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Imperium Aeterna

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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 8:19:29 PM
I understand some folks have issues with the AI building ships but that actually has nothing to do with the game version.
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 3:22:04 AM
Crymson wrote:
Yes Imperium Aeterna works perfectly with ES 1.0.46

Thanks for the info...
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 12:59:16 PM

After a couple of standard games i tried your mod - some really great ideas there - thanks.

I have a few observations, not even sure these apply to the mod as they may be stock issues., but these were the game areas that seemed different:-

1) I had loads more money, seemed a bit to easy.

2) Did ship sizes get bigger or modules smaller? Seemed like ships had a LOT more space - haven't got around to any big battles yet thoguh so may all balance out.

3) The AI seems to off some pointless trades (more so than stock maybe) e.g. 6 strategic resources for one.

4) Do ships lose hit points whilst parked at your systems? Not sure about this i may have just forgot some combat damage.

Really liked the new techs and the extra ship class.

Thanks again


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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 5:59:39 PM
1) not sure what you are seeing here, with the exception of the new orbitals there is no change to the rate at which you gain money, with the orbitals there is some increase in dust production but the exorbitant costs seems to outweigh this to me.

2)Yes ships sizes are different, it makes them feel appreciably significant when stepping up a class rather than all being vanilla bland, the AI uses them too(assuming no ship bugging) so no biggy there.

3) the AI always seems to offer me pointless trades and always had, one of the more annoying things about ES is the lack of a serious diplomacy game.

4) nope you prolly forgot some battle damage or got a random event, there are several, that damaged your ships.

I really like the mod too it seems pretty awesome to me.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 3:38:20 AM
So trying this mod for the first time, all the AI's are either not building ships or building them and attacking with them 1 at a time. Meaning they dont group up their ships. And pirates, which I have set to normal, are roaming with massive amounts of ships throughout the galaxy.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 5:35:24 AM
I have a theory that this may have something to do with the AI/ShipDesignTemplate.xml file.

You might try going into the AI subfolder in the ImperiumAeterna directory and renaming this file to ShipDesignTemplate.xml.test

Start up a new game and see if the AI persists in having issues with ship production/use.

Dunno might be wrong and just kinda a shot in the dark but worth trying IMO, I can't reproduce this bug so not able to test it myself.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 4:57:49 PM
Annex wrote:
So trying this mod for the first time, all the AI's are either not building ships or building them and attacking with them 1 at a time. Meaning they dont group up their ships. And pirates, which I have set to normal, are roaming with massive amounts of ships throughout the galaxy.

The AI not building ships is a known issue and not something the mod creators have commented much on. Apparently it is not something universal and thus hard to pin down. Personally I have not had a game without at least one alien enemy not building anything.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 5:01:04 PM
LordShotGun wrote:
The AI not building ships is a known issue and not something the mod creators have commented much on.
The mod author has commented that he never sees this problem. So, on his behalf, I have requested people to upload save games where this is happening so he can try to debug. Nobody has done it yet, so the mod author is in a difficult position when trying to debug this.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 5:07:54 PM
davea wrote:
The mod author has commented that he never sees this problem. So, on his behalf, I have requested people to upload save games where this is happening so he can try to debug. Nobody has done it yet, so the mod author is in a difficult position when trying to debug this.

Check page 9. I uploaded a zip file with several games all containing the bug.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 5:15:10 PM
Thanks. I did not look into the save games, but you mention that you had made a mod-mod. As you know, this means that your save games cannot be loaded without access to the same mod-mod. Also, it may be difficult to determine whether your changes caused the problem, or whether the original mod caused them. (The mod author may have difficulty locating all the changes you have made.)
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 5:43:42 PM
davea wrote:
Thanks. I did not look into the save games, but you mention that you had made a mod-mod. As you know, this means that your save games cannot be loaded without access to the same mod-mod. Also, it may be difficult to determine whether your changes caused the problem, or whether the original mod caused them. (The mod author may have difficulty locating all the changes you have made.)

Did you read what I typed? I should have stated that I didn't create a mod-mod, I only altered starting dust and trait points. Nothing else. Just some integers and nothing involved. Very easily reverted if that could even have ANY affect on ship production. I had just wanted to ward you when you opened the save file and saw that I had over 1000000 dust.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 6:07:39 PM
Anyway, I think the mod author needs to look. I will stop trying to help.
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12 years ago
Jan 8, 2013, 1:26:43 AM
Thought I had a case of the "no colonizing" bug, but it turns out that all of the AIs were just a bit slow.
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 10:56:11 AM
Bought myself ES game this week and tried vanilla for about 100 turns to get a hang of it and to be able to appreciate mods more. I shall fire up your mod EvilTactician with the ComboAddon mod for it and see how it goes. I hope I don't run into the same issue as many other players reporting AI building no military ships.

When do you think mod development can be resumed ET?
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 9:14:18 PM
I am still fairly new to the mods and I got this one all loaded up .. no errors, just fun; but can I use this MOD during a Multiplayer game if I am hosting? Do the other players need to have this mod loaded as well?
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 9:16:29 PM
As long as everyone has the mod, then yes.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 4:38:20 PM
Awesome mod. I don't want to play without it but I have also annoying no ai military ship bug. AI does expand quite fast and do research but no military ships. At turn number 99 I'm still no1 on military with few defenders I built at the start of the game.

Settings: Galaxy Huge 8 Spiral, 8 Empires, Hard and no victory conditions. (tried with supremancy same bug).

sample: AMOEBA - Turn 99 test 1.rar
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 8:42:10 AM
I am also getting the very annoying No Military Ship bug. I am currently at war with three other factions and none of them have any ships. I truley love the mod and hope this gets fixed as soon as you ate able to.


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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 7:58:33 PM
hmm decided to try v1.4.8 of the mod and no ai-fleet bug. maybe something wrong in shipdesing template ?
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