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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:16:19 PM
Yes, Tiaximus has very compatible ideas to my own and I'd be fine with his changes. If you already did the work to combine them, please don't hesitate to post it Tiax - I'll update the download page etc. accordingly with pleasure. smiley: smile

I check this forum a lot less than I did before but I'm keeping an eye almost daily.

Edit: Tiax, are you experiencing the no ai fleets issue with your changes added in? I am still puzzled, and if you're not seeing this issue either than I am confused why some people are so evidently experiencing this..
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:34:03 PM

I think I just figured out why my AI empires were building colony ships and not colonizing...

So in order to test some things, I made a custom faction with ridiculously hacked stats. As a result, my influence covered the whole damn galaxy from just my home system. I'd be willing to bet that if I dialed back on the influence traits, the other empires would colonize like normal. I'll give this a shot when I get home.

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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:51:31 PM
Hmm, I wonder if that would make a difference--when you explore the galaxy, you don't actually uncover another person's influence rings until you find the actual planets. I wonder if the AI is under the same restrictions, or if they know where your influence rings are without finding them...

And yeah, AI is still kicking strong in my games. I play on Endless though, so I dunno if lower difficulties make the AI build less military... smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 9:09:49 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
I wonder if the AI is under the same restrictions, or if they know where your influence rings are without finding them...
It doesn't matter. Nobody can colonize a system which is in another player's influence.

This definitely explains sargatanus's problem, but two other players have had the same complaint. I highly doubt they are all using the same super-influence hack.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 4:40:12 AM
Just wanted to add this to the discussion, I have a 4 person gaming group playing with the IA mod on a regular basis and we love it.

None of us have had any problem whatsoever with the AI building ships.

Just FYI not meant in anyway to detract from those having problems just noting more ppl who are having no problems.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 7:16:41 PM
Had my first run-in with the no ship building problem.

I had about 50% of the galaxy under my belt and the Hissho decide to declare war on me (I think that is technically the cultural way for Hissho to "propose an alliance"). I start gobbling up their systems... at no resistance. In fact, their planets were producing Scout ships. Nothing but scout ships that appeared to be equipped with the best weapons and armor they had.

Something seems to be keeping them from making the upgraded ship types... maybe something hardcoded?

The UA appears to be making decent fleets (several thousands worth of power), but the automatons are afflicted with the same "scout-only" production.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 4:35:26 PM
Hi, at first I want to thank you, its a great mod!

I had the no-ai fleet problem too, but only with the automatons, they did nothing, like a completely dead AI.

the other 2 AI races played, i would say normally. amoebia expanded like hell and the pilgrims did a bit of everything.

The battles are working fine for me, rather than i first thought the ai dont uses the new modules, but as I did, they did it too.

I had many draws that i never had in vanilla. One time i had a dread in an system where the AI had one too, these 2 ships always did a draw, no chance to turn it cuz of the modules of both ships. So to conclude i would say youve done a great job in the battle related things.

The only thing thats not perfect in my mind, are the terraforming options. I´m sure you already said that will be balanced the next time.

My opinion for the planet expansion is to make the lower one costing less and the bigger ones more makes the most sense.

I started expanding tiny planets as i already could expand medium to large, because it was not worthwhile.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 2:32:59 AM
Thanks for the feedback Galacsim.

It definitely needs looking at, tech tree wise. I'm just baffled by the no-ai-ships problem that sometimes seems to occur. I wonder if it's related to AI going bankrupt, as the game is prone to that (not due to the mod I might add, vanilla has this issue quite dominantly still)
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 6:24:38 AM
I don't know if you have checked into the new patch but I wanted to report the game does launch just fine and it appears the techs and changes to ships, armor, anomalies etc are all working just fine in 1.0.45

The faction trait system has been overhauled mostly in regards to costs of faction traits, some of the most expensive traits have lowered cost while some of the most worthless maluses provide fewer points. Overall looks pretty balanced and IA mod appears to be working just fine.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 4:46:29 PM
It's definitely not a cash thing, because I have given AI's tons of it and they still do not build sadly :/
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 4:48:45 PM
Just want to point out that I tried the mod after the update with a saved game in progress, and it works just fine. I'll give it a go with a new game shortly.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 10:22:15 PM
Yep 169 turns in with mod and a new game under the new patch and everything is running smoothly.

The only oddity I can report is while other races are building and upgrading ships normally with no issues the top race in the game is sophons who keep warring with me and they havent stopped using frigates, they upgrade them heavily and all is fine as far as that goes but they seem to refuse to use larger ships.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 10:39:00 PM
Well I just tried to fire up a new game and it froze on loading the galaxy. Probably not this mod's fault though as there are several different things I've done with mod and game files*. I'll give it another go with a "fresh" copy of the mod and let you know how that flies.

*Tried hacking in some bigger galaxy options. My guess is that's where it screwed up.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 12:55:15 AM
In the AI Parameters files I notice a large difference in the file size, is it supposed to be like this or should I just try and copy/paste your changes into the larger file?
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 2:35:40 AM
I need to bring this up-to-date, but I've been lacking time. Please bear with me :/
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 4:05:08 PM
@ nuker2110, it appears random and could affect any race. We do not yet understand why some players see this and some don't. For players that don't see it, it is possible it happens on some races which they never notice. For example, if AI 1 has this problem but it gets conquered by AI 2 before the player encounters AI 1, it might not be possible to see it.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 7:14:35 PM
Need a hand with the update? I'm at the lab today because I was supposed to do a presentation on XML scripting as a means to simplify UCCE engineering but I'm the only one here (I think everyone enjoyed their "end of the world" parties a bit too much last night). Anyway, I know my way around XML and I've got a decent grasp on the ES architecture. Let me know.
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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 2:29:53 AM
I have no objection - I am severely lacking on time right this moment. (Christmas/New Year, usual obligations, yadi)
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