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Warhammer 40k/BFG Mod

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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 5:26:49 AM
Count me in for writing and research. And personally, my vote goes for the Tyranids for the second race first (We can use Craver ships as placeholders until we trap/recruit a modeller). I would love Necrons, but I know they'd be a while off...

EDIT: Have read that apparently Blender can be used in place of 3DS Max. I'll start learning that now and start Imperial models whenever I feel talented enough.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:11:36 AM
Glad to have you on board smiley: smile

You can pretty much use any modeling package you feel most comfortable with for creating models. Just fyi, Imperial ships are already being started on...but don't let that stop you from practicing smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:16:17 AM
Bwa ha ha, look at me go! I've started on the Retribution-class Battleship. I expect it will be many days before I complete even this one ship, but I don't mind taking on some of the modelling load if other modellers from the community can't help. =P

Well jeez, got ninja'd there. Who would you like me to start on, Leitoh? Point the way, and I'll get to work.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:22:27 AM
Romeo wrote:
Well jeez, got ninja'd there. Who would you like me to start on, Leitoh? Point the way, and I'll get to work.

Your as eager as a Tech-priest looking for some STCs smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:27:42 AM
LocoMike wrote:
Your as eager as a Tech-priest looking for some STCs smiley: sarcastic

I feel like I'd be more akin to a Heretek. Dark Mechanicus rocks some serious socks.

Also, I found the missing Ork ship: Terror Ship. They're the more combat-focused version of Kill Kroozers.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 11:47:27 PM

The goal of this mod is to create a high quality reskin for Endless Space based off Games-Workshop's Warhammer 40000/Battlefleet Gothic table top game. There will be absolutely no gameplay changes.

List of items to be included in the completed mod (subject to change):

- 8-9 new factions based on Warhammer 40k's current lineup

- Original ship models for each race for all six ship classes

- Original faction and hero portraits

- 40k Planetary Systems

- New/reskinned anomolies, planetary wonders, etc.

This mod will be a huge undertaking, therefore it will be released in parts. Each release will have a minimum of two new factions. Links to all releases will be posted on this page.

As of now, plans for the first release will only include two new factions: Imperial and one other faction base on what people suggest (I was considering Chaos).

Feel free to add your thoughts in suggestions in this thread.

Current Team:

Leitoh - Mod founder, 2D/3D Artist

Romeo - Fluff/Writer
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 11:42:48 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I just finished skimming through it, and it doesn't look like it'll be anything too crazy for what I'm currently planning for the tech tree. It likely come down to replacing names and descriptors in the localization xml.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:44:13 PM
Orks for the second race. Cause Orks arr the best! Then we could have colony Roks smash into planets and populate them. And the best thing is you cannot lose, cause your Orks! Ships just need to be red and covered n spikey bits and gubbins.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 4:53:16 PM
Well colony ships are used up when colonizing.

As for the factions, why imperial and space marines?

They work together? (The imperial armada starts the wars, and the space marines end them).

And while I don't know much about battle fleet Gothic, shouldn't there be the rouge traders?
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 6:06:39 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

As for the factions, why imperial and space marines?

Think United Empire / Sheredyn. They both have different ships & are autonomous from each other, only working in union by request. Plus the fact the Imperium of Man ship rosta is large even with out the Space Marines ships added. As far as i'm aware this aint a 100% fluff 40k mod, its 40k & we wont try to deviate to far from it but we are limited in what we can do to ES.

Igncom1 wrote:
And while I don't know much about battle fleet Gothic, shouldn't there be the rouge traders?

Rouge Traders, are single ship traders that are rouges.... there realy aint any way we can represent them in the game. Sadly smiley: alder
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 8:27:40 PM
I've seen a request for Orks. Will try and start non-modelling stuff first (Techs, Heroes, Lore, etc). I can already picture an Empire speed boost in the tech tree called "Red goes fasta!"

Should descriptors be written in an Orky style? Or proper english for the descriptions?
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 10:01:14 PM
I sent you a PM Romeo.

That's an interesting read on the Rogue Traders. We'll see if we can find some way to include them.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 1:13:34 AM
Romeo wrote:
I've seen a request for Orks. Will try and start non-modelling stuff first (Techs, Heroes, Lore, etc). I can already picture an Empire speed boost in the tech tree called "Red goes fasta!"

Should descriptors be written in an Orky style? Or proper english for the descriptions?

