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Tool to move your Star Systems around ESMapEditor

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12 years ago
Jan 19, 2013, 7:56:54 AM
Awesome thanks. I did try the LoadModeRelaxed. I will adjust the setting and see what happens, thank you very much for looking into it.

Yeah, I am trying to double the game in general, techs, buildings and all, so I am testing some larger maps. Unfortunately, that map was from my desktop and I am on the road and my laptop is sad and slow, so I made the smaller ones to see how they go.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 10:29:21 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Genesis - Invisible Touch

+ Compatibility / save format parsing updates for ES Beta 1.0.56\.57, should continue to work with ES 1.0.49 saves as well.
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12 years ago
Feb 19, 2013, 10:27:08 PM
Latest release posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Hall and Oates - Private Eyes

+ Compatibility / save format parsing updates for ES 1.0.60, should continue to work with ES 1.0.49+ saves as well.

+ Pirate_Script parsing update for BlockadedSystems and related elements
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 9:30:36 PM
I came across a parsing bug today related to the ExtraPopulationOnBoard attribute and related StarSystemeImprovment elements for Pilgram population\system ships in transit\hanger, surprised no one else has come across it prior till now , it'll be fixed in the next release. I was gonna wait till the next ES update was out but so far the related changes for that don't seem to be a problem with ES 1.0.6x files so I'll probably put out a revision with a fix for the above tomorrow, should also contain the addition of a diplomacy tab to the Empire Editor.
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 10:00:21 AM
Latest release links posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Janet Jackson - Escapade


+ Compatibility for ES 1.0.61+ (more UID's added to items)

- Parsing Bug related to ExtraPopulationOnBoard attribute and StarSystemeImprovment elements for Pilgrim population\system ships in transit fixed,surprised no one reported this previously, I just got lucky finding it I guess.

+ Diplomacy tab added to Empire Editor screen allowing viewing and deleting of deals and viewing diplomatic\discovery status.

This should help those of you running into never ending ceasefires a way to easily remove them.

(just remember to check the AI empires as well as your own empire for those ceasefire issues).

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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 3:07:46 PM

Great tool.

I ran into a kind of weird situation with it, though (with the immediately previous version to this new one). I had discovered that in a spiral galaxy the game tends to place the starting system of each faction out in the constellations which are the arms, and nobody in the constellation which is the core. I wanted to start in the core with the AI-controlled factions in the arms. So, using the alternative galaxy generator I created a game with 8 factions (including mine) in a seven arm spiral galaxy, then used this program to move my home system into the core constellation (breaking its warp lines with stars in its original constellations and creating some new ones for it in its new location).

I found that initially I couldn't set any destinations for my ships in the new constellation. Giving myself the tech to use warp drive off the lines, I was able to set desinations that way in original constellation, then explore my way back. Once the connecting system near home were explored that way, ships at my home system could thereafter set destinations normally.

Don't know if this is an interaction between the two mods (this editor & the alternative galaxy generator), or something that would happen if I moved the start like that with the vanilla galaxy generator. I did note that the editor shows what constellation the star is in but doesn't permit it to be edited. That may be the root of it, that although I had moved it on the map to the middle of a different constellation and arranged the links accordingly, it was still treated as in the designated constellation number.
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12 years ago
Mar 5, 2013, 12:18:12 PM
Interesting Barnacle_bill,

It's not the constellation ID's that matter here as I've never seen them matter for anything after a map has been successfully generated, it's something else at play.


Edited: I think I know why this may be happening to you. I usually physically swap my home (and related) planets as the home system mover didn't exist till like 1.2.15x but there is another reason which is ultimately what I think your problem is as well... it means I don't have to remember to edit the visibility bits on the related planets most of the time.

Think of it like this. Let's pretend for this example your current home planet on an arm is A and Z is in the center\core of galaxy - = normal warps and -> = wormhole not that the connection types really matter.

E-D-C-A-B -> Y-X-Z-V-W

By default the visibility bits on C and B (and A for that matter) at the start of the game will include the empire for A (0x0001 if we're the human player). By default the visibility bits on E,D,Y,Z,X,V,W will be nothing 0x0000

So if you are going to do the home-system move of A to Z ... the tool doesn't know X and V are you're new sister planets that need visibilitybits updated, nor does it know to reset C and B back to 0x0000; and if you don't correct that then you can't 'see' the planets next too you to even set them as a destination.

So after you do a move like that ( keep in mind this can apply to other planet moves too), you'll need to open the system editor for the

planets Z and those immediately touching Z, in this case planets X and V and goto the "Game Galaxy" tab and update the Visibility Bits (just select your empire) and save the new values. Equally you should go back to A,B and C and set the visibility bits to empty (0x000), ie no players selected in the bitfield display.

