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3 years ago Feb 01,2022, 16:04:40 PM

What's Next for Humankind?

6 236 Views

During Amplified, we shared a brief glimpse of the improvements planned for Humankind in the next few months. Today, we want to take a closer look at that glimpse to provide some additional context and details for some of the items on the list.

The first months after release were focused on addressing some of the biggest issues raised by our community and affecting many players. In addition to fixing many bugs reported by our players, including many causes of multiplayer desyncs and pending turns, we’ve improved map generation to ensure there are always enough strategic resources on the map, rebalanced pollution values so it no longer ends games prematurely (your industries were far more powerful than we anticipated!) and added options to customize the game’s end conditions and turn off the turn limit. We’ve also been constantly working on the AI, have done a first balancing pass on military units and a few cultures, and released a beta of the mod tools so you can experiment with adding your own content. 

Of course, balancing, AI improvements, bugfixes, and game stability both in single and multiplayer are subjects we are always working on, but there are some improvements coming in the next few months that we want to highlight: 

  • War Support: Many players have expressed frustration with wars coming to a sudden and sometimes premature end, often denying them the gain they were aiming for. However, some people have also spoken out in support of the war resolution system. So, while we will maintain the war resolution and surrender system, we want to implement an option that allows the winner to continue pressing the war at a certain cost or risk.
  • Multiplayer hotjoin: While we are constantly working to fix any causes of multiplayer desyncs we identify, there may always be cases when a game desyncs or a player disconnects. To help you get back into your games with your friends as quickly and easily as possible, we are implementing a hotjoin system.
  • Immersive Empire Names: Another common point of feedback from our players was that they have trouble identifying with their own empire and keeping track of their opponents, which pulls them out of the experience. We are working on a new way to refer to empires in game that should help players immerse themselves in their games.
  • Affinity Balancing: While balancing is an ongoing process, we find that the strong power imbalance between the different affinities (Builders and Scientists coming up particularly often) skews the feedback we get not only about the power of culture, but also about the game pace and many other aspects, so we will focus on rebalancing affinities first.
  • Sieges and sorties: Sieges often come up in criticism of the battle system. While we have received much feedback on how the AI handles them and are working to improve that, we have also seen people raise the issue that halfway through the game, you lose access to siege equipment built on site by your sieging forces, denying you one of your options in those cases when you need or want to destroy enemy fortifications. We’re looking into ways to close this “siege gap. 

We hope these improvements will make the game more fun for you, and look forward to hearing from you what you think about them. 

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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 4:03:01 PM

Great! I was expecting the multiple avatar feature to be included here and countless others. I hope you all (Devs) adress it. Good luck with the future of Humankind!

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2 years ago
May 11, 2022, 1:07:01 AM

Please work on the end game more! The amount of hoops to use nukes makes me sad. Especially when the nukes are so disappointing in their range and flexibility. No bombers or subs :(. I love the MAD concept though, it's done very well.

I love the map generation! Maps are much more interesting than in civ. I've really enjoyed learning the map maker although it can be a bit finicky at times. 

I feel like the tech tree is much more interesting early on and becomes way too streamlined at the end. I feel a bit rushed at the end of the game trying to experience it all but there's just not enough time. 

I'd love to see a weather and diplomacy feature added some day too. Recently tried another civ vi game with my family and it really adds a lot of fun. Especially because they give bonuses while also being destructive.  

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3 years ago
Mar 27, 2022, 6:32:54 PM

Actually I seem to be ahead of everyone with my expectations ?! I am looking forward to the first expansion adding complete new mechanics to the game like #climatechange (which since civ made it, is a must have for me) or expanding on the phenomenal #storyevents which are already in the game! ( I think of something akeen to the newer Paradox titles/ #bigstellarisfan) But I am just on for the ride. When do we first expect a first major DLC?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Mar 15, 2022, 2:25:57 AM

Characteristic buildings and wonders are shit at all. Unless it is buff to your gold, else you are increasing your rounds

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3 years ago
Mar 5, 2022, 4:01:47 PM

Cant access the free wonders on game pass. This is after correctly applying the code. Please fix. The wounders should have been free DLC instead of codes..

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3 years ago
Feb 17, 2022, 8:26:57 AM

Two weeks later but better later than never !

In my experience with the game I would say it needs more expansion content. I mean, I love having events and cultures packs but the game started already with more options than other 4X games out there. I would love to see deeper mecanics regarding war and diplomacy. Helping vasalized people break free, being able to offer armies as a gift, World Congress, federations as the next step for alliances. Also, they included climate change from the beginning, but natural disasters or sea levels rising are still missing there. I would also like to mention more civil units and the appeareance of infrastructures in our cities, not as a distric but maybe the district itself could grow or show those upgrades. Deepen religion mecanics and adding more religions to choose from. 

I think adding more events and wonders would also be nice. For instance in the Lucy trailer they mentioned Lucy made her empire vegetarian, so it would be interesting such events and its consequences on the game. Moreover, I am craving for wonders such as Terra Cota Warriors, Beta Ghiorghis, Colisseum, Petra, Hagia Sophia, Alhambra, Great Wall, Potala, Taipei 101, Burj Khalifa, Petronas Towers, to mention a few. 

So far I am loving the game ! But I also know it has so much potential. Keep working hard ! Thanks to all the Humankind team for this great game. 

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3 years ago
Feb 16, 2022, 5:16:35 AM

It would be really nice if they could add a "joint war" treaty or the ability to upgrade an Alliance to a Military Alliance This "Military Alliance" would basically be NATO. Whilst a "Joint War" treaty could be the equivalent to Article 5 of NATO.

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3 years ago
Feb 15, 2022, 2:24:06 PM
NADster wrote:

Please also look into vassals breaking free from their overlord while you are at war with him.

