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3 years ago Aug 27,2021, 16:04:40 PM

What's Next for Humankind?

15 044 Views

We want to thank you all for the amazing, enthusiastic (frankly at times almost overwhelming) reception of Humankind. This was a dream game for us, and it warms our hearts to see so much lively discussion about all kinds of topics: Favorite cultures, strategies, balancing, map making and modding, and many others… But in all of these discussions, one question keeps coming up:

What’s next?

So, here’s a brief look at our plans for the near and not-so-near future: 


Upcoming patches 

Our team has been hard at work investigating and fixing bugs since launch (and we want to thank all of you who took the time to report issues you encountered), and we are going to deliver at least two patches to address various problems, 

The first of these patches is already available as a beta test on an optional Steam branch, and we will release it officially very soon. For those of you who prefer to stay on the latest official stable version, and our players on other storefronts, here’s a small sample of what you can look forward to: 

  • Broadened generation conditions of Oil and Uranium deposits to reduce the risk of not enough deposits of either spawning
  • Fixed GamePass players being unable to use multiplayer with the error message "You were forcibly disconnected from the game"
  • Fixed “Stuck on tenet screen if all tenets are taken” bug
  • Fixed several causes of turns not processing and getting stuck
  • Improved AI behavior and performance

We’re already hard at work on the patch after the next one as well, but that one will take a little longer to be finished and released. In addition to more bug fixes, we want this patch to improve multiplayer and include a balance pass on several aspects of the game, such as cultures.

Map Making, Modding Tools, and Day 1 Mod

We’ve talked about our intentions for the modding capabilities of Humankind before, and while the scope of our plans has not changed, we cannot deny that the timing did not work out as we had planned.

We’re still working on the modding tools and the Day 1 mod, though we are focusing on the modding tools first to put a first version of these tools into your hands as soon as possible to empower you to create your own mods. This initial release will have more limited capabilities than what we would like to achieve, but we hope to be able to deliver this together with one of the upcoming patches.

In the meantime, the map editor is already available to you, and a number of bugfixes and improvements are coming to it in the next patch. And while you may be waiting for the modding tools to start your own dream project, this is a great time to get your feet wet in map making, as just yesterday we started a Map Making Contest with some amazing prizes! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Other Improvements 

We’ve seen many avid discussions about the game, and many interesting suggestions for how to change or improve it. Diplomacy, pollution, religion, and war resolution are only some examples of the many topics that came up in these discussions. We are of course keeping a close eye on these discussions to understand what you do or do not like about the game and what changes you would like to see.

However, these are big topics that may require big changes to address your concerns thoroughly. We need to carefully consider the steps we take on these issues, and then take time to properly implement and test these changes, so we will unfortunately not be able to provide a quick solution to these, though we will continue to work on balance improvements that may help to alleviate some of the problems you have been talking about.

Thank you once again for the enthusiastic reception, and for all your help making Humankind a better game.

We're here, we're listening, so let's forge the future of Humankind together!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 11:14:02 PM

I hope that the map maker is improved soon.  I played around with it, and it felt like there wasn't much that you could add to a map.  A few types of water, a few types of prairie, a few types of desert, a few types of mountains, and some forest...  Change the elevation, add a few landmarks or rivers...  That's it.  Most of the map features look basically the same.  This is OK for normal random maps used in gameplay, but it feels super-bland compared to the terrain in Endless Legend.

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 1:43:17 AM

Love the game, really just looking for minor tweaks and MP hardening (still getting lots of Desyncs in multiplayer). There's also a lot of QOL features I'd love to see (like little things, like the way the news toast takes precedence even in battle), but I know you'll get there! Keep up the amazing work, this was truly worth waiting for!

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 3:19:17 AM

Been playing on the beta since it was updated and all those fixes have fixed/improved a lot of problems. Not to be discourteous; the more you play the more bugs you find, such as these in single player:

-Being an attacker you suddenly have to defend

-Negotiations to force a war isn't selectable then leaves surrender as the only option

-There are some issues with line-of-sight

-Pollution levels rising too high too fast forcing my game to end soon even with planted forests

-Back-to-back demands (seven times in a row) from AI even though you kept refusing

-In battle, when a unit has no more turns/actions, it should go to the next available unit to avoid confusion which has a turn left as we're looking to the right panel or sometimes wondering why a unit won't do anything.

One of the most important issues, which many have posted about months ago during closed beta is the lack of accessibility options including colourblindness. Colours are very similar to one another making it near impossible to pick out yours from another unit/s - ruins the overall enjoyment of a quality game.

