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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 12:38:03 AM
I deleted the False bit with 7zip and the editor worked fine. After editing the file I added it back in and voila, no issues. I think it's not even necessary to add it back in, but I don't have the achievement/hero so maybe that's why it seemed fine without it.
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10 years ago
Feb 19, 2015, 9:32:34 PM
fredzeppelin wrote:
With 7Zip? Can you post how? I thought it was a compression utility, not a hex\code editor...

Right click the .bin file (save), on the context menu select 7zip->Open archive. Now right click/F4 and edit the file inside. The file will be a mess so just search for "day" and delete the bit. After you edit the first time some magic happens (7zip I guess) and it will look good and well formatted.
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9 years ago
Jun 24, 2015, 3:28:43 PM
Good afternoon, I would like to ask you to configure the program to Russian game client or explained to me how you can configure this version of the client for Russian
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9 years ago
Jul 31, 2015, 5:52:42 AM
I hope he comes back soon as this is a great application. I have tried all the suggested fixes but the save file just don't load.
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9 years ago
Sep 25, 2015, 12:36:53 AM

Any chance you could update this? Maybe a donation would help to motivate you? lol Really though, i have no problem with donating a modest amount if this could be updated to be used again. Thanks.
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9 years ago
Apr 8, 2016, 12:37:45 AM
lcpessoa wrote:
Right click the .bin file (save), on the context menu select 7zip->Open archive. Now right click/F4 and edit the file inside. The file will be a mess so just search for "day" and delete the bit. After you edit the first time some magic happens (7zip I guess) and it will look good and well formatted.

I Tried this tonite, and it worked like a charm! Back-door method, but, hey.... its a win!
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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 9:11:20 PM

Hi! Sorry to resurrect this thread. But what did you delete to get it to work? Was it <EndlessDay>? After opening the file from 7-zip and editing the file, I searched for the word day and found numerous results of the word EndlessDay. Is that the correct one to delete?

Edit: Was able to delete the line <EndlessDay>True</EndlessDay> and was able to proceed but got an error:

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: popBasicGameDataFromXML:  Failed to process the element [Game]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Game]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Empires]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Empire]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Agencies]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Agency]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Queues]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Failed to process the element [Queue]
GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree:  Input string was not in a correct format.
GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: HandleOpenGameFile:  objesx state is invalid - loading of game file objects failed.

Updated 8 years ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 12, 2018, 9:32:05 PM

From memory KnightHawk left this mod and the devs updated the game several times afterwards. I'm not sure it would work on the latest version of Endless Space.

Can't promise I have it, but if I can find it on an old HD I'll upload. If it's not here inside 2 weeks you can assume I don't have it. :)

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6 years ago
Sep 13, 2018, 8:13:10 PM

Thank you so much for trying

i knew that latest version of the program works cause i was using it, once upon a time.

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