smile

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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 9:48:31 PM
Interesting... definitely worth working into.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 11:37:04 PM
Nice table! I'd be happy to work those into a mod, though it would require a set of graphics for each planet. I'm no whiz at making graphics (notably because all I have is MS Paint, heh), and that is the most time-consuming part of making planets (making that cake planet took long enough... smiley: biggrin).

Planet templates are like cubes--they look like spheres in-game, but they are actually six-sided. The centers are stretched out to make a perfect circle.

If I get some time to focus on it tomorrow, I'll pull together some more Anomalies for the mod, and maybe a wonder or so. Maybe. I only have so many little graphics for the planets (i.e. Garden of Eden, Acid Rain, etc.) so making them look unique is a stretch.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 12:53:34 AM
I'm not sure what to offer in terms of the planet graphics. I did my best to try and find looping planet textures (there's plenty of planet textures) and pretty much only came up with one - the blue one I posted before. The red one was my best attempt at trying to make one, but that was pretty poor. I'm not even sure how you make the cake one look right. Though on that note, you could try and pick up GIMP. It's like a free Photoshop and it's what I use all the time, in fact, that's how I got all those symbols in my excel tables.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 5:48:40 AM
Could someone explain exactly and how the Diff and the Spec files differ? It honestly would be rather easy to churn out a couple of new planetoids if I knew what the spec map did and how to make one :P

Edit: ugh, figured out the spec / diff thing I think, used crazy bump for it however, now my texture is horrible as it does not remotely come close to matching on the seams
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 11:24:47 AM
I discussed the SPEC/DIFF with the Amplitude team on the Paris Beer2Gether.

DIFF is the classic texture. How the planet will look.

SPEC is used for light effect. To handle reflections. Its totally beyond my graphic capacities to play with SPEC. So I used a negative effect instead for my exotic planets mod.

It work good enough for me.

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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 12:39:09 AM
Working on adding planet anomalies to planets--likely these will be terraformations, considering the GUI space limitations and how many different anomalies would be available. May take a couple days to implement given personal time.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 5:40:39 AM
Ok, I haz a bug. With the Imperium Aeterna version of this. I get no weapon sounds in the manual battles. Only weapon sounds tho, kinda wierd.

Any idea whats up?
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 8:38:57 PM
I have some concepts for Anomalies that you are welcome to use.

Pheromone Atmosphere

The planet atmosphere is blanketed with faint magenta clouds composed of an extremely potent semiochemical attractant known as Valentinomone-112, that causes an uncontrollable instinct to breed among the native fauna. Gas mass spectrometry reveals the planet was bombarded by an unknown biological weapon over centuries , and a number of the local flora have radically evolved to produce Valentinomone-112 themselves in their fruits.

Winged Crystallines

There exists a colony of Winged Foliumcrystallines , colossal dragonlike creatures with four leaf wings and a geological biology. Foliumcrystallines are capable of flight, (similar to butterflies), and are highly territorial. It is believed they have evolved from a chlorophyllic reptile that sunbathed to produce sugars millions of years ago. Foliumcrystallines nest underground with only their chlorophyllic leafs exposed above ground, as they collect energy from the sun while feeding on metalloids. These creatures have an average wingspan of 425 feet/130 meters but an Alpha has been recorded with 710 feet/216 meters.

4096-bit Aurora Borealis

Remnants of 23th Century computing, bioluminescence was a byproduct of binaryDNA computing, a bioengineered fusion of nanotransistors and evolutionary algorithms, used to in both civilian and industry. It is unknown how binaryDNA digitally evolved to pollute the the ozone of this planet, as a digital Aurora Borealis made of quadrillions of aerosol holographic protistas.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 1:49:03 AM
Sorry, it's been awhile, my internet is slow because of the snowocalypse in the midwest. 11 inches in one night!

High oxygen atmosphere

+1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

+10 smiley: approval

-2 smiley: food per person

This planet has a high level of oxygen; so high in fact people can breathe in the stratosphere without equipment. This allows people build higher up on the atmosphere, or even levitating platforms, making for more city space in which people can live in. Daily life can literally breathe easier, however fire does too. With such high levels of a reactive gas in the air, fires are very easy to start and nigh impossible to stop. While the flame-retardant business is booming, not everything can be fire proofed. Like whole a farm field... well you could, but it would be counter intuitive since flame retardant is poisonous when ingested.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 2:07:14 PM
hello, would it be possible for you to upload a combination of your anomalies mod with the latest version of Imperium Aeterna? Also, do you mind revealing how you get esmapeditor to work when the mod is loaded?
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