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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 4:58:22 PM
Release Notes for - Jaya - If You Leave Me Now


+ First round of file\spec updates for compatibility with 1.1.9 + Original and Disharmony

- Mods for Disharmony are not supported yet (though Alt Galaxy Gen should work just the same)

- Info for anom\lux etc names are still pulled from /public for Disharmony files atm.

Warning: I am sure I am missing things for Disharmony in this release but a newly generated file being

edited should be fine, ie I have not tested many file sets mid-to-late play with this release so please report any and all errors along with the game file that caused it if you can.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 3:15:15 PM
Okay - gave it a try, and got the following message :

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: popBasicGameDataFromXML: Failed to process the element [Game]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Game]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Empires]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Empire]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [AI_Master]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [AI_Layer]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [DefenseZones]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [DefenseZone]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Commandos]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Commando]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed read all the elements held within the element [Commando]. The unexpected element [InvasionGatherings] remains un processed

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: HandleOpenGameFile: objesx state is invalid - loading of game file objects failed.

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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 5:34:40 AM
FredZeppelin can you attach the game file in a post? Then I can see for sure (pretty sure I already know the issue) and fix it.

Edit: Fred try updated release 1.2.163 should clear it up (still wouldn't mind the sample file though).
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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 6:15:34 AM
Release Notes for release - LeVert - Casanova

+ Fixed missing support for InvasionGatherings and InvasionAtDestination elements in certain entries.
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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 11:21:32 PM
fredzeppelin wrote:

Okay - here's the file - change the TXT to BIN, and it should be fine

Thanks! Always good to have more samples and it appears the 1.2.163 build clears up the specific issue you reported.
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11 years ago
Aug 16, 2013, 11:17:45 PM
FYI I am aware of the GoldenAgeAlreadyTriggered element bug with 1.1.17 - fixing it later tonight.
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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 12:12:10 AM
Top Post updated with latest release.

Release Notes for release - Bananarama - Cruel Summer

+ Added support for the GoldenAgealreadyTriggered element added in 1.1.17 (expansion version)

+ Minor tweaks in code for coming support (soon) for Disharmony expansion modded files.
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 11:05:51 PM
KnightHawk, great work on the editor, I absolutely love it and look forward to future releases!

Question: I've created a map from a saved game and have altered it extensively with the editor, yet the galaxy seed number has remained the same, can I use the map I've created for new games? If not, can I add an AI to my current game? The original saved game only had 7/8 players, and I would like to change it to 8/8 if possible.

Thank you in advance :-)

Forgive me if you've already addressed this in the thread or if its stated somewhere and I have just not seen it, believe me I've looked everywhere and am asking now as a last resort. I've only had ES for about a week and your mod for 3 or 4 days but have probably spent about 40 hours with the editor alone and am absolutely thrilled with its results in game. After spending so much time on one map I'd hate to not be able to use it again.

Also I'm using ES 1.1.17 and your mod v.
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 11:42:36 PM
I'm getting

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: popBasicGameDataFromXML: Failed to process the element [Game]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Game]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Galaxy]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [System]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Planets]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Planet]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Unexpected Attribute [LocustPoints] found.

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: HandleOpenGameFile: objesx state is invalid - loading of game file objects failed.

with the latest update.
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11 years ago
Nov 2, 2013, 7:27:38 PM
lamahorse - ... which latest update? If you mean a recent development\private\VIP build it's not compatible yet. If you mean 1.1.17 original or Disharmony can you please upload the game save in question so I can take a look and hopefully resolve it, hmm thought I had all the locust point entries covered - maybe not. Thanks.

EDIT: Iamahorse I have located what I think is the problem, a patch is in the works.

Juggawine -

Thanks for the kind words glad your enjoying the game and the editor.

"Question: I've created a map from a saved game and have altered it extensively with the editor, yet the galaxy seed number has remained the same, can I use the map I've created for new games? If not, can I add an AI to my current game? The original saved game only had 7/8 players, and I would like to change it to 8/8 if possible."

The editor does not touch\adjust the galaxy seeds in anyway it'll always be what it initially was. Can you use the map for new games... I'm not entirely sure what you mean, if you mean could you plug in the seed and generate the same map, no not a chance you'll just get the version before you made any edits i think.

I agree it would be cool if after editing a map I could regenerate a seed that matches the current state of the edits, I suppose in theory it's possible but it's not something I've really looked into much, and even so that seed I think even if it got the layout systems right wouldn't re-generate other customizations outside of the scope of galaxy generation.

Can you add an AI\Player to an existing game or say change the AI race type.... well not with the editor at this point, but it can technically be done if you want to manually edit the heck out of the xml file, it's pretty involved process with little room for error though, pm me if you really want to go through the effort.

Also if anyone is wondering if there will be an compatibility update associated with the announced November update, yes I am planning one, it should follow the release of the game by a couple days (unless it's around thanksgiving - I'll be away that week).
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11 years ago
Nov 2, 2013, 11:12:21 PM
Top Post updated with latest release.

