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4 years ago Aug 18,2020, 16:04:40 PM

Thank You for Participating in OpenDev

3 757 Views

Hello everybody,

Yesterday we wrapped up the first ever OpenDev period for an Amplitude game.

We wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your interest and participation in OpenDev. We’ve received a lot of great feedback through both the survey and the OpenDev forums, and we consider the OpenDev a great success.

While you will no longer be able to play the scenarios, and we will close the OpenDev forum later this week, we are still analyzing all the feedback we have received. We’ll share more insight into the feedback and lessons from OpenDev later.

We hope you all enjoyed your time with the OpenDev of Humankind, a stay tuned for future opportunities!

- The Amplitude Team

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4 years ago
Aug 18, 2020, 8:50:00 PM

Thank you for this amazing opportunity! Humankind is already a very promising game and I am already craving for more... 

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4 years ago
Aug 18, 2020, 11:05:26 PM

Yeah, many thanks to u, DevTeam.

I just hope that we'll have another one chance to take a part in OpenDev. Personally I didn't have enough time to play scenarios because of my work, unfortunately.

Anyway, you're awesome, guys!

Огромное спасибо за вашу открытость и работу!

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2020, 1:19:26 AM

I'm glad I participated, it was a fun experience. You guys are doing a great job, keep it up.

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2020, 2:33:51 AM

This game is REALLY a THING! I am so looking forward to have another opportunities for early access. Thank you for giving me the chance for opendev!!

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2020, 5:17:21 AM

Thank you for the invite! I really enjoyed seeing the mechanics at work and am SUPER excited to play the full release. I was amazed at how rapidly your team was able to impliment small improvements based on feedback. I also very much enjoyed chit chating and theory crafting will all the other fans on discord. It was very interesting to read all the constructive feedback of the other players. I hope my jokes were appreciated and not too annoying.

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2020, 5:33:34 AM

Thank you.

The idea of getting players to play from pre-alpha and listen to their feedback is a wise and useful idea.

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2020, 8:40:13 AM
Justeer wrote:
I don't think this version had auto-battle possibility,

In the OpenDev build you could hand a battle over to the AI, and it would play out at three times the animation speed. We want to implement an "instant battle resolution" option as well, but that's not an easy task given all the factors that play into battles.

Nevertheless wrote:
If you consider it a success, then it seems our reaction didn't confuse you more than it made clear.. ;-)

As mentioned, we'll proably talk some more about what we learned from OpenDev later, once we've finalized the analysis. But the preliminary analysis shows a lot of useful feedback. :)

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