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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 6:04:27 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release

+ SystemEditor the long disabled 'Colonize\Uncolonize' button is now enabled allowing you to colonize a previously un-colonized system. Also allows you to uncolonize a system that is not a 'Home' system. In the case of a new colony it will build a default colony with 1 population you can then otherwise edit it using the existing tooling. In the un-colonize process if there are any heroes on the system they are moved to another system of the existing empire or failing that switched to Idle mode, also any ships in the hangar of the system are moved to the home planet of the empire before removing the hangar. If you come across errors messages or problems I really need to hear about it, only tested it with a couple different scenarios but seems to work fine.

+ SystemEditor "otherinfo" Tab, added hero name and number of ships if either exists. Also now allow setting of TurnBeforeColony value if non-zero to a value between 1 and 32500.

- So much for having previously fixed all the Moon-Explored related bugs, after more testing located a couple more, think I

got them all this time.

- Minor bug updating empire property NumOfSystem fixed in the delete star system process, properly updates now.

~ File parsing updates for changes in ES update 1.0.4x.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 2:06:29 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release Madonna - Holiday

+ Empire Editor - Home system switching functionality added on the form. Provides a quick way to switch your home system from one colonized system to another. If the empire in question only has one star system though you'll need to colonize another one for it first, I don't allow you to set a home system for the pirates, or an empire that is already defeated.

+ Map mover screen enhanced, removed the static blue halo, the halo will now be the color of the player/empire that has colonized the system. Looks purrrrdier now. The warps are still static red and green.

- Map mover 'on second use bug' corrected, the as you move refreshing was not working the second time you brought up the map moving screen, apparently I introduced that back around 1.2.140, all better now.

~ "Ditch Pirates" tool updated to not touch random events settings, seemed unnecessary after ES 1.0.45 update, still maintains all other prior pirate stripping.

~ Tweaks to the map size changer, just extended the length of the text fields a bit forgot there are usually like 10 dec places. Everybody spread the word, We're gonna have a celebration, All across the world In every nation, It's time for the good times,Forget about the bad times, One day to come together,To release the pressure,We need a holiday.... ok I'm done. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 10:46:45 PM
hello sir, i seem to have ran into a problem.

Steps to recreate problem.

1) Load Imperial Aeterna+ Anomaly Overhaul(with endless genetics)

2)Create a new Save game at turn 0

3)Save and close endless space

4)Load esmapeditor with -LoadModeRelaxed in shortcut target

5)Load Save game

6) Error as shown in picture below

Similar Problems Occur with just Imperial Aeterna alone.

You are able to load the save game with the map editor , however after a few rounds, the same problems would occur.

Attached below is a savegame with just Imperial Aeterna and Endless genetics combined.

AutoSave 80.rar

I believe this has something to do with the fact that esmapeditor does not support the extra things that are added in anomaly overhaul, and the orbital station component of Imperial Aeterna. Thank you for your time! Esmapeditor is certainly the best and most user friendly map editor out there
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 11:05:14 PM
I believe this has something to do with the fact that esmapeditor does not support the extra things that are added in anomaly overhaul, and the orbital station component of Imperial Aeterna.

First, thanks for the report.

Yeah if's it's adding root elements that are not normally part of the game it's going to be problem to support. If it's simply adding anomaly types and science elements I can probably support that, or elements that are standard but I've just not come across yet (more likely) I'm fairly sure I can make it work. I will look into this, as I would like to support using mods with the editor - where possible. Thank you for the attachment, saves time.

Also though I can't really tell from the photo but are you using the latest build sort looks like v1.2.141?? in the picture is the latest but my eyes are not as good as they used to be either. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 11:30:07 PM
Thank you for the reply. i have updated to the latest version, and the same error occurs. Thank you for taking the time to support mods with the editor. Its a wonderfully superb program!
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 12:24:19 AM
Actually I've found the cause of at least the initial issues, it's not even related to the mod per say. I had a couple fields of the file defined as decimal and they needed to be larger. and I'd never seen planet properties that were non-ints ie never seen locast points at 28.5 always a whole number, I've updated the code, expect another release later tonight after I check a few more things, gotta go back and makes sure I didn't breaking anything with the changes.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 12:29:55 AM
I also forgot to mention that when using anomaly overhaul+imperial aeterna, it yields a different error message than the one pictured above. Would you like a screenshot?

