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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2013, 8:01:26 PM
Well congrats on the receipt of monitor.

Just to say that long may you continue with this wonderful editor you've created.

Personally I haven't a clue on how to change the raw xml into a usable tool. I tried opening and editing in notepad and notepad++ while waiting for your update.

Gulp! My word those files take some working through to understand. I think I finally got it with the <<<...>>>. Only took 4 hrs to get it Oo
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 8:48:20 AM
I would like to say thanks for all the time you have put into this editor ,its a great tool smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 10:15:57 AM
When it comes it comes smiley: smile

A quote I like goes "Life is what happens while you are making other plans" ,sorry I don't remember who's quote it is smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 7:38:21 PM
I have ES v 1.1.9. I used the steps on post 120 to get my games to load. My problem is: I want to increase the amount of dust I have but it never changes when i reload my game. Could you please give me some instruction on how to accomplish this. I am loading my saved game, going to Empire, increasing the amount of dust my Empire has, then saving and overwriting my file. When I try to open the saved game it just keeps going back to the title screen. Am I supposed to have the game closed or open while I am editing? Sorry for my newbness.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 10:22:15 AM

If the game tries to load a save that it deems to be corrupt then it boots you back to the loading screen. This will almost certainly be to do with the fact that the editor is incompatible with the current version off the game, as indicated on the first post in this thread. Right now you cannot use the editor. I hope you have a backup.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 10:28:46 AM
hey just a quick question: has the latest ESMapEditor available for download here already been adapted for the disharmony expansion? Because I'm looking forward to using it again to tweak the systems and galaxy layout a little! smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 11:07:37 AM

I had the same thing happen to me, which after reading the KnightHawk's blog I figured out what I was doing wrong. It's a useful read.

To find his blog click on KnightHawk's name and view his blog entries. You'll find a download for how to add systems to a game, which also explains some of the process for modding the game.

This is how I do it using Windows 7, NotePad++ and 7-zip. It works for me.

  • Move the original .bin file you want to mod out of the saved games directory to the desk top (it's easier to add the modded version to the directory if the original is not there and keep the original just in case)
  • Select it (do not open) and right click to bring up the options dialogue menu
  • Hover over 7-zip in the options menu until the extended options menu appears and select 'Open Archive'
  • 7-zip boots up and the .bin file is inside ready to go. Now right click the .bin file and select edit or press f4. ( I have 7-zip set to open in Notepad++ automatically. This is done in 7-zip by selecting the Tools menu, Options and selecting the Editor tab, where you enter the path the find Notepad++. Check out my post here for Notepad++ setup)
  • Save this original xml save game file so you can return to it. Believe me it really helps and you now have a copy of the original .bin and its matching xml to return to.
  • Because you have saved you can now close 7-zip
  • Edit the xml file as you like (check out the blogs on modding to do this properly)
  • Now 'Save as' this edited xml file to the save game directory. I always use the same name when saving as I've copied the originals into a new backup folder so there is nothing in the save game directory with that name.
  • Close Notepad++ (you're done with editing today. Hopefully) You now need to convert the xml file back to a .bin which is easier than you think.
  • Select the new edited file and right click - 7-zip - 'Add to archive' (yep the same process as in steps 2 to 4)
  • Choose from the 'Archive Format' bzip2. all the setting in 7-zip will change to match this selection, so no need to worry about them.
  • On the name of the file change the suffix (not sure if that's the correct term but it's all the .doc , .xml , .pdf , .txt descriptors at the end of file names) to '.bin'
  • make sure you're saving to your save game directory

  • [/LIST]

    That's it. You're done. ES should be able to pick up the edited save game file and open it. If it can't be read then it throws you back to the title screen.

    Hope that's useful
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    12 years ago
    Jul 14, 2013, 1:23:12 PM
    Guys... look I'm serious it's coming I've been trying to let my hands heal the last week (poison ivy over 75% of my body... Pro-Tip: don't burn your yard pickings) they've been all wrapped up like little mummy's.

    Anyway to the above folks about using -loadmoderelaxed DON'T do that for this update (that was more for a one off tag I might have missed in the past, tool needs a update for new version; The outputted file from a -Loadmoderelaxed in the version available for sure will be missing a couple new settings it needs to and you'll break your file if you don't have a back up. In theory you could probably could use it for map moving and then cut and paste .... nah I'm not evening gonna go there.

    If you want to just edit money you don't really need the tool for that, unbzip (see#118) the file throw it in notepad, search for

    hey just a quick question: has the latest ESMapEditor available for download here already been adapted for the disharmony expansion? Because I'm looking forward to using it again to tweak the systems and galaxy layout a little!

    No it hasn't yet - you see that RED text on the top post... smiley: wink

    /Send Calamine and Benadryl smiley: cry
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    12 years ago
    Jul 14, 2013, 1:26:57 PM
    Close Notepad++ (you're done with editing today. Hopefully) You now need to convert the xml file back to a .bin which is easier than you think.

    Select the new edited file and right click - 7-zip - 'Add to archive' (yep the same process as in steps 2 to 4)

    Choose from the 'Archive Format' bzip2. all the setting in 7-zip will change to match this selection, so no need to worry about them.

    On the name of the file change the suffix (not sure if that's the correct term but it's all the .doc , .xml , .pdf , .txt descriptors at the end of file names) to '.bin'

    make sure you're saving to your save game directory

    Pro Tip: You don't need to return it to being a .bin if you don't want ... the game will load the xml's in the save folder straight away. (however it can get confusing if you multiple file name with the same in-game title {used to let you pick which one to load in the game gui}.

    Ah you know me, I tend to overlook the details....

    haha smiley: cool
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    12 years ago
    Jul 14, 2013, 2:03:35 PM
    Thank you very much for clearing that up for me. Is there a way to download a version of the game that is compatible with the editor? i bought it on Steam.
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    12 years ago
    Jul 14, 2013, 8:56:19 PM

    Not sure who you're thanking but I'm sure the answer is you're welcome.

    I'm just adding here what I've learnt from other posts. It's KnightHawk and the his ilk that are the artists here.


    Ha! Even with mummified fingers you can still work the magic.

    Pro Tip: You don't need to return it to being a .bin if you don't want ... the game will load the xml's in the save folder straight away. (however it can get confusing if you multiple file name with the same in-game title {used to let you pick which one to load in the game gui}.

    Great tip. Thanks for that.
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    12 years ago
    Jul 15, 2013, 5:35:16 PM
    @ KnightHawk just work on getting better ,we can all wait for the editor.

    I got poison ivy once when I was a child and know how disabling it can get so take care of you first ,we will still be hear when you get to it smiley: smile
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    12 years ago
    Jul 21, 2013, 10:58:13 PM
    Spit out the words. I'm still waiting impatiently for any news and daily check if KnightHawk has finally finished his great work
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    12 years ago
    Jul 22, 2013, 4:10:21 AM
    tscolin wrote:
    Is this abandonware? smiley: frown

    No knightHawk is injured and will be getting to this when he gets better smiley: biggrin
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    12 years ago
    Jul 25, 2013, 7:03:13 PM
    Is this abandonware?

    Haha no, certainly not yet, I will tell if and when that ever occurs. I am better now, or close enough, I worked on the app some Monday night. Look for something this coming weekend as Friday night I'll have time to dig in again. I may just adjust and skip forward to supporting the beta build that's being released today forward (if there are any real differences).
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