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Imperium Aeterna

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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 1:58:51 PM
It shows up in the same place as Terraforming normally does smiley: smile Click the individual planet you wish to expand (a tiny one in this case, as this is Tiny to Small terraforming) and then 'build' it as normal.

One of the upcoming versions will ensure the descriptions are a bit clearer.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:07:59 PM
Hi there! Downloaded this, and really like the additions and changes.

However, I am also getting the same "no AI fleet" issue sadly smiley: frown

Playing hard, huge galaxy, 8 players, supremacy and the "control 75% of the map" conditions.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 7:05:54 PM
Thanks for the quick response.

Sure enough I didnt have any tiny's colonized, grabbed one and there it was.

Thank again and keep up the excellent work.
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 12:28:40 AM
AlexDeeprose wrote:
Hi there! Downloaded this, and really like the additions and changes.

However, I am also getting the same "no AI fleet" issue sadly smiley: frown

Playing hard, huge galaxy, 8 players, supremacy and the "control 75% of the map" conditions.

Still puzzled by this as it doesn't seem to affect everyone and all games. :-/
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 5:17:41 AM
I'm actually having some issues loading the game when I replace the files so that didn't work. I did however jailbreak one of my save games and looked at the AI. They have the higher level ships researched and designed, but none of them are building any military to speak of. They're simply ignoring building military to the point I see two were completely taken over by Pirates. Seems like maybe there's a typo in the weighting somewhere?

What I don't understand is why some have the issue and some don't (obviously the author doesn't). I'm using a custom civilization, could that be it somehow?
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 9:28:49 AM
I'm playing a custom faction as well, so that wont be it. The weighting for building ships has not changed (in fact in vanilla the weight for all ship classes is identical) - but the module choices in individual designs has. It could potentially be an error there, but that doesn't explain why the behavior isn't consistent.

Davea's suggestion is the best - unfortunately as I am not getting the same behaviour I cannot test this myself as I wouldn't see any difference. I am guessing the ship templates aren't loading properly for everyone, as it sounds like he has experience a similar issue in the past.

For those experiencing the no-ai fleet issue: Is the AI building colony ships and expanding?
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 10:38:25 PM
Just an idea, could this be related to a language or punctuation issue.

I have the problem and my Windows is in French...
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 2:17:12 PM
The only difference between language versions are the language files. Worst case the name/description of a module or other item in-game would look terrible or be blank, that shouldn't affect any of the core code whatsoever. It's a good thought but I don't think it's very likely to be related.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 9:23:59 PM
EvilTactician wrote:

For those experiencing the no-ai fleet issue: Is the AI building colony ships and expanding?

They are, yes. Plenty of expansion, just no military.

I will try the file overwrite tomorrow and report back smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 12:32:53 AM
Thank you AlexDeeprose, your input is much appreciated. I'd like to get to the bottom of this. :/
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 6:07:40 AM
I don't know if this could be at all part of it (just an idea/guess), but if the AI chooses to build, say, an improvement that would take them 20 turns, will they interrupt that improvement to build ships?

For example, Hissho starts terraforming a Tiny planet into a Small planet far before their economy/production can actually manage it within any reasonable timeframe.

Maybe a shot in the dark.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 9:46:50 AM
It's not that silly a line of thinking tbh. That could potentially be the cause - it worked fine with the orbital improvements but their tech progression is quite different. The tiny terraforming comes quite early I think.

Might be worth putting it further down in the tech tree to compensate. Or making it cheaper to build (the terraformation) and seeing if that resolves the issue.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 2:31:06 PM
I definetly like the update for the mod, especially the ability to enlarge planets. That one is awesome... Thank you very much...

One of the best mods. Especially the use of the colors to diferentiate the planet type and everything. I like it.

I wish you could implement Tiax's Anomaly Overhaul. I also like that mod but it's like I lost a limb with the color coded system interface. It would be nice.

Best wishes... Keep it up.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 7:28:28 PM
First of all, I love what this mod is trying to accomplish.

However, I've run into the "AI not building ships/colonizing" issue. I've tried the direct overwrite as well as the Steam "cache rebuilding" tricks, to no avail. Has anyone found a solution to this?
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 9:16:42 PM
No luck. Tried all of the following:

Overwriting game files directly

Playing with various combos of win conditions, and individual conditions

Various difficulties

Every faction tried

The only thing i can think of it might be for me is that I changed the command cap in my game files for bigger fleets. Can anybody else having the same trouble confirm whether they have default or modded fleet sizes?
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 10:15:27 PM
Now this is interesting... I noticed that one of the AIs actually DID build a colony ship, and then... nothing. It just disappeared after orbiting their home system for a turn. No additional planets in their home system were colonized, either.
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 3:34:29 AM
I suppose while I'm here, I may as well make a few feature requests...

1) Incorporate the "Endless Genetics" mod. I actually got that one to work with the Imperium Aeterna Mod by simply dragging a couple of files over and doing a little copy/paste on the index/xml file.

2) In the spirit of terraforming, perhaps add a new "top level" terraform state? I was a big Master of Orion fan ans MoO2 had a "Gaia" state. The current top level is a three-way tie between Terran, jungle and ocean, each with a slight FIDS benefit over the others. Maybe the new top-level state could combine the highest of each or simply have a base of 4/4/4/4?

3) Enhanced diplomacy. Lots of room for improvement here. I'd welcome pretty much any tweaks or additions.

I realize the last two may be asking too much, especially since number 2 would require a new set of graphics. There's a lot more I can think of, but I'm fairly sure they would require changes to the engine itself and would be at best a daunting feat for any modder.
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 7:53:07 AM
Azhrey wrote:
I wish you could implement Tiax's Anomaly Overhaul. I also like that mod but it's like I lost a limb with the color coded system interface. It would be nice.

Heh, you know, that's an easy change both ways. I can put the color-coded system interface on mine (Edit--done) and/or put the overhaul on EvilTactician's mod.

In fact, I actually play Eviltac's Imperium Aeterna mod with my changes added. :-D

Hey Eviltac, you want me to upload the changed files I use that incorporates both of ours?

Sargatanus wrote:
1) Incorporate the "Endless Genetics" mod. I actually got that one to work with the Imperium Aeterna Mod by simply dragging a couple of files over and doing a little copy/paste on the index/xml file.

I use the Endless Genetics mod combined with mine often to test my mod changes. I do appreciate his work, but I find that some of the traits are... kinda odd. Like being able to start the game with your influence ring covering the whole map, or having 100% off planetary improvements and/or ship cost. It's in serious need of balancing, and wouldn't affect the AI factions either way. Kinda makes custom factions a bit overpowered. I have been considering working on it, but I hate goofing around with other peoples' intellectual property without permission, so I may just make changes from the ground up.
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 10:07:14 AM
I would really like to see your Anomalies Mods combined with this one.

It would be really nice.

I hope EvilTactician agrees. I'm praying he will...
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