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4 years ago Dec 11,2020, 02:39:40 AM

Humankind Lucy OpenDev Announced

17 788 Views

Hey everyone! 

Since our first OpenDev back in August, one of the most common questions we’ve been seeing has been: Will there be another OpenDev? 

The short answer is Yes. 

For the long answer, check out our awesome new trailer and all the details below:

Wait a minute... What was that at the end of the trailer? That’s right, we have narrowed down the release date to April 22nd, 2021 on Steam, Stadia, and the Epic Game Store

“But that’s still a long time off!” we hear you say. Don’t worry, we’ve got something to tide you over until the end of the year. From December 15th at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST, 7:00 PST) to December 28th at 16:00 CET, anybody who has pre-purchased Humankind on Steam can try out the new (English language, PC only) Lucy OpenDev. 

This is the biggest OpenDev scenario we have released yet: four full eras and seven AI opponents! Lead your people for more than 100 turns from the Neolithic to the end of the Early Modern Era and try any of the forty different cultures in these eras. Ten thousand potential combinations should keep even the most dedicated of our players busy for a while! 

So how can you play the Humankind Lucy OpenDev? Just follow these simple steps:  

  1. Make sure that HUMANKIND™ is in your Steam library. 
    1. If you have pre-purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition on Steam, it should be there already 
    2. If you have purchased a Steam key from another retailer, you must Redeem the key on Steam first before proceeding to the next step 
  2. Visit GAMES2GETHER 
    1. If you already have an account, go ahead and login 
    2. If you do not have an account, please create one 
  3. Steam connect your G2G account on the rewards page here . If you have already connected your account in the past, you may need to re-sync 
  4. Once the OpenDev begins on the 15th, click on the “Lucy OpenDev” reward and hit Redeem. 
  5. Go back to your Steam library, and Humankind – OpenDev should appear there automatically

You will be playing as Lucy in this OpenDev, but when the game releases you will be able to customize your own avatar and share it with your friends to play against. We’ve been working with some of our favorite Twitch streamers to create special avatars for them, and you can unlock them as AI opponents through Twitch drops by watching their streams. Watch enough Humankind streams on Twitch, and you might even win a key to try the Lucy OpenDev yourself! 

Of course, OpenDev is all about getting your feedback, so we’d be remiss not to tell you what we’ve learned from our Stadia OpenDev and how we plan to address it. 

  • Many of the OpenDev players were excited by the potential of combining different cultures, both thematically and mechanically, and we have seen numerous speculation threads since then. 
  • Events and Civics remain a popular way to gradually shape your civilization over the course of the game. 
  • Most players found that they moved too quickly through the eras and the technology tree. We agree that the pace of the game is currently too fast in those respects and are working to balance this. 
  • While the underlying systems of Diplomacy and Trade were popular with players who dug into them, we received a lot of feedback that these systems are difficult to follow and understand. We are adding additional interface elements to help players keep track of their diplomatic relations and trade deals, for example a history of interactions you can access on the Diplomacy screen. 
  • Many players also found it difficult to judge how well they were doing compared to other civilizations, so we are looking into ways to display the Fame of other civilizations to the player. 
  • We have received a lot of feedback on the balance of cultures and are working to address this. For example, many players felt the Celts and Huns were much stronger than the other cultures, so we are reining them in. 
  • Some players found the stability system difficult to understand, while others thought that it was too easy to maintain high stability. We are doing a balancing pass on Stability to address these issues. 
  • While the religion system as a whole was fairly popular, many players felt there were not enough tenets to choose from and it was too easy to reach the highest tier of tenets. To address this, we are adding new tenets and a new tier. 
  • Many players were confused by the Historic Religions and why they are taken as a Tenet. We have changed this so that players can choose a Historic Religion when they adopt another tenet, rather than doing so instead of adopting a Tenet. 
  • While most appreciated the presence of the Independent Peoples, many were disappointed that they were divided into only two groups. We are going to further differentiate the Independent Peoples through Ideologies. 
  • A lot of players found that conquering Independent People was quick and easy, assimilating them was difficult and obscure. We’re working to make conquest more difficult and assimilation more rewarding, while improving the clarity of the User Interface. 
  • As many found it strange and potentially tedious or exploitable that you could field an unlimited number of armies, we will likely return some limit on the number of armies you can field without penalties. 
  • Many players also felt that they could take too much from other civilizations after only a handful of battles in a war. We are still working to balance the Morale gains and losses as well as costs to address this issue.