Three related bitflags:

Visibility Bits: Control which empires can see the star system exists (ie can set it destination if unexplored).

Exploration Bits: Control which empires have explored the star system(ie who's been there or exposed due to event or alliance).

VisitBits: Control which empires have visited the star system (similar to explored but actually physically been there).

Thanks for you feedback, and this opportunity to explain this for everyone please let me know if after editing the visibility bits correctly the problem 'resolves' itself, or if this is not clear perhaps I can explain it better. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 5, 2013, 12:24:56 PM
I don't think I have the file but I'll try to replicate it. Likely won't have time until this weekend, though.
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 5:36:41 PM
Hi KnightHawk,

Thank you for your great effort to make this brill tool. Pretty new to it still but I thought you may like some feedback.

Recently I started a new game using the Imperium Aeterna mod. I wanted to know what kind of position I started from so used your tool here to check. Fantastic how it shows the systems and links. So I had to try a little tweak (OK cheat) here and there.

What worked:

Added a few planets and edited some types and there resources;

Updated/changed my Hero's and added dust to hire and maintain them;

edited wormhole and warp placements, all no trouble.

What didn't work was the following:

When adding a new system the warp/wormholes didn't align to the system graphically, they are out by as much a cm on the screen. I could still travel there though.

Any planet with an added planet wonder (using galaxy tab), once found had the little yellow circle around it in when viewed externally and the found wonder dialogue opened (little treasure chest and graphic of wonder), but when in system or planet view there was no info or graphics and I'm not sure if it's there or not. Perhaps I'm missing something to make this show up/active.

When adding techs the associated buildings/ships wouldn't show up. Not sure why; once again perhaps it's something I don't know about in your tool to make work properly.

Questions on editing:

How do you change a constellation ID? Once you isolate a system by editing the warps/wormholes to be part of another system the constellation number is still locked to the old system it belonged to. Does this make any actual difference?

What on earth is the "Region" when adding a system? What difference does it make and which one am I? Sorry if it's a stupid question/s but I just don't understand it and it didn't seem to be the same as the constellation number or even my chosen colour from the start of game.

Please keep up the great work here and I hope this tool keeps working after the new ES release on Monday 11 March. smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 7:10:38 AM
This is truly an awesome tool, major props for not only the creation of it, but also for actively maintaining it. smiley: approvalsmiley: approvalsmiley: approval

On that note, it would wonderful if there was a way to modify the current players in the save file. From reading, it seems that "jailbreak file" kind does something like this, allowing you to pick which empire to load the game as. But i'm not sure if this let's everyone pick, since before you mentioned it only affects player 0. Would this also allow other players, even players that weren't in the original save file, to join in as one of those factions?

Again, amazing tool smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 11:08:33 AM
@indigav -

Any planet with an added planet wonder (using galaxy tab), once found had the little yellow circle around it in when viewed externally and the found wonder dialogue opened (little treasure chest and graphic of wonder), but when in system or planet view there was no info or graphics and I'm not sure if it's there or not. Perhaps I'm missing something to make this show up/active.


This is an game mechanic issue, this issue will happen if you also have an anomaly on said planet because the wonder uses the informational area of the anomaly. So basically for everything to work perfectly you must not have an anomaly on the planet where a wonder exists. I noted this in the release notes back when I added wonder support. BTW the wonder will still work and everything you just can't see it in that view. Note there is a text message about this issue to the right of where you add a wonder warning about this very issue.

Warps being off by one cm... I think this actually has to do with the planet being off by one cm as warps don't have locations, this was an issue some time ago that I fixed and I've not seen it crop back up but I'll take a look, if you have a recent save file where this is an issue that could help expedite my investigation.

When adding techs the associated buildings/ships wouldn't show up. Not sure why; once again perhaps it's something I don't know about in your tool to make work properly.

As the tool I think warns you at the top of the research tab, you must add not just the tech (ie say TechE01), but each technology "elements" associated with that tech because it doesn't know what sub-tech if you will go with each top level tech. If you scroll down the list of a game that's been played a bit you will see there are actually too types that are grouped differently in the list, "Technologies", and "Elements". So for example if you were going to add TechE01 (Arid Epigenetics) you would add TechE01 and then also add ColonizeArid and possibly ColonizeAridWithColonizeTraitScience03 if say this was Horatio empire. The same goes for deleting.

How do you change a constellation ID? Once you isolate a system by editing the warps/wormholes to be part of another system the constellation number is still locked to the old system it belonged to. Does this make any actual difference?

I've not provided a way to change the constellation ID (well technically you can delete a system and recreate it just to change it but I don't count that..lol), I will provide a way to change the ID in the next build... but (as far as I know) after the maps been generated the constellation ID's are not used in anyway.

