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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 5:52:28 AM
I'm getting the exact same list of errors, even for Vanilla saves. Thanks for your work on this, it's exactly what I've been looking for. Can't wait until it's updated smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 5:59:50 AM
PharkinBastage wrote:
I'm getting the exact same list of errors, even for Vanilla saves. Thanks for your work on this, it's exactly what I've been looking for. Can't wait until it's updated smiley: smile

If you are using the new version of ES (1.038 yes it'll bomb)

Update coming in about 5 minutes for ES 1.038 compatibility.
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 6:07:12 AM
I've posted the newest version on the front page (Post #1)

Build Version - Change log\release notes.

Notes for this realease at least the ones I can remember.

Note: Compatibility for games not saved in Endless Space version 1.0.35 or higher is removed. If you have an older file just load it

up and resave it inside ES in the newer version. There was nothing I could really do about this.

+ Added HeroEditor - still a work in progress but does the basics. I have not tested the hell out of it yet but so far I've had

no errors with it over the last week.

(btw you may note the davea button is disabled - it's not done yet, when it's done I'll explain.)

+ Added HeroRecuitmentBits calculator - This guy helps you screw around with the recruitment bits without having to do math

It also sort of explains wtf they are and that in most cases you probably shouldn't be screwing with them even though it lets you. smiley: wink

+ Added game map dimension and bounds editor so you can re-size your maps and bounds. "Change Map Size" Button on main form if you can't find it. So now if you want a bigger map or to extend your "bounds" a little close to the map dimension ends you can - once you save you can see your changes using the map-mover screen (just enable maxdims and show bounds)

+ Number of minor bugfixes - example the sys\add delete form color field didn't get color till you left the selection box..

plenty of minor stuff like that I noticed a couple places.

+ Gohkan your fixes are included in this version as well.

+ Added work in progress about screen yeah..like this is something really worth mentioning smiley: roll

+ fixed reported issue with those using mods - I had screwed up the mod name parsing.

+ Added ability in system-editor on the galaxyinfo tab to add a Wonder (regardless of if you already have anomalies)

+ Various xml object parsing changes to account for ES addon-two updates\changes.

+ added like 100 tooltip descriptions throughout the application to help - at least a little for lack of real documentation.

Some pics of the new screens

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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 6:43:47 AM
Two gui bugs in the last release

- upon selecting a wonder you get a message box telling you the wonder you selected. Does not effect anything but it's annoying I thought I had that in the debug build only but opps I didn't.

- In the hero editor list view when you come back from editing a recruited-hero the lower list refreshes but does not clear the list first, ie you have to scroll to the bottom to see your change and eventually you'll get a really long list.

Attached is a replacement exe that addresses just these two issues.
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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 12:01:53 PM
cant load v.1038 saves

it says failed to process the element galaxy, game info, generation settings.
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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 3:55:33 PM
@ gokhan, please check you are using the latest version 136 from post #44. Are you using that version of the tool, and game version 1.0.38, and you are still having a problem? Then please zip and attach the save game to a post.
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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 10:57:49 PM
I'm getting an error after playing a game for a while, and attempting to go back and edit. I've attached a pic of the error and of my save. You've been extremely helpful, hopefully you can point me in a direction for a work around. Thanks again, I know you do this all on your own time, and I sincerely appreciate it.

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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 1:44:42 AM
@davea yes i used the 1.36 version of the map editor and 1.0.38 of the game.

map editor cant load any save unless it's an autosave. but if you change anything on that autosave with map editor game wont load it. i ll send a sample tomorrow. gotta sleep now smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 4:41:34 AM
gokhan wrote:
@davea yes i used the 1.36 version of the map editor and 1.0.38 of the game.

map editor cant load any save unless it's an autosave. but if you change anything on that autosave with map editor game wont load it. i ll send a sample tomorrow. gotta sleep now smiley: smile

I can not reproduce this with the file sets, need more info like the top post says please attach game file that was saved in endless space 1.0.38 so that I can see what specifically the issue is - assuming I can reproduce it. BTW autosave's and regular saves are exactly the same thing format wise there is no difference other then the title far as I know.

While it should not matter did you originally create the file in question in something prior to 1.0.38?

btw "element galaxy, game info, generation settings. " you'll get that if you are using an out of date file (I know you said your not but I'm just saying...since I hit it during development quite a bit).
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 4:52:14 AM

Thank you for reporting that error and providing the sample file (these samples are critical) - achievement effects on a current achievement....hmm I know this issue well, thought I fixed it, apparently I've regressed. smiley: wink Looking in to it now. nice to see the more readable error messages are working though. smiley: roll

Edit: yup I this specific problem and is exactly what I thought, I missed a possible scenario, I'm correcting it now expect another full build in a few hours.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 7:31:35 AM
KnightHawk wrote:

Thank you for reporting that error and providing the sample file (these samples are critical) - achievement effects on a current achievement....hmm I know this issue well, thought I fixed it, apparently I've regressed. smiley: wink Looking in to it now. nice to see the more readable error messages are working though. smiley: roll

Edit: yup I this specific problem and is exactly what I thought, I missed a possible scenario, I'm correcting it now expect another full build in a few hours.

