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4 years ago Sep 25,2020, 16:04:41 PM

OpenDev Feedback and Plans

5 814 Views

Hello everyone,

We're back with more info about the results of OpenDev. We already shared some fun facts about the data we got recently, but today we want to talk about your feedback and our plans.

OpenDev was a new approach for us, so we were honestly a bit nervous going into it, but all of you were really excited to participate, and you provided us with a ton of valuable feedback. We took our time to analyze the survey data, read the forums, and discuss changes based on your feedback, and now we are ready to share some of our takeaways from OpenDev and our plans to address them.

We've prepared a list of common feedback and our plans to address it below, but if you want to know more about OpenDev, check out our recent panel at EGX:

Common OpenDev Feedback and Plans

  • Many OpenDev participants reported that the option to attach outposts to cities was difficult to find and use, so we are working on several improvements to the UI. Attaching will be possible from both outposts and cities and display a list of possible targets.


  • To help players understand their economy and manage their cities, we are also improving the tooltips for resource incomes and working on the organization of the city management screen.


  • The battle map received a lot of critique regarding its presentation and readability. We are working to improve the visuals of the battle overlay and the fog of war, and plan to implement additional feedback regarding terrain and its effects (especially forests and rivers), elevation differences, movement range, zone of control, and line of sight. We are also considering an option to disable the battle overlay and view the fully detailed 3D terrain instead to allow you to immerse yourself in the world.
  • Many players have voiced concerns about the pacing and duration of combat. We’re working on a system in which you no longer need to wait for animations to finish before issuing the next order, drastically increasing the speed at which you can take your combat turns. We are also continuing to work on an Instant Resolution feature for players who want to "skip" a battle.

Click through for low resolution animated gif.


  • We are also improving the visual and sound effects to make the combat animations feel more impactful and satisfying.
  • Deployment Zones and Reinforcements were difficult to understand for many of our participants, and we are working to provide both clearer rules and better feedback for these systems.
  • The "Capture the Flag" system was a frequent point of discussion. While we want to retain this system to prevent kiting and put pressure on the attacker to act, we will make an effort to present this system in a more immersive way.
  • As the impact of walls during sieges was not clear to many players, we are tweaking their visual presentation and are examining changes to their effects.
  • To make combat strength and damage easier to understand, we are working on how damage predictions and results are displayed, with a stronger emphasis on the combat strength difference that governs the damage.
  • In our ongoing effort to balance the combat, we are examining the balance of ranged and melee units, considering a further division of unit classes to make unit roles more easily identifiable in battle through different icons, and refining unit abilities to better match the behavior many testers expected.

If you’ve missed OpenDev yourself, you can check out our streams of the three scenarios on Twitch or on the Humankind Youtube Channel:

Finally, we want to thank you all again for your interest and participation in OpenDev. You rock!

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 5:45:22 PM

Thank you for the report. The OpenDev was a nice experience for the players and it's even more important to see how the reports have been digest. 

You're all doing a great work. 

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 6:42:42 PM

Yeah, great video and approach. Outpost & territoritory management plus the enhanced yield driver information in city mangement look very good and should prove super helpful. I guess understanding better why something will be reinforcement instead of participating from turn one in battle was hard for me to understand / manage. Definitely think capture the flag is important to not make turtling a viable strategy. Would just be nice to better understand where the flag will appear before battle. Don't think I have seen that. 

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 6:57:26 PM

Great to see you guys adjusting to our feedback!! since you are tweaking city walls, is there a way they can be represented more realistically rather than so hexagonal?! also the city buildings could feel a bit bigger, they look to separated from each other, cities in the past had very narrow roads and cities were much denser!! Otherwise really stunning visuals!! cant wait for the release! Thank you!!

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 9:25:57 PM

Great! This was an awesome experience to get to try out the game and participate to its elaboration, I look forward to seeing how it will be at release!

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4 years ago
Sep 26, 2020, 5:11:56 AM

Looking forward to whatever future opportunities may come to test more of the game as needed for you all at Amplitude. I love the passion you guys have for the strategy genre and wish this title all the best.

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4 years ago
Sep 26, 2020, 9:57:49 AM

Nice, I think on the city building panel, the list menu to select type of thing we whant to build, can be replaced or complemented with icon buttons allowing to select most important one in 1 click instead of 2 (not much but much at the same time), like Units, Quarters, Infrastructures, Wonders.

I hope we can have another openDev with more advanced version to do more constructive feedback

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 4:25:24 PM

Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity.  We are really excited about this, in case you didn't already know, and await with baited breath for this awesome game and adventure.

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4 years ago
Sep 27, 2020, 12:40:13 AM

I greatly appreciate you guys taking the time to seek out feedback early into development. Amplitude has always been one of the best developers for listening to the community and it really shows in the quality of your games. Thank you.

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4 years ago
Sep 27, 2020, 3:57:16 AM

Really happy to see that the feedback has been taken into consideration and applied so quickly, loving the changes! Thanks for the opportunity

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 27, 2020, 11:49:08 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
We are also considering an option to disable the battle overlay and view the fully detailed 3D terrain instead to allow you to immerse yourself in the world.

Please make it so!

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4 years ago
Sep 28, 2020, 6:11:56 PM

Some also worried about units' unclear lines of sight. For example, a unit could stay in a hollow and see anothet hollow through two hills between them. I hope, you considered that as a bug and will fix it regardless a mention in the post. Like the horsemen bug, when they could go through the white mountain close to the capital in he first scenario.

Good luck with the development and thanks for the opportunity

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4 years ago
Oct 3, 2020, 1:31:33 AM

OpenDev was a cool expirment and I'm glad y'all gave it a shot. These updates are promising, too - especially the income breakdown!

Excited for future developments, and fingers crossed for more OpenDev scenarios in the future!

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4 years ago
Oct 5, 2020, 3:45:12 PM

I'm glad to see that most concerns are looked into, this means opendev was a success, and the team does take feedback into account.

(but not the fact that the enemy can deploy in my castle :D)

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