What on earth is the "Region" when adding a system? What difference does it make and which one am I?

Good question. In theory this is the color code that goes with a constellations\players area, it's something that is used during map generation when say you've messed with the generation templates and changed colors it's really just left over information from that. Bottom line far as I know IT Makes NO Difference what you select here - I usually just choose the color that corresponded to the empire that I will assign to the planet or the 255/255/255 default. The only reason I even included it is it's information that has to be part of a system's /Gameinfo/galaxygeneration/system related entry. Short version - don't worry about it, it was included because at the time earlier on in development I wasn't sure if it was used or not and didn't want to just arbitrarily force it to a particular value.

Please keep up the great work here and I hope this tool keeps working after the new ES release on Monday 11 March.

The current release has been lightly tested with latest vip build, unless there has been a significant change (possible) is compatible with Monday's update. If you find a problem though please report it so that I can fix it as quickly as possible, some times in testing I don't come across every possible setting\scenario.


But i'm not sure if this let's everyone pick, since before you mentioned it only affects player 0. Would this also allow other players, even players that weren't in the original save file, to join in as one of those factions?

You are correct that currently "Jail break" only reset's the steamID for player0. (the human in a single player game or host in MP)

I will see about adding a "Multiplayer Jailbreak" feature, it's something that has crossed my mind in the past. I don't play much MP so I don't know if wiping the steamID's of all players works the same way, I assume it does though, I also don't know if from a desync perspective if that might cause issues, if you want to upload a MP savefile that has a couple humans attached that could help expedite adding that feature.

Thank you both for the feedback and encouragement.
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 7:26:00 AM


Thanks a lot for your work on this tool so far. Stumbled upon this error when launching the game today (for some reason, was fine last night). =(
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 1:13:54 PM
Beldhar - Please attach\upload the file that produces that error so I can investigate and fix it. thanks.
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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 11:00:32 PM
Beldhar wrote:


Thanks a lot for your work on this tool so far. Stumbled upon this error when launching the game today (for some reason, was fine last night). =(

Got the same thing after auto upload of ES Virtual Awakening on current game; was using the Imperium Aeterna Mod at time. Game still works but ESMapEditor didn't like it.


Firstly thank you for responding to my earlier post. Very much appreciate the help. In fact it's such a good reply it may be worth using as a basic guide for others. Any way to bump it up or some such?

Secondly, I will attempt (coughing, embarrassed at squeaky newness to forums and inability at this time to upload) to attach the file as soon as I can. I assume you're referring to the .bin file. Perhaps I'll have to email it?
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 2:27:27 AM
@indigav (or anyone else getting an error)

Can you attach the game save file (where you got the error) zipped (forum requires it to be zipped), not a photo as their isn't enough information in that message to really tell me where the issue is and I have been unable to reproduce it yet in 1.0.65 of ES. I'm sure it's a simple fix I can rush out if I can get a sample file that produces the problem, sounds like there is a new attribute possible for the /game/galaxy/system/ownership/empire element but can't tell without a sample.

Regarding the bumping of the discussion above, nope no way for me to really bump it, perhaps I could do a blog post about it though, but I doubt anyone would read it, I have thought about a video tutorial though just haven't found the time to do one yet. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 10:44:21 AM
Galaxians - ii.zip


Thanks for the help there. I believe the game sample is attached and I hope it helps.

It's not a serious game - just a play to see what's possible and learn about anomalies, wonders, stuff etc do - so if I have to start again, no worries.

As for the tut on your mod, a video would be fantastic. Perhaps along with other mods that allow customization of games it could be posted in the ES Modding Tutorial. Or simply placed in the Modding Shopping Mall with your excellent ESMapEditor for download. I'd read/view it and I'm sure others will too. smiley: biggrin

Keep up the excellent work - you're a hero to all who can't help but tinker, tweak and outright cheat lol
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 4:24:26 PM
@indigav - Thanks for the file. The error you have was different from that of Beldhar's (still need his file if he's reading this), but yours has been fixed ( apparently I don't play enough games with races that have\use the evacuation technology) and a release containing it is pending, also I did not notice any off by 1cm issues with the planets\warps. I have added the editor to the mod shopping mall, I originally figured it didn't belong there since it was not a 'true' mod, but your the second person to suggest that so screw it, if someone complains I'll remove it.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 4:28:12 PM
Latest release links posted in original post (#1)

Release Notes for release - Pretty Poison - Nighttime


- Parsing bug related to a System's possible Evacuation element corrected.

+ SystemEditor will display "Evacuation" when the element exists for a colonized system.

+ Constellation ID editing enabled (still don't think this is needed)
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