Plus the suggested tile improvements are only easier to see once you're zoomed out. Ideally, I'd like to see more UI scaling options beyond what Humankind already has for many more elements/icons, and some icon/panel scaling is actually too large (ie city or events) taking up a lot of room and obscuring the view of the map.

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 10:11:39 AM


any news on the mac version?

I tried with bootcamp but without success, the game crashes after the avatar selection...


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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 12:28:20 PM

Keep up the great work and stay tuned to your community so we know you hear us - that is super important! :)

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 2:22:28 PM

I think that while buffing them might be warranted you should make sure that you don't buff the spawning of resources too much. One of the good things about this game that few other games have is that due to the actual scarcity of resources there is a very substantial incentive to engage in worldwide trade, specially towards the late game once coal, oil and uranium start to become very necessary, which is something that many other 4Xs don't have as they simply rely on everybody having some of the resources close to them. So while buffing the spawn rate of uranium and oil specially might be somewhat warranted you should make sure that in many occasions trade might still be necessary to obtain them.

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 12:13:12 PM

Bonjour, jeu génial. Continuez ! 

Pour les ressources, uranium pétrole, la rareté m'a surpris, mais j'ai trouvé cela top, dans le fait que j'ai du changer de stratégie pour gagner, sinon j'aurai gagné "sans réfléchir" en fin de partie si j'en avais eu. 

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 5:01:08 PM

I've always loved the CIV series but I think that you guys smashed it with this one! Endless Legends was an amazing game but it lacked that little bit of relatability. This game though! WOW! Keep it up!!! I've also posted a possible bug discovery! See how it goes :)

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 5:26:36 PM

For me the game is not playable because it is toasting my cpu and gpu. Please fix this next! There are plenty of users with the same problem :-(

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 11:42:31 PM

For me  - as a CIV Player since 1991 - it's clear, that this game has a different approach, and I truly like it. I want to love your game, but in it's current state, I sadly can't. There are so many places you need to change things:

  1. I like the map design and your idea of how to expand my civilization!
  2. I like the UI. It's modern, clear but sometimes a little bit less informative and it lacks of a  mini map!
  3. What's about upgrading units inside the unit overview? This would ease this process.
  4. Why am I forced to make peace when my opponent has no more war support? In the last game I sent armies to another continent, won battles and got forced to make peace close before the siege of the opponents last city. That was a really lousy experience. And on top of this, i had not enough warpoints to hold all won regions. -.-
  5. Then there are settler like units. Easy to build. The cities they found get all accessible extensions granted by default while the settler building city has to spend dozens of rounds accumulated to reach the same point. That's ridiculous nonsense.
  6. But my biggest concern is the time to play in the game. In CIV VI I'm playing on marathon speed, because I want to build those things my scientists invented. In your game - even on "Endless" -  there's almost no time to do so. And why am I in 6231 BCE while reaching round 655? That makes no sense to me.
I know, this is a new and a different game than CIV - which has also more than one con. But in it's current state you have to put a really big amount of effort into your game to reach a state where you can say: We have a good and different (maybe better) working game than CIV.

I wish you luck with that. I really do. What you have done looks promising to me, but with so much work to do.
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3 years ago
Aug 30, 2021, 6:05:28 AM

в общем, удаляю эту игру. Баженая по полной, недопиленная совершенно, даже по сюжету. Ну как это без нефти танки не ездят, подлодки не плавают, смеетесь? Люминь, к примеру, вполне заменяют композитные материалы. "В одном из научных институтов Ярославской области изобрели новый сверхпрочный сплав. В основе структуры полимера лежит цианат-эфирная составляющая. Новому веществу решено присвоить название аристид в честь древнегреческого государственного деятеля и военачальника".

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3 years ago
Aug 30, 2021, 1:03:25 PM


But there are many things to do though on multiplayer experience.

For example, a battle now is BETWEEN two players, but it's impossible for third or 4th player to join the battle. That makes hard to play 2V2 or 3V3 matches.

Also, once a player accidentally disconnected from the match, it is hard to reconnect again.

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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2021, 3:57:33 PM

Please also add Steam Trading cards for badges and some point shop items too. 

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 2:18:06 PM

What about Macs! I'm super eager and jealous everyone is having fun. Us mac users are twiddling our thumbs still. Any updates?

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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2021, 8:19:04 AM
Once again you did not disappoint. You managed to get me hooked on a sci-fi 4x while I'm not a fan of the genre and now you turn your eyes to my old love civ games and well ... keep up this work !
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