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2 years ago Jun 29,2022, 14:44:30 PM

Empire Names in the Ibn Battuta Update

5 828 Views

The Bolivar Update brought many important improvements to Humankind, but we still have a lot of ideas how to make the game better in the future, and we’re sure many of you are eager to hear about them. So it’s time for us to talk about what’s coming in the Ibn Battuta Update in late July, starting with a feature that we’ve been working on for a while: the Immersive Empire Names.

“Immersive Player Names” may actually be a more accurate name for the feature. Giving consistent names to the empires in Humankind honestly turned out more difficult than expected, and we went through several iterations looking for a version that worked well in all supported languages. In the end, we decided to move the spotlight from the empires to the avatars themselves. 

So, why is this important? Well, while changing and adapting your culture to the shifts in your situation is a core part of the Humankind experience, it could honestly get pretty confusing (as many of you were quick to point out). “The huns have declared war on me? The who? Oh, they used to be...” And referring to the other players as “the green empire” or “that pink $#?@!” isn’t much fun, either, and robbed the avatars of a lot of their personality, as they were just not very present while playing. 

Now the game will focus on the avatar name for most interactions (with their culture usually added in brackets), so you should feel much more like you are interacting with the same leaders throughout your game, rather than a string of different cultures. You’ll probably notice this most with the various notifications, where you don’t get the benefit of seeing the other avatar as you do on the diplomacy screen. Now it’ll be much easier to keep track of who is who and what they’re up to if they’re properly addressed by name. 


Hang on... Priest-King? Supreme Ruler? 

Yes, now that the names of the avatars are featured more prominently, we have decided to give them titles as well. Unlike the names, these titles will shift over the course of the game as they enact different government civics, so you may deal with kings and queens in the early game, but presidents and great leaders in the late game. Some of these government civics also take into account your ideologies, so even an aristocratic republic might be ruled by an emperor if their ideology leans towards authority. 

These all rule absolute monarchies, but their ideologies differ.

As with most aspects of Humankind, we still have many ideas on how to improve this, but we think this new focus on the avatar names will already add a lot of flavor to your diplomatic interactions and allow you to build lasting alliances (and bitter grudges). 

And if you want to know more about the other improvements we have coming with the Ibn Battuta Update, stay tuned to our announcements in the coming weeks. 

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2 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 3:08:00 PM

Sounds like a sweet update, and can't wait to experience it -- when will it go live on Stadia?

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2 years ago
Jul 5, 2022, 7:21:28 PM
Still unclear why ranged units may or may not hit x,y targets 

I think that direct fire will need a rework. Makes sense that muskets, rifles and crossbowmen can't shoot over the hills or over an army to hit another army behind, but not for archers and longbowmen. Ta Seti archers should be reworked to shoot further and/or have better movement, whilst all bowmen can have their overhead bombardment shot.

Also: make a classical composite bowman and a medieval great bowman. English being the only ones with era three improved archers could be fun too, as they are in severe need of a buff EDIT: The Taíno would benefit from this A LOT

Also: Most cultures that are on the game kept using regular bows instead of crossbows, arquebuses and even muskets.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 2:10:00 PM

Hello Amplitude! I did a whole game in "nation" on the Bolivar update, here is what I suggest for the future: 

- A "simple" list of purchases/sales of resources, located at the top right like the lists of cities and regiments. Because from the mid-game, it's too long to look at each civ to know with whom we are trading 

- In no game, no ai asks me to open borders and no ai wants to pay financial compensation for having x,y,z ask - Combat zones are always a little too small + impossible to cross an ally's city to bypass an army - Still unclear why ranged units may or may not hit x,y targets 

- The alliances should automatically trigger the wars of the allies who have signed the pact, it is the concept of an alliance precisely .... Or else make a special military deal for that - The number of stars required to change civ is I think the fact that the game gets unbalanced too quickly in mid game / end game... A mod applies 14, I'll try it but I think it's optional game, it could be a great idea... And why not a required number of stars that evolves according to the times (7 in Antiquity, 10 in classic, 13 in the Middle Ages....) 

