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3 years ago Aug 27,2021, 16:04:40 PM

What's Next for Humankind?

15 044 Views

We want to thank you all for the amazing, enthusiastic (frankly at times almost overwhelming) reception of Humankind. This was a dream game for us, and it warms our hearts to see so much lively discussion about all kinds of topics: Favorite cultures, strategies, balancing, map making and modding, and many others… But in all of these discussions, one question keeps coming up:

What’s next?

So, here’s a brief look at our plans for the near and not-so-near future: 


Upcoming patches 

Our team has been hard at work investigating and fixing bugs since launch (and we want to thank all of you who took the time to report issues you encountered), and we are going to deliver at least two patches to address various problems, 

The first of these patches is already available as a beta test on an optional Steam branch, and we will release it officially very soon. For those of you who prefer to stay on the latest official stable version, and our players on other storefronts, here’s a small sample of what you can look forward to: 

  • Broadened generation conditions of Oil and Uranium deposits to reduce the risk of not enough deposits of either spawning
  • Fixed GamePass players being unable to use multiplayer with the error message "You were forcibly disconnected from the game"
  • Fixed “Stuck on tenet screen if all tenets are taken” bug
  • Fixed several causes of turns not processing and getting stuck
  • Improved AI behavior and performance

We’re already hard at work on the patch after the next one as well, but that one will take a little longer to be finished and released. In addition to more bug fixes, we want this patch to improve multiplayer and include a balance pass on several aspects of the game, such as cultures.

Map Making, Modding Tools, and Day 1 Mod

We’ve talked about our intentions for the modding capabilities of Humankind before, and while the scope of our plans has not changed, we cannot deny that the timing did not work out as we had planned.

We’re still working on the modding tools and the Day 1 mod, though we are focusing on the modding tools first to put a first version of these tools into your hands as soon as possible to empower you to create your own mods. This initial release will have more limited capabilities than what we would like to achieve, but we hope to be able to deliver this together with one of the upcoming patches.

In the meantime, the map editor is already available to you, and a number of bugfixes and improvements are coming to it in the next patch. And while you may be waiting for the modding tools to start your own dream project, this is a great time to get your feet wet in map making, as just yesterday we started a Map Making Contest with some amazing prizes! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Other Improvements 

We’ve seen many avid discussions about the game, and many interesting suggestions for how to change or improve it. Diplomacy, pollution, religion, and war resolution are only some examples of the many topics that came up in these discussions. We are of course keeping a close eye on these discussions to understand what you do or do not like about the game and what changes you would like to see.

However, these are big topics that may require big changes to address your concerns thoroughly. We need to carefully consider the steps we take on these issues, and then take time to properly implement and test these changes, so we will unfortunately not be able to provide a quick solution to these, though we will continue to work on balance improvements that may help to alleviate some of the problems you have been talking about.

Thank you once again for the enthusiastic reception, and for all your help making Humankind a better game.

We're here, we're listening, so let's forge the future of Humankind together!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 4:34:11 PM

Thanks guys! I'm loving this game, its great fun. I've convinced a bunch of mates to get on board and they are enjoting it too. Looking forward to some MP when it's stable. 
Other than that though, the map competition would've been nice to participate in as an Aussie... some great prizes there.  

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 5:11:00 PM

The game is incredibly fantastic. Finally a 4x game in which every battle looks like a real strategy problem that need to be addressed with time and a good coffee. I really enjoyed the stunning map and visual effect on my 2K monitor is a dream, some time I just spend minutes looking at every little thing moving around. Litteraly my expectation where hign and for sure you have reache it. Just continue to improve the game and we will continue to support you. I can't wait to play the game with my brother; I have just bought another copy as a gift :) thanks Humankind team!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 5:20:10 PM

you're welcome! If you like to release new "Dev" versions to test said bigger changes, happy to help. Make sure to also announce these on the new Steam news feed for the game. 

I agree with @Gianp90 that the release of Humankind has not disappointed me much from what we got in the alpha and beta and the overall potential is still amazing.

If you can afford it would be great if could swim against the riverflow of the game industry to release new content, instead, working on polishing said mechanics of the existing game. 

Imho, adding more content would make these changes even more challenging at times due to dependencies. Hope you share this view.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 5:21:55 PM

Thank you for building a strong base for the game at launch. I hope you bring more and build it futher. The diplomacy and engagement with the AI is exemplary and I have enjoyed it as well as city planing with a breathtaking landscape.

Not to sound cliche but I'm loving it!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 5:39:21 PM

Thanks for the game, and I am loving it! End game and pollution really need improvements. Loving everything until I have to go to contemporary era, because then I always have to watch out for pollution that.. doesn't make sense at all.

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 6:12:03 PM
blackbutterfly wrote:

How do we get on the beta test?

You can opt in on Steam only right now. Select Humankind with a right mouse click, go properties and then the betas tab, and select the beta version from the list. The game will update automatically. 

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 6:32:13 PM

Quite good for a start. Please continue to improve the game as the big competitor has been doing with his games for years. Thanks!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 6:52:31 PM

Thanks for the news.  :)

We are week+2 post release I guess, so the current bugs are understandable.

I know that multiplayer is secondary for a game like Humankind, but if you could fix the serious bug that makes some players have no civic unlocked in multiplayer, it would be great. Because right now, if a player has this bug in a game, the game is lost for him.

There are also some powerful exploit bugs that I won't talk about here but that should be fixed, for single and multiplayer.

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 7:47:14 PM

Thanks for keeping us all up to date! Just remember that when you see players frustrated with certain features or bugs, it's only because we hold the studio in highest regard and want to see this flourish. Take all the time in the world to make that happen

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 8:10:14 PM

Congratulation for your game. I have finaly won my first race and, even if there have been problems with balancing in the two last eras, it was a great and addicting moment of play. 

'Bon courage' for the patches !

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 8:21:19 PM

I am so glad that you guys are looking at pollution - I love the idea and the payoff it creates, but right now it needs a lot of work so that it doesn't just act as a gatekeeper to all the late game toys. Keep up the great work!

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 9:00:48 PM

Nice to see the communication and hope this notion of "listening to feedback" is sincere.

With that in mind please consider including 'Aluminium' as a resource in need of buffing as many techs that use oil and uranium also use aluminium, which in my experience did not spawn in high enough quantity to allow me to build anything late game This is in regards to;

"Broadened generation conditions of Oil and Uranium deposits to reduce the risk of not enough deposits of either spawning"

I know it's been said before, but a way to go beyond the hard 600-turn limit would be great too.

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