Thank you so much!

If you'd like more bug reporting, I've noticed that when you add a moon it is already explored. No matter if it is empty or has an temple it graphically shows up as unexplored. Deleting the moon and readding it sometimes works, but generally it does not. Very minor, I'm just happy I can edit maps without sifting through the text file. It make my eyes bleed. I couldn't imagine making an actual mod to edit it, one of these days I will have to move past xml editing and make something.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 8:20:52 AM
I'll delay the post I was just going to make with the new build - hopefully I can get to the bottom of your moon report and include the fix as well.

Need some clarification though (if you can recall). Were you adding a moon to a pre-existing planet or one that you added via "add planet". Also when you mention graphically do you mean in-game or in the editor, I'm assuming you mean in-game.

Edit: Nevermind I think I see what your saying. When you go to add-it there is no way to say "add it and make it explored" or to add it and then later mark it as explored as the checkbox is not enabled (grayed out). In-game though it's unexplored right?
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 9:11:22 AM
Yes it shows on the planets UI as explored, but graphically on the system view as not exploded. I believe the bonus still applies if there is a temple.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 12:03:18 PM
So I've corrected the gui issue in the editor, it should (in the about to be released build work as follows)

-Anytime you are flipping star systems from within the systemeditor systemlist dropdown list it'll reset and grayout the check box.

-If you have selected an UN-colonized system then it'll remained disabled (hopefully no matter what you do) as you can't add a explored moon to system that is not yet colonized. (ie there are no entries in the agency for the system, let alone the planet smiley: wink )

-If you select a system that is colonized and you select a planet orbit that has a moon - regardless of if it's explored or not you can now toggle the checkbox.

-If you are on system that is colonized and you select a planet orbit that does not have a moon yet - the checkbox should be available for enable\disable as well now.

- The value of that checkbox is used when you:

A) Add a moon that did not exist. In this case checking the box will add it as explored.

B) When you already have a moon and you press save planet. The value will be checked against what previously existed. If it notices it is checked but there

but the descriptor for it are not in the file it will add them, if it's checked and the descriptors are there it does nothing, if it's unchecked and the descriptors

exist it will remove them. (this is not a change from prior behavior but the check box issue might have caused an inconsistency previously)

I just spot check all of the above in the current version of ES without issue so if you find you have set a moon a specific way and it doesn't show up like that in game in build 1.0.137 of the tool - throw up game file and exactly what you did and I'll take a look.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 12:18:23 PM
random thought... gokhan - I know you said you used 136 patch from post #44, but did you install .135 first from post#1 first - if not you definitely will get the problem you stated.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 12:30:34 PM

Change log:build 129 (if current version is higher see posts below)

General Note - 80% of the tool was has been re-written, I use a totally different method of accessing the files now based on xsd's I've come up with for the gamefile format and a 3rdparty tool that helps do some of the heavy lifting in inferring the schema and generating most of the code to deserialize the files in to objects that are far easier to manipulate. The downside...just about every time Amp adds to the file format I'm probably going to have release another update

to keep it working, as the tool now does far more then just touch the gameinfo nodes now.

-Main form screen. Removed a ton of now redundant and just unneeded stuff, it's still not pretty, but I did dump the mdi stuff that was hanging over from the early days. Added additional menu's at the top "Views" and "tools". You can access all features though views at the moment.

- Starsystem\Map Moving screen, changed the red line to be dotted so one can notice over-lapping warp\worms(without turning one of them off), tightened up the code a bit. Added right click menu to access new Warp\Wormhole editor and System Editor by just right clicking a selected planet. Also reduced the bug

of the tooltips firing on returning focus to the form. I removed any need for that whole update process, now when your done on that screen just hit save changes

and your moves will all be merged in without issue. Also if you go to exit and it detected you moved something it'll warn and ask you if want to save.

- Added System Editor that allows one to edit a few basic properties of the StarSystem (name & star type), as well as manipulate the hell out of the Planets in that system, you can - change planet type, size, add\del anomalies, add\del resources and luxuries, add\delete moons and their related temples. Also can add or delete planets, as well as mark moons as explored or not, and colonize or UN-colonize a given planet. Added a second tab on that screen so that you can also edit the system's game\galaxy\systems information like colonize bits per planet or my personal fav... visibility bits, as well as the other bits, for those of you that

get annoyed with that stuff, no worries just use the bitflag player picker box - it does it for you. I should note if it's not obvious when you move between planets on the planet editor you need to press save on the tab to persist your changes to ram (except adding planets\moons - automatic) each time - this is by design.