We hope you will enjoy this new OpenDev scenario and keep providing us with constructive feedback!

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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 7:41:39 PM

will there be some kind of event for those who pre-ordered the game at epic games?

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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 6:07:34 PM
DNLH wrote:

I feel like it is a broken cycle, people were angry about no "proper" incentive for pre-order, so they were given next OpenDev, so now other people are angry about OpenDev being closed behind pre-order. There's no way to make everyone happy, but it's seemingly easy to make it so that no one is.

I'm just glad that I'll be able to see some more gameplay, but I'd also rather wait for full game, because I don't really have time to play the OpenDev properly. More people need to read the blogs, it's less about marketing the game with playable demos and more about gathering feedback and fine-tuning the game.

But how can you gather feedback and fine-tune the game without players actually playing the game? Isn't that supposed to be the rational of OpenDev? It's not just a demo that allows people to try out the game before launch, it's a demo that allows people to give feedback. The argument sounds contradictory.

But I do agree, at least for those who can't access OpenDev they should at least get some form of info about the game, not that it'll be 4-5 months before launch.

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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 12:01:37 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
when the game releases you will be able to customize your own avatar and share it with your friends to play against.


Will we will be able to set the personality our avatars will have when they play other people?

for example could I create a warmonger named Khan and send him to all my Trek friends?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 10:31:49 AM
Kyell wrote:
I hope that this time you can also test the Mac version.

After asking the team, I unfortunately have to say that the MacOS version is not ready to be played yet.

BobWilson wrote:
That is a lot of combinations, so, within those 10,000 combinations would you say there are even more depending on the choices that are made throughout the simulation?

Well, speaking strictly of culture combinations, there are 10000 which use four different cultures, but if you factor Transcendence you get to roughly 13000... But that doesn't factor in all the other small or large choices, like which Civics you enact.

BobWilson wrote:
When do Tanks come in - I love tanks lolk

If you count the Neolithic, there are actually 5 eras in the OpenDev. Tanks only come in at the final era, though, so you won't get to try them yet.

BobWilson wrote:
The reward is the OpenDev for people that pre purchased?

Yes, you redeem access to the OpenDev through the Rewards, similar to our free copy of Endless Space 1.

Fern32 wrote:
Will opendev be accessible on Stadia?

No, this OpenDev is available only through Steam.

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4 years ago
Dec 13, 2020, 10:46:42 PM

Wow, this seems like a good idea!

Kudos to the devs, let's see how far they took humankind compared to the last opendev!

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4 years ago
Dec 13, 2020, 11:23:01 AM

I feel like it is a broken cycle, people were angry about no "proper" incentive for pre-order, so they were given next OpenDev, so now other people are angry about OpenDev being closed behind pre-order. There's no way to make everyone happy, but it's seemingly easy to make it so that no one is.

I'm just glad that I'll be able to see some more gameplay, but I'd also rather wait for full game, because I don't really have time to play the OpenDev properly. More people need to read the blogs, it's less about marketing the game with playable demos and more about gathering feedback and fine-tuning the game.

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4 years ago
Dec 13, 2020, 4:09:02 AM
Roryn411 wrote:

I really hope they don’t make us always be able to see other players’ fame. To me, that strongly detracts from the journey mattering more than the destination, which is the thing that really drew me to this game. I don’t want to be constantly competing against other players; I want to just play the game and be pleasantly surprised by the results at the end.

You could not look, I suppose. Or they could make it an option. If being able to do exact math will bog down decision making too much, they could simply tell you a ranking (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) of all the players, but not by how much someone is winning.

But without seeing how my score compares to others in *some* way, it is simply a meaningless number. If it means something and I feel like playing a casual game, I can always ignore it.

