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3 years ago Jun 09,2022, 19:17:27 PM

Bolivar Update and Cultures of Latin America Available now

17 987 Views

Updates, cultures, and announcements, oh my... Today is a busy day for Humankind. So, let’s rest for a moment and take a closer look at all of this, starting with...


The Bolivar Update 

There are many improvements, big and small, in the Bolivar Update. Too many to describe in detail here, but here’s a quick overview of some key improvements: 

  • "Force Surrender” is not mandatory anymore 
  • Natural Wonders have unique effects 
  • Civics show their unlock conditions 
  • Infrastructures show their expected yield 
  • AI bonuses on higher difficulties scale over time 
  • New Luxury Resource distribution settings 
  • And more


Free Culture: The Mississipians 

Unlocked during a recent community challenge, the Mississippians (sometimes known as the Cahokians) join Humankind as a Builder culture in the Medieval era who are especially adept at exploiting rivers. 

You can also grab the Mississippian Soundtrack and a Wallpaper Pack of their culture art (and all the cultures in the Cultures of Latin America DLC as well!) here on Games2gether.  Click here to download!


Cultures of Latin America DLC

On top of the improvements of the Bolivar Update and the Mississippian Culture, we are releasing the Cultures of Latin America DLC. This culture pack is available right now on Steam, Epic Game Store, and the Microsoft Store, bringing the following content to your game:

  • Six new Cultures: Caralan (Era 1 Builders), Nazca (Era 2 Aesthete), Taino (Era 3 Agrarian), Inca (Era 4 Expansionist), Argentinians (Era 5 Merchants), and Cubans (Era 6 Aesthete) 
  • Two new Cultural Wonders: Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun (Era 2) and Maracana Stadium (Era 6) 
  • Four new Natural Wonders: Desert of Atacama, Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Salar de Uyuni, Salto Angel 


Humankind on Consoles

Yes, that’s right, Humankind is coming to consoles!  Soon you’ll be able to kick back and relax in your living room as you leave your mark on history, courtesy of our colleagues at Aspyr. The game will be available on both Playstation 4/5 and XBox One and Series S/X on November 4th, and it already up for pre-order. 



That’s all for now, but there’s more coming! We’re still working to bring you consistent and flavorful empire names to immerse you in the game world. We’re also continuing to balance cultures, and have been tweaking line of sight rules for battles (as we've heard feedback on both from many of you). And then there’s... No, we can’t spoil that yet, but if we were you, we’d stay tuned! 

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 8:50:48 PM
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

Amplitude doesn't owe you or any other Russian an apology, or a free key. If you want to be disappointed and upset, be disappointed and upset with your government. The sanctions are just, you angrily attacking the people complying with them is most certainly not. 

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 5:46:42 PM
Sublustris wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris, I've been on those forums for a while, I've even had a chance to change an account here - and what I've always seen, even before the war - are your rather sarcastic and provocative rethorics about the studio and their games. I can't even imagine how terrible it is to have your country under invasion, yet it happened, and I understand the idea behind the sanctions. However I do not feel any personal responsibility for any killings, only for the well-being of my family and closest friends. So I ask you to please change your rethorics, stop provoking each other and start respecting the forum rules.

There is not a slightest sarcasm, nor any intetion to provoke anyone, I've stated what is true. It doesn't matter now, if you feel responsible, responsibility will come regardless. In the form of impoverishment and cultural isolation for most of your people. Take North Korea for reference.

Ones striving for richness or culture will always find their way, sooner or later, no matter. Now I should ask you to stop violating #2 of COC of G2G forums. 

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 3:57:16 PM
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris, I've been on those forums for a while, I've even had a chance to change an account here - and what I've always seen, even before the war - are your rather sarcastic and provocative rethorics about the studio and their games. I can't even imagine how terrible it is to have your country under invasion, yet it happened, and I understand the idea behind the sanctions. However I do not feel any personal responsibility for any killings, only for the well-being of my family and closest friends. So I ask you to please change your rethorics, stop provoking each other and start respecting the forum rules.

There is not a slightest sarcasm, nor any intetion to provoke anyone, I've stated what is true. It doesn't matter now, if you feel responsible, responsibility will come regardless. In the form of impoverishment and cultural isolation for most of your people. Take North Korea for reference.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 11:01:34 AM
MisterMarcoo wrote:

Lol u guys gotta be kidding me... Coming to consoles while the day one release on stadia is being completely ignored all the time. How the hell are you gonna super more platforms...

I was so hopeful but my trust in amplitude is broken by this terrible support and I think it's time to let others know about this as well

Yeah, insane. If they outsourced game console port to the same studio they outsourced the stadia port, the console players are going to be sorely disappointed...

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 7:25:08 AM
Sublustris wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:
Но я не делал того, что вы мне приписали. Это все равно, что обвинить всех норвежцев за решения Брейвика итдитп. Посмотрите Арестовича, что говорит о необходимости не превращения человека во что-то гадкое и злобное, и мир вам! А решения некоторых зарубежных компаний следовать политики сегрегации и расовой неприязни лишь способствуют продлеванию конфликта и продлевают начавшую было умирать идею национализма - бича 20 века.

Oh but you did. For 30 years you've tolerated that government, for 30(0) years you've degraded as culture and lost any and all humanity, most of you folks awing your aggression, instead of condeming it. And now you are paying for it. Note that you aren't presecuted for killings, but responsibility for your actions and inactions comes in other forms.

And it's called war, not conflict. Russia is aggressor, and this is why it should be treated just like nazi Germany was, until reparations are paid in full.