Defiantly ork like, because who doesn't like ork speak?

Grot lovers, thats who.
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 10:57:55 PM

kindly allow me to make a point or two,

For start its rogue trader as in renegade/outlaw and not rouge as in makeup and the french for red, ok? Great.

Also a RT can be anything from a potato smuggler who leases a tub to trade across a single system to a inquisitorialy sanctioned agent or even a warlord of sorts with a fleet capable of outgunning a segmentum PDF or even a navy taskforce for that matter.

Now then please don't make SM's a "faction" - the astrates were not really big on space combat even before heresy and let alone after,

I mean sure they served abord Imperial army ships as commanders but honestly how many ships were crewed by astrates for intention of space combat and not merely as a way of getting from point A to point killmaimburn ?

(also only two chapters being capable of fielding a big fleet zirca m.41 would be Swolves and Btemplars and I honestly don't see either one of them colonizing planets, can you?)

And finally Imp's and Chaos should make sense for starting factions, not only being core factions, not only hating each other - their ships are very simillar and would ease the initial modelling work.

But hey thats just my two cred's.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 12:39:14 AM
Nyx wrote:

kindly allow me to make a point or two,

For start its rogue trader as in renegade/outlaw and not rouge as in makeup and the french for red, ok? Great.

Also a RT can be anything from a potato smuggler who leases a tub to trade across a single system to a inquisitorialy sanctioned agent or even a warlord of sorts with a fleet capable of outgunning a segmentum PDF or even a navy taskforce for that matter.

Now then please don't make SM's a "faction" - the astrates were not really big on space combat even before heresy and let alone after,

I mean sure they served abord Imperial army ships as commanders but honestly how many ships were crewed by astrates for intention of space combat and not merely as a way of getting from point A to point killmaimburn ?

(also only two chapters being capable of fielding a big fleet zirca m.41 would be Swolves and Btemplars and I honestly don't see either one of them colonizing planets, can you?)

And finally Imp's and Chaos should make sense for starting factions, not only being core factions, not only hating each other - their ships are very simillar and would ease the initial modelling work.

But hey thats just my two cred's.

I do agree about the Chaos idea, it would be essentially possible just to kit-bash them together from Imperial ships. But I also feel like that would make them very boring as a second candidate (Besides, Orky tech is somewhat stolen from the Imperium). As for the Space Marines, one could also make the argument that the Grey Knights would easily have such a fleet, given that they tend to be the militant arml of the Ordo Malleus, who are admittedly very nuke happy when it comes to ships and planets.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 12:54:08 PM
Some excellent points there but consider that:

I'm really not sure how can anyone find chaos boring..

Even if you're finding them as worthy of being nuke purged like I do they are still (arguably) the iconic (pardon the pun) faction of WH.

And lets not forget they come in different "flavours" from rotten nurgleth raiders to dark mechanicum or perhaps the blood pack or even a black legion expedition..

You must agree that they have possibilities..

Orks don't really use imp tech - they just scav it and make something orky from it, but I honestly think staffing a retribution class would be a little more challenging then rigging a 'rus. (then again orks were known to do stranger things)

Now then about GK's..

Consider them being part of Ordo Malleus, and that ordo being a part of the Inquisition.

The GK chapter should field around 1k marines at most; Malleus could field those 1k and Malacor knows how many more stormtroopers, requisitioned pdf or guardsmen regiments and more..

The Inquisition as a whole could potentially field everything the Imperium has.. and more..

Now doesn't the Inquisition or atleast the Ordo Xenos for that matter (not too many demons in BFG and deathwatch could match the GK's in numbers) make more sense for a imperial sub faction?

(and what about the lovable Adeptus Mechanicus and their own skittarii/battleships/forgeworlds for that matter; one could see them colonizing, researching or even collaborating with dirty dirty xenos)
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 1:18:38 AM
Good points Nyx, but I'm probably going to have space marines as a faction just because they are the face of 40k. I was going to base the faction off Ultramar/Ultramarines.

I've been thinking about the first release. Chances are, even if two factions are fully completed, the mod won't be released until Amplitude has fixed the bugs/features for adding ship models (shaders, particle placements, etc.)

Mod Updates:

Imperial ships are completely modeled (no textures).

Figured out what 40k faction is going to replace the vanilla faction list.

Figured out which 40k characters will be replacing the vanilla heroes.

Made of list of which planetary systems will be making an appearance.
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