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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 9:38:32 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release Genesis - Land of Confusion

+ Empire Editor now shows the empire's status as either active or eliminated.

+ System Editor - If planet colonized planetsize is now checked via planet's descriptors - handles cases where size is changed from the original size via mod or some new tech. Was previously just pulling from gameinfo's copy of the data which could be out of date.

~ System Editor - Planet types and sizes are now pulled from planetdescriptor.xml either the default or the detected mod's file if it existed. Falls back to static list if it can not find either.

~ System Editor - Resources and Luxuries are now pulled from planetdescriptor.xml either the default or the detected mod's file if it existed. falls back to static list if it can not find either, unlike Anomalies\planet types\sizes however it can not handle the wierd case of where a mod is detected but the files not found and during falls back will retain data during a planetsave operation, for Resources and Luxuries the save action will delete any custom mod resource\luxury that it doesn't know about that is showing 'Not selected'. The reason has to due with the fact Resources and Luxuries are a one or the other proposition...If you really run into this rare case let me know I might be able to hack something up, for now though it is what it is.

~ System Add\Delete - Updated to reflect PlanetType source changes see above.

+ Localization data stored inside a mod's localization folder will now be used (including multiple files), it will add\update default localization data if found\detected. Per modding guidelines and unlike simulation data etc modders need only include changes\additions not the full list.

+ Changed how localization_pair data is stored in memory from dataset to dictionary, huge improvement in load speed, improvements in look-up speeds as well, been meaning to do that for awhile. Probably barely noticeable for most but going from a second or two to under 1ms for some of those things made me gitty. Now did you read the news today, They say the danger's gone away, But I can see the fire's still alight, There burning into the night.

@Kaidishart - This version should resolve those custom planet type issues you may have come across with your mod.
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 1:03:36 PM
have to say, this looks amazing, thanks for all the work you've put into it smiley: biggrin

i do have a question - i dont have the chance atm to actually test this, but would this work in setting up a multiplayer game? like starting a game, saving at turn 1 and then editing the save and resuming? looking to set up a semi compettive match with my friends, this is certainly the way to go, reminds me of the old moo2 days lol
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 1:28:01 PM
@kaydiechii - While I've only built it for single player, in theory it should probably work fine for multiplayer assuming you're the host, however I never tried it, but there isn't anything all that special about multi-player files so give it a whirl and let us know. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 2:08:24 PM
Yeah i definitely will be trying it out, i figure so long as it doesn't corrupt the user id marking (like when you save a MP game it reserves slots for said players) it should be fine if i host

also, can this be used at all to edit the hero recruitment pool?

ah cool! it can, can set heroes to empire recruitment pool, that is cool smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 2:35:11 PM
The steamid's\userids are not touched unless you specifically use the "jailbreak" feature in the tool menu, and even then it only touches player-0.

also, can this be used at all to edit the hero recruitment pool?

Yes it can, you can use the current version to restrict what empires the hero(es) in the hero pool can be recruited too. When editing a specific hero you want to press the little button next to recruitment bits.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 12:15:36 PM
FYI - Ravine pointed me toward the MoMA project for checking .net assemblies for compatibility with Mono (Thanks Ravine) in response to someones question about Mac support. I have run MoMA against the ESMapEditor assemblies. Sadly and as I suspected there are a bunch of missing things in mono that my code makes use of at the moment, after a brief look I see more then a couple of them I could work around, but most of them I can't, or more accurately in the medium term am not willing to burn time on as it's likely to mean significantly re-working certain things. Translation if your on a Mac you're still sol outside of dual\boot or a vm, at least as far as this tools goes.
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 4:28:13 AM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Stacey Q - Two Of Hearts

+ HeroEditor screen now allows hiring or recuiting to specific empires as well as firing a existing empire's Heroes (ie returning them to the pool). Note: You can hire more heroes then an empire has MaxHeroes so if you hire like 10 hero's makes sure to increase your Empire's "MaxHeroes" property or they go into limbo till your cap increases in-game. /just saying. smiley: wink

~ Added close button on the hero recruitment-bit calc screen...oops. When we're together it's like hot coals in a fire, Hot baby, My body's burning so come on heat my desire, Come on come on.