Sublustris, I've been on those forums for a while, I've even had a chance to change an account here - and what I've always seen, even before the war - are your rather sarcastic and provocative rethorics about the studio and their games. I can't even imagine how terrible it is to have your country under invasion, yet it happened, and I understand the idea behind the sanctions. However I do not feel any personal responsibility for any killings, only for the well-being of my family and closest friends. So I ask you to please change your rethorics, stop provoking each other and start respecting the forum rules.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 5:50:06 AM
Vedyn00 wrote:
Но я не делал того, что вы мне приписали. Это все равно, что обвинить всех норвежцев за решения Брейвика итдитп. Посмотрите Арестовича, что говорит о необходимости не превращения человека во что-то гадкое и злобное, и мир вам! А решения некоторых зарубежных компаний следовать политики сегрегации и расовой неприязни лишь способствуют продлеванию конфликта и продлевают начавшую было умирать идею национализма - бича 20 века.

Oh but you did. For 30 years you've tolerated that government, for 30(0) years you've degraded as culture and lost any and all humanity, most of you folks awing your aggression, instead of condeming it. And now you are paying for it. Note that you aren't presecuted for killings, but responsibility for your actions and inactions comes in other forms.

And it's called war, not conflict. Russia is aggressor, and this is why it should be treated just like nazi Germany was, until reparations are paid in full.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 5:39:57 AM
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

No respected or sane business should operate in your region. Be greateful you still have access to your library and recieve updates to the game.

Khaar wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

You killed people in my region, you could at least stop the war as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

This ^

irw wrote:
Aeekto wrote:

Sadly limited to only 1000. It's too late for us!

Most of us europeans (and other continents) had no chance to grab one since most of us were asleep in europe since we had to go to work today. Only a handfull of europeans with no jobs, who could stay awake all night got the chance to grab one in time.

If you work, you have money to buy.

I agree. They didn't give Europe any chance.

Guys, it was 9pm CEST when giveaway started, don't tell me you had no opportunity in Europe.

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 9:45:49 PM

Lol u guys gotta be kidding me... Coming to consoles while the day one release on stadia is being completely ignored all the time. How the hell are you gonna super more platforms...

I was so hopeful but my trust in amplitude is broken by this terrible support and I think it's time to let others know about this as well

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 8:56:36 PM
neprostoman wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:
Khaar wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

You killed people in my region, you could at least stop the war as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

Но я не делал того, что вы мне приписали. Это все равно, что обвинить всех норвежцев за решения Брейвика итдитп. Посмотрите Арестовича, что говорит о необходимости не превращения человека во что-то гадкое и злобное, и мир вам! А решения некоторых зарубежных компаний следовать политики сегрегации и расовой неприязни лишь способствуют продлеванию конфликта и продлевают начавшую было умирать идею национализма - бича 20 века.

Вот только региональную политику реализации продукта определяет издатель, а не разработчик. Поэтому свое разочарование было бы логичнее адресовать SEGA а не амплитьюдам. В сложившейся ситуации могу порекомандовать купить ключ на сторонней площадке и активировать его в steam. Желаю не вестись на провокации но и самому не провоцировать такие ответы, транслируя свое недовольство!

Тут вы правы, Amplitude не отвечает за решения ее издателя и не может обсуждать их вне рабочих кабинетов.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 6:23:39 PM

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 7:17:59 PM
Vedyn00 wrote:
Khaar wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

You killed people in my region, you could at least stop the war as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

Но я не делал того, что вы мне приписали. Это все равно, что обвинить всех норвежцев за решения Брейвика итдитп. Посмотрите Арестовича, что говорит о необходимости не превращения человека во что-то гадкое и злобное, и мир вам! А решения некоторых зарубежных компаний следовать политики сегрегации и расовой неприязни лишь способствуют продлеванию конфликта и продлевают начавшую было умирать идею национализма - бича 20 века.

Вот только региональную политику реализации продукта определяет издатель, а не разработчик. Поэтому свое разочарование было бы логичнее адресовать SEGA а не амплитьюдам. В сложившейся ситуации могу порекомандовать купить ключ на сторонней площадке и активировать его в steam. Желаю не вестись на провокации но и самому не провоцировать такие ответы, транслируя свое недовольство!

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 5:49:36 PM
Khaar wrote:
Vedyn00 wrote:

You blocked the sale in my region, you could at least give out a free key as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

You killed people in my region, you could at least stop the war as an apology. Extremely disappointed. Shame

Но я не делал того, что вы мне приписали. Это все равно, что обвинить всех норвежцев за решения Брейвика итдитп. Посмотрите Арестовича, что говорит о необходимости не превращения человека во что-то гадкое и злобное, и мир вам! А решения некоторых зарубежных компаний следовать политики сегрегации и расовой неприязни лишь способствуют продлеванию конфликта и продлевают начавшую было умирать идею национализма - бича 20 века.

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 5:33:59 PM
irw wrote:
Aeekto wrote:

Sadly limited to only 1000. It's too late for us!

Most of us europeans (and other continents) had no chance to grab one since most of us were asleep in europe since we had to go to work today. Only a handfull of europeans with no jobs, who could stay awake all night got the chance to grab one in time.

If you work, you have money to buy.

I agree. They didn't give Europe any chance.

If I'm not mistaken, it posted about 8pm in Paris and stayed for hours before leaving

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 5:19:00 PM

I hope these fixes are compatible ^^

- Fixed an issue where the player could construct the forest extension on natural wonder tiles.


- Fixed an issue where players could Plant Forests on natural wonders.

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 5:15:19 PM
jackofkarrdes wrote:

Can you not do Bolivar beta and play the new DLC simultaneously?

The Bolivar update is no longer in beta :) update the game and play with the new update and DLC :) 

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