And if not, I hope it will be possible to "create"/"modify" AIs, it would help for replayability.

Good idea for the next update with the diet name, it will help the immersion :).

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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 11:33:41 PM

Hm, that looks like a good solution to create more immersion and consistency. I found another user's suggestion appealing to still focus on the empire but use a name derived from e.g. the starting region or something random, but I suppose leader-focused names it is. In which case ... should one go the whole hog and not just introduce more historic personas like the big competition?

Also, the dynamic names remind of of an old Civ IV mod: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dynamic-civ-names.226609/. Maybe some furhter inspiration as you fine-tune the system. It does a few things which are not mentioned here yet though may be planned already.

1. Reflect historic regions: Kingdom, Caliphate, Shogunate, ...

2. Indicate an empire that has invested in relgion: "Holy xyz"

3. Indicate leige-vassal relationships e.g. Duchy, Satrapy vs. Greater xyz (imagine King of Kings; or empire vs kingdom)

4. You seem to have civic choices covered, but just in case, the major ones around monarchy (Kingdom), democracy (republic), communism (Democratic People's Republic; Soviet ...), and fascism.

5. Size of empire: they all start out as "city states".

Keep it up! Good to see you tick off your roadmap bit by bit.

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2 years ago
Jul 2, 2022, 4:05:44 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
And referring to the other players as “the green empire” or “that pink $#?@!” isn’t much fun, either

That pink $#?@.  SMH.  It's always that pink $#?@.

Yes, Edgar, I'm talking about at you.

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 10:02:21 PM

As long as we all get to see the SAME basic name of each player the entire game, I don't care about the rest of the fluff.  Tired of trying to guess who's who every time someone picks a new culture.

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 12:59:47 PM
conorbebe wrote:
Do agree with others here however that titles should be presented separately on a new line to distinguish them better from player names.

These screenshots are from a work-in-progress prototype. For the release version, the placement of the names and titles and the current culture should be adjusted so it doesn't get cut off anywhere. I think I should have put a clearer "not final UI" marker on the images. ^^

GediminasLM wrote:
For example, if an empire choose romans and their civics leans to authoritarian, then the name could be just Roman Empire. If they lean more towards freedom, it would be Roman Republic and so on.

This is something we considered along the way. Unfortunately, we had to admit that we could not deliver this, at least not right now, as it posed too many challenges (localization, necessary rework of the UI to make space for it, etc.) that would have taken resources away from other subjects we want to work on. (In the end, it always seems to come down to "We want to do all this cool stuff but we are only this many people...")

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 12:24:34 PM
Cangrejo_Volador wrote:

This is a nice addition. Honestly the leader diplo screen could use even more information, or things that convey visually who we are dealing with. If we are for example, an enlightened monarch or a priest King, I think it would be cool to have that reflect on the personas, maybe with headgear or additions to the clothing? crowns for example Heck if it could be culture or religion specific it would be awesome.

Other visual cues I'd love to see are, how many vassals does that personna have? maybe have banners of the other colors behind it, or even behind the main banner.

And if you are going to focus from now on making the persona reflect the attitude or idiologies, It would be incredible to have each culture reflect that visually, for example: Romans being visualy diferent if Republic or Empire.

Or Aztecs giving you an awesome featherly headgear if you are high priest. (Also while I'm at it, the costume rework on male Aztec is incredible)

I really like these ideas would be awesome if implemented.

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 8:50:26 AM
Cangrejo_Volador wrote:

This is a nice addition. Honestly the leader diplo screen could use even more information, or things that convey visually who we are dealing with. If we are for example, an enlightened monarch or a priest King, I think it would be cool to have that reflect on the personas, maybe with headgear or additions to the clothing? crowns for example Heck if it could be culture or religion specific it would be awesome.

We had some plan to have avatars with accessories depending on their personality or playstyle during development but adapting all of the animation with those accesories was far too costly sadly.

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 8:21:08 AM

I‘ll have to see this one. It does look a bit subpar and not so elegant. I also would have much preferred empire names but I appreciate the candor on what made you decide it doesn’t work.