Release Notes for release

+ Fixed bug where locust point attributes in galaxy\system\planet node caused failure to load game file.

+ Addressed bug where locust point changes were not updated in galaxy\system\planet node when changing them in empire\system\planet node.

+ Also updated un-colonize routine to remove locust points from a system's planets in game/galaxy nodes upon de-colonization.
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11 years ago
Nov 3, 2013, 7:17:43 PM
Is a great tool, i use it intesively.

Now my question, in one game, i colonized all the planets in the same constellation using the editor. When i play the game, i am not able to travel outside the constellation. I can see the wormholes, but i cannot see the star in the other end of it, and my fleets get stuck in that constellation.

I tried modifying the "visit" bits in one of the systems in the other point of the wormhole, and now i can see and visit that planet, but i cannot go outside that one... im not thinking on modifying the visit bits on every planet.

Any idea why is this happening?

Thanks in advance for you answer!
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11 years ago
Nov 3, 2013, 9:57:49 PM

Barnacle_bill had similar issue, See -> /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16346-tool-to-move-your-star-systems-around-esmapeditor (about 2 pages back) with regard to visibility bits (system editor gamegalaxy tab) as I think that is your issue and one many people forget or don't understand fully when adding new systems or doing major re-arranging of systems or warps.

In short, if you are going to move a planet around or change things in such a way as the owner\empire changes or more commonly it's previously connected neighbors (ie warp\worm hole connections) are different from the original then you will need to update the visibility-bits accordingly. However in general you don't need to edit\update every star system, just those initially connected to your home system that you've re-arranged\added\removed.

Example: A<--->B<--->C<--->D<--->E<--->F

Lets pretend your home system is B, and that F is enemy empire 3's home system. At the start of the game the bits would look like this:

A: 3 (pirates and you can see the dot of the star system to explore)

B: 3 (pirates and you)

C: 1 (just pirates...cause they see all...let's assume the amoebas or whatever are not in the game for our example)

D: 1 (just pirates...cause they see all...let's assume the amoebas or whatever are not in the game for our example)

E: 10 (pirates and empire 3)

F: 10 (pirates and empire 3)

Now let's say you swap the position of B and E without swapping\updating both systems' bit values...both teams are going nowhere, at least till you have the tech for free flight because neither can 'see' there next destination. Now let's say you switched B with D, no harm comes to the ememy side, but you again are locked to your home system unless you update the bits.

At the start of a 'new' map one really only has to be concerned with making sure the systems directly connected to the home system(s) are set right, for the most part it doesn't really matter if visibility is enabled for a player when perhaps it shouldn't be... other then they get a bit of an advantage, but not having it enabled correctly will produce results like you mentioned. I suggest to peeps who want avoid the issue entirely is to just leave the first directly connected systems to the "home" system alone, movie them around,edit them all yah like, but leave the warps attached for those starter ones and you'll likely never have to worry about the issue of updating visibility bits.

In your case it sounds like this is happening outside of those initial systems not so much because they were editor-colonized but because they had never been visited by you first, as would happen inside the game, and so systems directly connected to those systems you editor-colonized don't know to show themselves - you just need to help them. smiley: wink

I hope that clears up what you're seeing and need to do, if not let me know.
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11 years ago
Nov 15, 2013, 2:50:05 AM
Ashbery76 wrote:
Latest update messed this up.smiley: frown

No doubt, as expected. Arugia update support coming soon, plan is for this coming weekend.
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11 years ago
Dec 2, 2013, 10:57:30 PM
Yeah, plans changed and I went on vacation early, just got back about an hour ago. This week. Sorry for the delay.
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 1:05:58 PM
Tried using this but i keep getting the following messages:

first one when i start the .exe

(yes it even had typos)

After just pressing OK and trying to load a save from from "C:\users\(name here)\documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\save" instead of "C:\users\(name here)\documents\Endless Space\save" i get the following messages:

I also get the latter two messages with the classic version of Endless Space when loading a save.

Even tried running it as admin, XP sp3 compatability and Vista compatibility just to be sure, same thing happens.

Other programs i was running:


CPUID Hardware Monitor





System specs:

Intel i7 920 @ 4.0 GHz

12Gb DDR3 Corsair XMS3

Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition OC 1GB GDDR5 Vapor-X (crossfire dissabled)

Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition OC 1GB GDDR5 Vapor-X (crossfire dissabled)

Windows 7 - 64bit

Save files in question:

Neo Terra 2 - Turn 1.zip Disharmony

Neo Terra - Turn 1.zip Classic
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 11:24:41 PM
You game is probably not installed in the same folder as Steam. If you have (like I do) Steam installed in your boot disk but the game in a Steam Library elsewhere (external disk), the tool won't find it. You have to use the option -gamepath "path_to_game "(or something similar, read the readme…)
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