Edit: Is it also possible to edit heroes? IE changing the empire of a hero to make him serve you?
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 2:51:08 AM
*sigh.. now you tell me smiley: wink (I'm 2 minutes from posting a release. haha)

Actually instead of a screen shot (those are helpful too), if in the debug window after the messages you press 'save' on the right it should put all the debug text into notepad allowing you copy and paste the text from there or save the file. You're really just looking for a the Exception dump lines if it's a similar just different message. I did fix more then one attribute that was a problem, hopefully I nailed the other one you came across.

As for the hero question. At the moment not really, you can make it so a pooled hero is only recruited by you but you can't at the moment flip his empire, or assign one from the pool to yourself. It's a planned feature, along with other enhancements to the hero editor, I've just have not gotten back to the Hero editor lately, have been trying to finish out other areas.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 2:58:25 AM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release Shannon- Let The Music Play

- fixed Attitude modifier bug when certain attribute values were floats and I expected decimals, cause file parsing errors, fixed a couple similar situations in the AI_X related areas. Thanks to Nuker22110 for reporting this issue. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a couple more lurking somewhere.

+ System Editor, enabled the save all changes button and enabled the star system level descriptor and properties editing.

~ Didn't make it into this release but Nuker's issue reminded me to ad display\edit of locust points at the planet level.

Gotta find some room first. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 7:00:15 AM
Here is the dump file for (imperial aeterna+endless genetics+anomaly overhaul) :

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: popBasicGameDataFromXML: Failed to process the element [GameInfo]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [GameInfo]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Galaxy]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [GenerationOutput]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Statistics]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed to process the element [Anomalies]

GameExtracorTest.Module1 :: DumpLTExceptionTree: Failed read all the elements held within the element [Anomalies]. The unexpected element [PlanetAnomaly94] remains un processed

GameExtracorTest.frmMain :: HandleOpenGameFile: objesx state is invalid - loading of game file objects failed.

and here is the save file at turn 0-

AUTOMATONS - Turn 0.rar

Error occured on esmapeditor I am happy to report that on Imperial Aeterna alone, i have not faced any issues yet.

Thank you once again, and sorry for forgetting about this :/
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 5:49:11 PM

That's not going to be easily correctable, as it's using anomaly numbers not in the normal game and I can not predict what anomaly numbers any mods are going to choose to use, and unfortunately the architecture I switched to back in October necessitates I know at compile time the full list of anomalies possible (one of the bad tradeoffs I chose at the time), plus then the system editor will have to know about them as well so that one can select them and I wanted to stay away from reading into mod folder files to extract that info.

That said let me see what I can do I have a couple potential ideas that look like they'll work out, at least for this particular type of mod. smiley: wink

Edit: I have this fixed for the next build. smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 5:56:21 AM
KnightHawk wrote:

That's not going to be easily correctable, as it's using anomaly numbers not in the normal game and I can not predict what anomaly numbers any mods are going to choose to use, and unfortunately the architecture I switched to back in October necessitates I know at compile time the full list of anomalies possible (one of the bad tradeoffs I chose at the time), plus then the system editor will have to know about them as well so that one can select them and I wanted to stay away from reading into mod folder files to extract that info.

That said let me see what I can do I have a couple potential ideas that look like they'll work out, at least for this particular type of mod. smiley: wink

Edit: I have this fixed for the next build. smiley: approval

HOORAY! you're like my new hero now! Anxiously awaiting! is there anything i can do to help? So will the next build be a hotfix patch?
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 11:35:31 PM
Nuker22110 wrote:
HOORAY! you're like my new hero now! Anxiously awaiting! is there anything i can do to help? So will the next build be a hotfix patch?

It'll be a full release I'm prepping it now, there were many other changes and testing I had to do to support those changes without causing other issues/ regressions and I slipped in a couple other fixes\changes that took some time to test. btw dude what's with 80_turns and having like no-production set on half your planets? haha smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 12:00:49 AM
Prepping it now?! YES! so i can probably expect it soon? smiley: stickouttongue well at that point, i wasnt playing already, i was just trying to figure out what was wrong with the save file, and why its causing errors
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 12:47:52 AM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release The Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra

+ Reworked parts of the application to support non-standard anomalies and added some plumbing to potentially support other related changes down the road. The down side is you now need to have the game installed to use the editor, or otherwise dummy up an added folder and file on a system without it. See updated install_notes.txt for those details.

