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The Leralons (Faction)

I like this faction and would like to see it in the game.
I like this faction, but I feel that it could be improved.
This idea is bad, and HumanSpacer should feel bad.
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12 years ago
Apr 21, 2013, 1:03:29 AM
Oh gosh, my hands are hurting after some much drawing (and erasing)! I've reworked the Leralon's look, but I can't take a picture of their drawing since it's already night were I live, and without the day's light, the photo's quality will be bad. So tomorrow, I will post the new drawing I did for the Leralons. There were not drastical changes, I added an extra leg (Now they are quadrupeds!).

Edit: I have also added to initial post of this thread (I don't know how you call it) some useless information about the Leralon's evolution and home system.
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 11:34:03 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
Looks good, i like hexagons, triangles and stacked industry; and you know what the best thing is? Our geometric designs are vastly different!

Indeed. I find it interesting the way that both of us used hexagons and geometry but still, our design philosophy continues different from each other. Oh and also, I like the no.3 of your symbols.
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 11:24:15 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
Alright, I've finished their symbol. Well, this was pretty easy. After all, since a symbol doesn't require that much details, I did it using Paint. LOL

Looks good, i like hexagons, triangles and stacked industry; and you know what the best thing is? Our geometric designs are vastly different!
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 9:44:17 PM
Alright, I've finished their symbol. Well, this was pretty easy. After all, since a symbol doesn't require that much details, I did it using Paint. LOL

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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 7:49:58 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
Oh lol Well, I didn't think to much about that, but to give you a idea, the "main" building (the tallest, the one I've focused my work on) would have about 190 meters.

Edit: Yeah, I know, 190 meters are not that tall for a space-faring civilization building, but the image represents a small city/outpost or maybe, even a city's suburb of the Leralons.

mmmh it doesn't matter. Could just be a hotel lol

Besides, due to the 'un-tamed' look of the wilderness around it, anyone should very easily be able to guess that this would be an outpost/budding colony
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 7:33:17 PM
Just now I noticed that I've writen "trypod" and not "tripod" in that drawing I did of the Leralons. smiley: alder Sorry for the grammar error guys!
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 5:13:08 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
V2 Looks allot better.

xD when I asked for the scale I meant like how tall are the buildings smiley: wink

Oh lol Well, I didn't think to much about that, but to give you a idea, the "main" building (the tallest, the one I've focused my work on) would have about 190 meters.

Edit: Yeah, I know, 190 meters are not that tall for a space-faring civilization building, but the image represents a small city/outpost or maybe, even a city's suburb of the Leralons.
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013, 3:55:34 PM
stasik28 wrote:
The abstract colors! my eyes!

XD jokes aside, pretty cool looking. I like that little park smiley: stickouttongue

Thanks! smiley: biggrin

Sovereign wrote:
is there a relation between there ship design and their architecture?

Cause i see one ; )

btw: i like it.

Looks like Science and also War. And the grey color gives it the touch of the Galactic Empire from Star Wars.

Yes, they use the same design philosophy for both their ships an buildings. Also, I just want you guys to know that buildings and ships from my faction are heavily inspired in the Forerunner designs from Halo.

Glad you guys liked! But still, If you take a look at the vertices from my first image, you can notice that there's some different lighting effects, even considering that I used the same filter for doing it.

Edit: good to hear you've paid attention to the lore, Sov smiley: yell
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12 years ago
Mar 26, 2013, 7:52:02 PM
You can try, the ship currently looks more like a... whatever the Millennium Falcon was... and it's so familiar, what is it inspired from?
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2013, 5:44:37 PM
Update time! I've recreated their cruiser/battleship and started calling it a dreadnought. I've made a copy of the unpainted version 2 with a copy machine, then I painted the copy (only in case if I screwed up in painting it). So I still have version 2 unpainted. I will keep the version 1 of the ship simply because it is too beatiful to remove it from here.

Version 2 (Unpainted):

Version 2 (Painted):

Oh, and sorry for the mediocre photo quality. The ship color is silver/metallic grey, not brown. The blue lines/dots/scratch are windows.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 4:34:31 PM
Already draw the initial concept for Leralons fighter. Soon I will redraw it and put a photo of it here. And I will paint that other ship when I buy the silver colored pencil that I need for painting it.
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 10:46:54 PM
Wow, the Gladiator and the Harrower are really very similiar to my ship... and I've not even seen these ships before in Star Wars! smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 10:01:17 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
I'll paint it soon. The lines on the top are actually just junctions for the ship's structure, but I will put some glowing power lines in. And the thing that makes this ship familiar to you is maybe because it looks a bit like a Venator Class Star Destroyer (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110918171256/starwars/images/e/ec/Venator_clonewars.jpg)

STAR WARS! That's it!! And you were close, not the Venator, the Gladiator ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gladiator-class_Star_Destroyer )
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 3:43:10 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Ah yes I see... but it has some other aspects that I just can't remember... But it'll look better in color smiley: stickouttongue The lines on the top seem to be like those glowing power lines... but I'd rather see what it's meant to than my interpretation smiley: smile

I'll paint it soon. The lines on the top are actually just junctions for the ship's structure, but I will put some glowing power lines in. And the thing that makes this ship familiar to you is maybe because it looks a bit like a Venator Class Star Destroyer (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110918171256/starwars/images/e/ec/Venator_clonewars.jpg)
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 9:25:45 AM
HumanSpacer wrote:
In the original concept I made for this, I was inspired by Forerunner ships from the Halo franchise. Actually, I've been trying to draw several types of ships with this kind of design, but they ended up becoming not very good ship designs.

Or, if you take a closer look the to Endless architecture, you can see that it have a similar type of design: flattened and geometric surfaces.

Ah yes I see... but it has some other aspects that I just can't remember... But it'll look better in color smiley: stickouttongue The lines on the top seem to be like those glowing power lines... but I'd rather see what it's meant to than my interpretation smiley: smile
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