Let me know if you any of you folks notice any issues.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:35:42 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release

** Notice that after the latest .net4 run-time security update the map mover screen will have issues (or at least it did on my two dev boxes). This build should correct these issues, surprised nobody else ran into this before I did. There are no other changes in this release and it should work fine with ES 1.0.49 (looks like it's purely a bug fix release from Amplitude).
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 11:55:49 AM
is there any way i can use this to play a computer's faction from a saved game? (or in this case vise versa, trying to swap factions in one of my SP games to test a scenario
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 3:37:13 PM
Yes, you use the "quick jailbreak" option, then you can load the save game and play as any other empire. Note, on most difficulty levels the AI gets approval bonuses. So when you first start as an AI, you may find all your systems unhappy.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 4:51:06 PM
I played around with the hero editor and got me my favorite heroes. Worked like a charm! That´s exactly what I was looking for, so keep up the good work! smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 7:39:23 PM
myfirstme wrote:
I played around with the hero editor and got me my favorite heroes. Worked like a charm! That´s exactly what I was looking for, so keep up the good work! smiley: cool

Glad to hear things went smoothly. smiley: smile

Re: Playing AI's empire, yup as davea mentioned load file, select tools menu and the jailbreak file option, then save file and play. However I just noticed a bug with that which will be fixed in about 10 minutes.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 8:16:40 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart

- Bug found in SystemAddDel that was introduced in 1.2.148 (null ref with no mod in use) corrected.

- Bug with jailbreak apparently introduced awhile back corrected. Be yourself, Give your free will a chance, You've got to want to succeed
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 9:08:55 AM
Cool, i like that - unfortuantely whenever i try to use jailbreak i get an error message (i've tried it with many saves) etc smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 5:44:09 PM
I can't seem to load maps made with the alternate map generator script. Not sure what is going on with it. I will try and upload a screen shot when I get home.
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12 years ago
Jan 17, 2013, 6:53:54 AM
kaydiechii wrote:
Cool, i like that - unfortuantely whenever i try to use jailbreak i get an error message (i've tried it with many saves) etc smiley: stickouttongue


You are using an out of date version. See Post #1 for v1.2.152.1 that corrects that. Also note it was mentioned in the post immediately before your's.
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12 years ago
Jan 17, 2013, 6:55:24 AM
I can't seem to load maps made with the alternate map generator script. Not sure what is going on with it. I will try and upload a screen shot when I get home.


More useful would be to attach a zip of a save file where you have issues as ultimately I'm going to ask for that sample no matter what the error was (not that whatever error message you get isn't helpful as well).
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 5:14:22 AM
The error is just a failure to load certain fields. I have a rar with 3 separated saved games, the autosave might be the same as one of the other games, I don't recall. They all give the same name.

I did notice when I was looking at planets the other day that they are different from the stuff that can be read by your program. For instance, it has a defined anomaly for the planet, instead of the descriptor. Anomaly is an example, it might not be that.Save.rar

EDIT: Just had another thought, it is used in conjunction with the Imperium mod.
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 2:32:13 PM

These all contain an ArmNumber and ArmNumberMultiplier entry under gameinfo/galaxy/generationsettings and .../generationoutput - This is not generated with the standard ES game, but is generated with the alternative galaxy generator and this will cause a problem by default.

You have two options.

1. As the error message indicates you can start the application with the -LoadmodeRelaxed parameter and it will ignore these extra settings (and not re-save them either), then save the file and you'll not need the extra parameter anymore the next time you go to edit it. I do notice in the error message it says "LoadModeRelaxed" instead of the correct LoadmodeRelaxed capitalization (which matters) and that text has been corrected for the next release.

Example: ESMapEditor.exe -LoadmodeRelaxed

If you want to change your shortcut temporary the default target would change too "C:\Program Files (x86)\ESMapEditor\ESMapEditor.exe" -LoadmodeRelaxed

2. The second option would be to manually remove the problematic entries before editing the file (these ones don't matter to the actual game).

Using option 1 works in my testing without issues (far as I can tell with the copy of Imperium mod I have) with those sample files, and btw that's one hell of big galaxy you have there ( Euclidean - Turn 0A) , don't be mad if the mapmover screen takes an extra second to re-paint after you set the scale to 1.0 haha. Wasn't really designed for ~1700 systems but nice to see it still works. smiley: wink
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