+ EsMapEditor will now pull it's list of anomalies for the 'System Editor'from %esinstallfolder%\Public\Simulation\PlanetDescriptor.xml file. If your save file has a mod name embedded, it is now detected after loading the file and the system editor will search each mod folder on our system for a matching mod via extracting the names from all the mod's index.xml's, if found it will use those files instead of the normals ones for whatever it needs instead. If there is a mod attribute in the save file, but no mod files found on your system it will warn you with a popup and fall back to either the standard ones or even failing finding your normal ES files it'll revert to the hard coded list.

*Note* If you have a case where the game save used a mod, but the app could not find the files, then it may not display data that is in the file. Example you have a PlanetAnomaly99 but the app doesn't know about PlanetAnomaly99, it will show no selection in the 'System Editor' planetary view even though it's really still set to PlanetAnomaly99. Unless you actually set the combobox to "None" or another anomaly the original value even though you can't see it, it WILL BE RETAINED so don't worry about it removing anomalies it doesn't know about. The case where mod files aren't found should be exceedingly rare but I think needed to be supported.

+ System Editor - Added Locust Point and Locust Point depletion support. If a planet is colonized it will now allow you to set the LCPoint value and change if the planet is tagged as depleted. *Note* - you don't have to set it, it's just there if you want too and will show blank for any planet that does not have the properties already. Also note though if the LCPoints text box is blank (no text there) the editor will interpret that as an indication to remove the LocustPoints property from the planet's properties if it already exists.

- GUI bug in exploitation display\setting while changing planets or systems, the exploitation field could become grayed

out when it should not have been in some cases.

~ Updated install_notes.txt, it had some invalid\old information, added some more basic usage info and updates, update thanks rtf.

~ Couple other form size\layout tweaks. I heat up, I can't cool down, You got me spinnin, Round and round,Round and round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 12:55:25 AM
@ Nuker22110 - It's actually pretty funny cause I thought for about 2 minutes the editor was bugged cause it wasn't showing production haha till I checked the file to see it really wasn't set. As it turns out though it did bring my attention to an actual bug with exploitation drop down not enabling sometimes, so I'm thankful none the less. smiley: smile Thanks again for your help.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 6:15:12 AM
Kaidishart wrote:
Is it possible to use a mod save with new planets in it ?

The current version does not support it *yet, it would help though if you specified the mod in question you are wondering about.

(I don't track most mods so I'm not really aware of a released mod that is using non standard PlanetType names)
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 3:39:06 PM
Many many thanks for this, KnightHawk, I've just spent an hour or so playing around with it and moving star systems etc around and all I can say is: IT'S AMAZING AND LOADS OF FUN! smiley: smile

There are smaller issues which would make some things easier for example if under add anomaly or temple it didn't just say "anomaly01" or "temple01" but also gave a description of what it is. I saw that, once clicked, it gives a description, but this means selecting every single one of them to find out what it is. However, I found a recent anomaly etc codes sheet from someone and that helped lots, so yeah it's just a tiny issue. Other than that though, very very impressive! smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 12:35:32 AM
Many many thanks for this, KnightHawk, I've just spent an hour or so playing around with it and moving star systems etc around and all I can say is: IT'S AMAZING AND LOADS OF FUN!

Thanks, glad to hear it.

There are smaller issues which would make some things easier for example if under add anomaly or temple it didn't just say "anomaly01" or "temple01" but also gave a description of what it is.

First thanks for the feedback. I did not want to cram the descriptions into the drop down list as it would take up too much room, and also add some overhead in getting the value I need back out, which is why it's in the mouse-over post selection. The tool is not made really to be used by someone with absolutely no knowledge of editing files (other then the map mover\system moving part), it was made primarily to save those that already know how time and hassle though over time I've tried to make things easier. I'm glad you found the Code Sheets available in this forum (and elsewhere) because the tool more or less assumes you have that available if you're going to be editing systems or technologies etc and I use that same reference sheet myself all the time while making my own maps. Perhaps I should distribute a pdf copy of that google spreadsheet with the app? I had thought about that a couple times but had decided not to bloat the installer with it, I'm open to suggestions about that, perhaps I should at least include a link too it in the install note or in the app itself. hmm.

BTW for custom anomalies the descriptions for those are not yet* picked up by a mod's localization files yet. Something I hope to rectify this weekend along with a couple other things.
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