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4 years ago
Dec 12, 2020, 7:21:58 PM
MasterPaw wrote:
Publishing a way to play like half of the game almost before release is not lacking confidence imo, its the contrary

Correct no lack of confidence, especially with the Amazing Lucy Trailer - 

The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Ten thousand potential combinations should keep even the most dedicated of our players busy for a while! 

That is a lot of combinations, so, within those 10,000 combinations would you say there are even more depending on the choices that are made throughout the simulation?  I guess that is a silly question, I feel this game is like chess with so many potential choices that lead to many different paths from those choices, only the graphics and plot are much more interesting than chess of course.  

The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
four full eras

There are 7 eras total?  When do Tanks come in - I love tanks lolk

200mm wrote:
Indeed that character was replaced by Lucy...

Lucy is stunning *heart emoji* *Laugh Emoji* 

The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
The Reward will be available starting December 15th.

The reward is the OpenDev for people that pre purchased?


Ludovide wrote:
especially that it felt too easy to advance to the next era and it happened too quickly

Yes I have sooooo much to learn about this - population, civics, science, food, stability pretty much everything I need to read a PDF on 4x games so I have a good understanding, the last opendev towards turn 20 I was just clicking through everything not really knowing what I was doing at all - I think after reading the forums and reddit posts I have a slightly better understanding of certain things 

The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Many players were confused by the Historic Religions

I am confused about it all, BUT I will be dedicated and read and try and pick up as much as I can before April 22nd

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4 years ago
Dec 12, 2020, 11:02:04 AM
Zaubberer wrote:

I realy love Open Dev, but doing it this way (pre purchase) feels a bit like buying a pig in a poke! For me it  seems like amplitude- studios is lacking of self confidence  You proberbly are not, but please do not let it look this way,

i personnally dont think of it this way, its a way to incentize pre order but which actually gives you something quite significant, compared to pre order one year or more before release and you have no idea what the game will look like

Publishing a way to play like half of the game almost before release is not lacking confidence imo, its the contrary

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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 11:56:19 PM

I am very glad they are listening to feedback, and the post sums up a lot of my feelings about the open dev, especially that it felt too easy to advance to the next era and it happened too quickly. I'm excited to see what's next!

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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 7:30:01 PM

I realy love Open Dev, but doing it this way (pre purchase) feels a bit like buying a pig in a poke! For me it  seems like amplitude- studios is lacking of self confidence  You proberbly are not, but please do not let it look this way,

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 7:07:21 PM

Will OpenDev use a separate AppID? Or if i play it more then 2 hours, I won't be eligible for refund of the final title?

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 8:32:24 AM
Scholastico wrote:
But how can you gather feedback and fine-tune the game without players actually playing the game?

But the players will be playing the game. Just not all of the players possible, which isn't such a big issue, you need a sample big enough, not largest available. My comment was more addressed at people who treat the OpenDev as playable demos and get irked by it being limited by time/platform/other restrictions. There's difference between playing the game and pushing it to the limit, testing different combinations, trying to 'cheat' your way through presented scenario or walking around the mechanics. You can do both, but one of those attitudes will be more valuable to devs than the other.

Let me try to word it differently, it's a playable demo, but it is not released primarily so that the largest crowd possible can play as a marketing tool, but so that devs can look at the players playing and figure out how's it going.

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 1:42:58 PM
DNLH wrote:
Scholastico wrote:
But how can you gather feedback and fine-tune the game without players actually playing the game?

But the players will be playing the game. Just not all of the players possible, which isn't such a big issue, you need a sample big enough, not largest available. My comment was more addressed at people who treat the OpenDev as playable demos and get irked by it being limited by time/platform/other restrictions. There's difference between playing the game and pushing it to the limit, testing different combinations, trying to 'cheat' your way through presented scenario or walking around the mechanics. You can do both, but one of those attitudes will be more valuable to devs than the other.

Let me try to word it differently, it's a playable demo, but it is not released primarily so that the largest crowd possible can play as a marketing tool, but so that devs can look at the players playing and figure out how's it going.

Oh ok, I understand your post now. Sorry if I assumed otherwise.

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