-Add or Delete Star Systems. Added this feature, lets you simply add a new star system of a given name and startype, region,etc and select the number of planets and their type you want... you can edit them later with the system editor once they are added. Now... the delete system function. I kind of proud of this guy, it'll rarely get used and I don't even recommend it but... it will smartly delete a given system. That is it'll check if someone has a hero on that system and if so find another planet in the empire to move them too, it'll move any fleets and ships in hangers orbiting it to their respective home planets so they are not just

twisting in the wind when you delete the system, it'll go looking for connected warps and wormholes and remove them etc... I'm sure it doesn't cover every possible reference anywhere but it's close. Then it'll re-index every starsystem in your file, and every reference to thier old indexes gets update to the new indexes - everywhere (or everywhere that exists today) it's major surgery - but does work and must be done cause ES doesn't like index lists out of order (ie you remove system 5 it would have been 1-2-3-4-6 and a nice error screen on load.

-Did some more work on research and other agency\empire related stuff but disabled most of it for this release except for the tech\descriptor listing and dust modifier.

-Added simple "tools\Jailbreak feature that will set your steam id to 00000000000000ff

-added tool under tools that can help you help me collect more samples for the schema pool, it'll take a given folder full of .bins, extract out the core nodes of each and save to a bunch of sub folders one could then just zip up and post\send to me.

-left the debuglog tab in there for now the little text box on the bottom right sets a logging level 0-3, if you run into issues it could come in handy to help me diagnose user issues.

- Added "-LoadmodeRelaxed" command line parameter that will tell the deserializer upon loading a file to ignore any unknown attributes or elements. So if your getting an LTValidation exception errors I absolutely need to know about them including the long exception exception list, but at the same time using this start-up option may work, but be aware anything it loads that it doesn't understand (ie was not in the schema I have) will not be saved in a new file either.

-outputted xml into the bin is formatted (like in the beta days).
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 12:59:57 PM
Top Post [#1] updated with latest build

Release notes for Build critical fix release

- If a random seed is negative and\or < -2.1 billion > 2.1Billion the program no longer fails to parse the file.

Release notes for build - critical fix release

- Hero Editor list-refresh gui bug fixed

- Wonder 'select' - annoying message removed

- Gui bug related to moon-exploration corrected Thanks PharkinBastage

- Bug with regard to files that have current achievements with achievement effects\empire options parsed correctly

least for all the sample I have at the moment.
Thanks again PharkinBastage - My father hung me on a hook once... once...

+ System improvement list viewer tab added to system editor, I don't know yet if I'm really going to allow add\delete because to do it properly I'd have to check if the empire had the right tech to let you do that... then again you're all smart enough to know what not to do right? smiley: wink

+ Save as XML option added to the file menu - saves your file to the selected location in formatted xml.

For those that don't know (I didn't till a month ago) the game will load pure xml files in your save folder just like .bins.

So don't name them same in your Titles when using this or else you'll have a hard time knowing which is which inside ES.

** Known Issue:

If you delete a system with this or prior builds and you have 'exploration achievements' enabled it's quite possible things may not go as you expect and even bomb-out if you happened to delete the last system in the system list. This is because currently in the delete patch up process I don't account for these new achievement types yet and they can contain references to systemID's that do indeed need to be renumbered. In cases of new maps and not deleting the last system it actually shouldn't matter but for all other cases I expect problems. Look for a fix to this in the next release, time was short this round. smiley: wink

Things on my to do list big and small beside the known issue(s):

I want to improve the hero-editor (add\delete); also automate bit flipping file wide based on empires and hero profiles.

However it's way more involved then I expected cause there is no nice list of all hero profiles and the associate race and should

Amp change it from build to build it'd be pita to maintain.

I want to round out the system-editor more (system improvements is just one of those things that was missing, but bigger things like 'colonized this un-colonized system' and 'Uncolonized this existing colonized system')

I'd like some day to get a fleet viewer\editor into this puppy - not on the order of ship design just the fleets themselves.

Anyway larger stuff will probably not get done till after the final addon-3 from Amp, as I speculate new features and save format changes that will have to be accounted for after that to be minimal.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 4:43:58 PM
KnightHawk wrote:
My father hung me on a hook once... once...
Icehole! tenchars
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 7:23:50 PM
@knighthawk files were created using 1.0.38 not with load-resave method. today i managed to open newly created files in the map editor.(1.36 changed nothing on the es map editor side)

after seeing that i resaved "old" not working 1.0.38 files. just to see if there were something changed on the game side. and map editor couldnt open those resaves also. i ll send you a link via pm in a minute.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 7:59:19 PM
KnightHawk wrote:

least for all the sample I have at the moment. Thanks again PharkinBastage - My father hung me on a hook once... once...

Been using this name for over a decade, and you sir are the first person to get the reference. I'm in shock! +Respect

Can't wait to try the new build, I apologize if you got sick of me at any point. Thanks again!
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