Vedyn00 wrote:

Will we get a Berber culture in the 3rd or 4th era?

My thoughts too :) Or an Arabic dlc pack :)) In any case, it was really nice looking up Ibn Battuta - quite the story. 

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2 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 3:31:50 PM

This is a nice addition. Honestly the leader diplo screen could use even more information, or things that convey visually who we are dealing with. If we are for example, an enlightened monarch or a priest King, I think it would be cool to have that reflect on the personas, maybe with headgear or additions to the clothing? crowns for example Heck if it could be culture or religion specific it would be awesome.

Other visual cues I'd love to see are, how many vassals does that personna have? maybe have banners of the other colors behind it, or even behind the main banner.

And if you are going to focus from now on making the persona reflect the attitude or idiologies, It would be incredible to have each culture reflect that visually, for example: Romans being visualy diferent if Republic or Empire.

Or Aztecs giving you an awesome featherly headgear if you are high priest. (Also while I'm at it, the costume rework on male Aztec is incredible)

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2 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 11:03:57 AM
JNR13 wrote:

Can you please deactivate the "debug" leaders, too? I don't feel too excited about meeting "President Custom" or "Emperor [Dev] Default AI Persona 3".

In another thread a DEV posted this:

@Scar responded in another thread similar to this. He said this

"Could you try to remove the files in C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\Users and see if that fixes those issues? Beware, this will act as if you boot the game from scratch"

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2 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 2:12:13 PM

Pretty cool, and pretty exciting!  Will we as players also be able to take on these titles in single- and multi-player games?  I know I might try new/subpar civics and ideologies to get a new title, just for another kind of fun.

From the screenshots presented here, I'm expecting titles may get split out into their own row instead of making each avatar's name too long t...

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2 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 1:59:25 AM

Maybe there could be events, that, when triggered, allow the player to choose a title for themselves.  Like Priest-king, Emperor, Monarch, Enlightened, etc.  With the events being triggered by player actions and the choice of title being dictated, to some degree, by Civics and Era.

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2 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 11:34:13 PM
GCX wrote:

Thanks - please add the possibility to just give AI empires a custom name, like a city or army, which can be pretty cool in terms of immersion (e.g. "the Sea Raiders", "the Wise Men of the Mountain" etc.)

Yeah, I do agree, there should be a simple option to just create custom empire name. Shouldn't be too hard to implement. How could this be done? Well, each time you choose a culture there could be two options: choose a new name or go with the one from previous era (if you had one). Simple as that. And like I said, it doesn't even have to be historical names. Let the players have their naming fantasy.

As for AI... each time empire chooses a culture game should generate a new name depending of culture choosen and their civics. For example, if an empire choose romans and their civics leans to authoritarian, then the name could be just Roman Empire. If they lean more towards freedom, it would be Roman Republic and so on.

In contemporary era, every nation would lose those empire/republic and so on inscriptions and be simply called depending of their culture: Nigerians (Nigeria), Americans (USA), Chinese (China) and so on.

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2 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 11:00:28 PM

Looking forward to seeing this feature being realised in the game at last, and pretty happy with its implementation too! Do agree with others here however that titles should be presented separately on a new line to distinguish them better from player names.

I hope this is only the beginning of a focus on immersive elements, as it's something I've been waiting a while to see added and is very important to me when it comes to enjoyment of historical strategy games.

In the future I'd like to see the option for players to be automatically assigned symbols appropriate to their current culture, and the ability for us to create and save our own AI personas to populate our games.

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2 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 9:39:05 PM

Great addition, but can we discuss about how useless it is to go for an authoritarian ideology game? The bonuses are clearly underwhelming, I would have liked to see something related to stability per administrative center, this way we can actually build a one city empire and also help our stability if we find ourselves out of luck through trade. 

Stage 1: Maybe a +1 stability per district with a 5% discount to troops production.

Stage 2: +2 stability per district with a 10% discount on troops production.

Stage 3: +3 stability on district with a -15% to troops production.

Anything honestly, liberty is right now a no brainer.

Once again great job on the addition I'm sure it will help immersion a lot.

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