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Imperium Aeterna

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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 6:46:02 AM
Ok I have a modders question, perhaps I'm just being dense here and missing something but here goes.

How did you get your weapons changes to take? I have examined the Imperium Aeterna mod to see how you did yours and I have modded my own WeaponModule.xml for a mod I am working on but no matter what I change it doesn't take. Regardless of the changes whether I load a savegame or create a new one, whether I mod the weight, cost, damage, shots per salvo, whatever when I get in game it doesn't update the weapons at all.

So if you have any tips whatsoever I would be eternally grateful to anyone for some help on this.

Nevermind I am an idiot, I broke the WeaponModule.xml by trying to do something that won't work, figured out what I did and all is working fine now.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 2:42:04 PM
Is it just me or does the AI really suck at combat? Granted I have only played two games but so far even on endless mode the AI takes REALLY frigging long to build any type of combat ships and even when they do they usually suck.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 6:35:13 PM
Actually I have noticed a marked improvement in the aggressiveness of the computer since patch 1.0.46

Granted this might be that I've mostly been playtesting as pirates and the computer seems to hate them even as a player faction.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 6:57:59 PM
Crymson wrote:
Actually I have noticed a marked improvement in the aggressiveness of the computer since patch 1.0.46

Granted this might be that I've mostly been playtesting as pirates and the computer seems to hate them even as a player faction.

Nevermind. I just checked the thread and it seems that I have been having the same bug as many other people where the computer doesn't build ANYTHING. Like right now I am playing in a huge map with 8 opponents and I have two different sowers who each declared war on me...only to have zero ships except for the scout ship they started with.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 7:31:55 PM
If somebody (anybody) who has this problem can zip and attach a save game to a post, it will be much easier to debug.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 8:26:43 PM
Unfortunately the only time I have seen anything like this it was a multiplayer game, and it was merely a matter that the Sophons were making only small, though highly advanced, ships.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 2:20:26 AM
davea wrote:
If somebody (anybody) who has this problem can zip and attach a save game to a post, it will be much easier to debug.

Sure I can give you multiple save files. HOWEVER!!! I warn you right now that I did change a few things but I seriously doubt that they would effect something like ship building, but in the interest of full disclosure I will say that I modded the factiontrait.xml file to give the Horatio a starting dust of 1000000 and faction trait points of 6500 (because I like to cheat...ALOT).

Now I am an amateur modder and I doubt these minor numerical changes broke anything but that was the only thing I changed (and this would explain why my saves look so weird)

Multiple Game Saves.zip
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 9:38:24 AM
Any way to bind in the german language? i play ES in german and now some words are in english when i use your Mod.
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 4:26:08 PM
Kitaro wrote:
Any way to bind in the german language? i play ES in german and now some words are in english when i use your Mod.
Having a translator would be great! The game is set up so that all the text strings are in a single directory (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding\ImperiumAeterna\localization\english. Most modders have simply copied the english files to each other language directory. If you look in the directory ...localization\german, you will see the english copies of these files.

Try editing this file in notepad and just translating one line to german. When you start the game, that line will automatically be in german. If you are interested, and you translate some or all of this file, please zip and attach to a post. I am sure that the german version will be added to the next version of the mod!
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 5:33:05 AM
Great Mod. At the moment I only use this mod (together with the Galaxy generator.) when I playing. I especially like the Terraforming options, including asteroid Terraforming and the cool extra techs. Keep up the good work.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 10:12:46 PM
If you don't mind I'd like to include the colorization elements from Imperium Aeterna in some of my mods, with all due credit of course.

They are just such perfectly useful changes they should really be included in the base game.

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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 1:45:48 PM
I really love how the new technologies allow me to really enhance my huge choke systems.
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 8:17:25 PM
Just thought I'd check in again, did a full format of my computer this week. Fresh install of both steam and ES, installed this mod but still have the no AI fleet problem.
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:28:00 PM
Hi Guys,

I have followed the instructions to install the mod (create "modding" folder) etc etc etc but when I launch the game the mod isnt running.

I am running Mac OS X Mountain Lion is this makes any difference.

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