You get stuck with occupied vassal cities, because you auto-peace the vassal when it rebels. You can't negotiate with the vassal (at peace) or overlord (not his vassal's city anymor). You can't liberate (occupied) or ransack the city. Only option is to either be stuck indefinitely with the city or declare a seperate war against the vassal (surprise war, as you start at below 80% ws).

Easy solution would be to simply not get peaced out and stay at war with the vassal, when it breaks free.

I feel there should be more options with vassals. Like negociations of some kind. Some might be happy to have a big brother protecting them - for a price.

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3 years ago
Feb 11, 2022, 12:48:46 AM

I have a huge problem with the STRAINED STABILITY MECHANIC as implemented currently.  The UI does not explain the source of it, there is no apparent way to fix it, it's as if the city were hit by the small pox or the plague and the player just has to play the game with this virus that infects other cities you create after as well as the single city you may have in the early game, it can strike right at the beginning of the game and ruin it.

You look at a city with STRAINED STABILITY under STABILITY and it has more positive sources than negative yet your city STABILITY is still at 90 percent and wavering or slowly climbing and you have no control over it, you have no information and you can't remedy it no matter what you build.

What the hell are 'STABILITY CONSTRUCTS' for if not to manage STABILITY? It's as if this is outside of those mechanics as an uncontrollable afterthought.

I had a great start, I had a fun game going and then I ran into this moronic crap and it just ruined the entire game for me.  I quit playing on turn 100 and just shut it down. 

If I have to put up with this every time I play this game I don't care what DLC you add to it, I don't care how much more content you put into it, I'll just uninstall it and quit playing it.  What is this?  There's no explanation or interaction that can fix it, that's some serious b.s. right there.  I have never ran into anything like this in any 4x game. 

What does the player do?  Throw a festival? A feast?  I mean for real here tell us what to do to fix it so we can keep on building our empire and defend the damn thing.   It doesn't make me a happy camper I can tell you that.   Even Paradox won't throw a status effect at you in any of their complicated games that you cannot find a remedy for, you might have to endure it for a short while but there is always a path to fixing it that is eventually made apparent. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 7, 2022, 10:00:41 PM

Wouldn't it be a matter of making the player simply choose their 'main' avatar on their side, tho? Honestly, I wouldn't mind if we just had a 'save as AI persona' button and got a prompt to create new one, my avatar is ready, the biases and everything else is unlocked, but at this point it would just feel wrong to remove them and create a new one. All those customization tools and no use for them for players that get attached easily.

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3 years ago
Feb 5, 2022, 10:18:14 AM
DNLH wrote:

Shame that 'multiple avatars' again didn't make it to the list. Could we at least get a definitive yes or no on the matter?

During one of the Amplitude Streams one of the Designers (?) Balthazar said that they have it on radar, that they *want* to do it, but it's low priority. According to Balthazar it is the single most requested feature for the game, but they would have to change the Games2Gether Avatar host for it as well, which is why it's a more complicated task.

(This is just from my memory. If someone from the Staff wants to correct me, feel free!)

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3 years ago
Feb 1, 2022, 4:17:37 PM

Please also look into vassals breaking free from their overlord while you are at war with him.

You get stuck with occupied vassal cities, because you auto-peace the vassal when it rebels. You can't negotiate with the vassal (at peace) or overlord (not his vassal's city anymor). You can't liberate (occupied) or ransack the city. Only option is to either be stuck indefinitely with the city or declare a seperate war against the vassal (surprise war, as you start at below 80% ws).

Easy solution would be to simply not get peaced out and stay at war with the vassal, when it breaks free.

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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 12:49:21 PM

Thank you for all your hard work.

I am disappointed at no announcement on new systems (religion, espionage, etc) But also happy with the product and the labor of love put into it. And amazed at the transparency. 

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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 10:51:22 AM

I’m a very big fan of the game so far! I was thinking that for the war support situation you mentioned, maybe a stability decrease would be most realistic, as you couldn’t label it as a “justifiable” war anymore, and your citizens would protest that. And i think it would be cool, because if you have a low enough stability due to an “unjustified” war, you would get rebels/resistance(nazi germany) or a civil war(ceasar in gaul) like situation

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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 10:13:24 AM
clshoaf wrote:

+1 for multiple avatars. There's so much room for customization and creation and it will help take game immersion to the next level.

Avatar on cloud too,

Actually i have 2 computers, and each of them had its own avatar.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 9:32:44 AM

A nice system could be if you could have several avatars and pin them to some set of cultures selected by us, so it would change with the new epoque.  I do not like it when, for example, I choose the African culture playing as Asian avatar, or the Asian culture playing as Indian avatar, and so on.

Also, the imbalance at lower difficulty levels is still a nightmare - you can't vassalize an empire half your size, even though you have captured all of its cities, the upscaling of prices to buyouts for money is so absurd that even playing with money-oriented cultures for several epoques everything is still too expensive.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 8:16:25 AM

To make the game enjoyable, there are far more things to change. 

I'll stay tuned, wait for next update, and Endless Dungeon.

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3 years ago
Feb 1, 2022, 9:58:50 PM

Ran into this myself the other day, very awkward scenario stuck with an occupied former vasal city while also at peace. I did have to go kill them and wage a surprise war to get around the bug. 
NADster wrote:

Please also look into vassals breaking free from their overlord while you are at war with him.

You get stuck with occupied vassal cities, because you auto-peace the vassal when it rebels. You can't negotiate with the vassal (at peace) or overlord (not his vassal's city anymor). You can't liberate (occupied) or ransack the city. Only option is to either be stuck indefinitely with the city or declare a seperate war against the vassal (surprise war, as you start at below 80% ws).

Easy solution would be to simply not get peaced out and stay at war with the vassal, when it breaks free.

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