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11 days ago Sep 24,2024, 16:11:01 PM

Shadow of the Endless Novel



Hello there, 

Today we have exciting news for all of you that are fans of the Endless Universe! Stephen Gaskell, one of our writers here at Amplitude, has been working on this project for several years, and it is SHOWTIME, it is time to introduce the novel, Shadow of the Endless. Today we will start the Pre-orders as the book will release on October 15th 🎉 

Let´s jump in to discover everything you can expect and discover in this magnificent book!


Daarkarrow: Stephen, I would love it if you could tell the players a bit more about who you are, the work you have done here at Amplitude, and well anything you want. 

Stephen: Thanks, Daarkarrow! I’ve been with Amplitude over ten years now (wow, time flies!), working mainly on Endless projects like Endless Legend and Endless Space 2, but also on Amplitude’s entry into the historical strategy genre, Humankind. Science-fiction is my first love though—and the reason I ended up a games writer at Amplitude—so when the opportunity came up to write a novel set in the Endless universe I jumped at the chance. Space travel, precursor civilizations, and existential cosmic questions—all these things have fascinated me from my earliest years, and the Endless universe is the perfect backdrop to explore these elements! 

Daarkarrow: Thanks for the introduction. I think players are eager to know a bit more about the book you have been writing, should we go straight to that? 

Stephen: Let’s dive right in! 



Daarkarrow: Okay Stephen, could you explain to us what Shadow of the Endless is about? 

Stephen: Essentially, Shadow of the Endless is about a young Pilgrim named Sewa, who uncovers a plot to betray her people, resulting in a wild adventure across the galaxy. For those who don’t know, the Pilgrims are an offshoot of the United Empire, who fled into space in a dozen or so fleets when Emperor Zelevas sought to eradicate their Endless-worshipping religion. As a hunted people, the Pilgrims are constantly on the run, and as such, Sewa’s first duty is to her people’s survival. She wants to be a caver, but it seems fate has other ideas... 

Daarkarrow: Okay so based on what I can see it is a sci-fi + adventure novel, right? 

Stephen: Yes, exactly. Strange worlds, starships, weird and horrifying aliens. All the classic stuff. The novel delves deeper into many elements of the Endless universe, such as the nature of Dust, the inner workings of the Academy, and the United Empire homeworld, but at heart it’s a story about a young woman coming to terms with her place in the world (or galaxy!). If you like (or fear!) the idea of caving deep into subterranean places, the novel should give you a lot of feels too! 

Daarkarrow: Amazing, thanks for the details! 

I know you all want to know more and more information but let's take a quick break to share the relevant links for the book.


As mentioned above, today we start the pre-order for all of you that are interested in getting your hands on this stunning book. The book is only available in English (we are checking other languages), but you will be able to get it in most countries, as the book is available on Amazon (but do not hesitate to check other online retailers)

Click on the banner to go to the pre-orders!

SOTE_CRM_Pre-Order BannerSOTE_CRM_.jpg


If you get to this point, Thanks for sticking with us! Now we’d like to take a moment to develop on the lore from the book and perhaps to present/reveal certain elements. 

Major Factions 

Daarkarrow: Stephen, since the book is based in the ENDLESS Universe, are we going to see some familiar factions in the story?

Stephen: Definitely. The main character, Sewa, hails from the Pilgrims, a high-tech, religious faction who are obsessed with the Endless, but remain in the cross-hairs of Emperor Zelevas’ United Empire who hunt down the Pilgrims ruthlessly. The novel features a lot of insights into both factions, and the eagle-eyed reader will spot many more characters of other factions who cross Sewa’s path during her adventures. A Niris commander working on behalf of the United Empire plays a key role. 

Daarkarrow: For anyone new to the Endless Universe (or just less knowledge from Endless Space 2), here it is a quick synopsis of the factions Stephen just mentioned.



The Academy 

Daarkarrow: The Academy has a big role in the book. Players of Endless Space 2 might already know it, but for new readers and/or players, could you explain to them what it is?

Stephen: The Academy is a secretive organization led by a charismatic individual named Isyander St Shaiad. The central role of the Academy is to find and train those few individuals who have been altered by the mysterious substance known as Dust (and survived). The organization helps these "Heroes" to control and exploit the powers that Dust gives them, before sending them back out into the galaxy to work for client-empires. The Academy is an energetic political player on the galactic stage, and its fascination with Dust and the ancient Endless civilization leads it to a mastery of arcane knowledge.


Daarkarrow: We "discovered" the Academy in Endless Space 2, but didn’t go into much details. How does ‘Shadow of the Endless’ give us a deeper look at it?

Stephen: In ‘Shadow of the Endless’ readers will get a front-row seat view of the Academy from the inside, as one of Sewa’s companions takes her into the heart of the Harrow star-system where the famous Academy ‘pyramid-city’ is located. As well as wandering through the city, Sewa’s journey will also take her into the catacombs below...  

Before finishing I would like to share a couple of elements. If you are eager to know more about the lore, in general, or to know more details about some of the factions you can check the following: 

AND we have for FREE several comics we wrote for the Endless Space 2 universe that you can find in the reward section
Here are a couple of examples you might find interesting based on factions that appear or that are related.
If you fall in love with the stories I wanted to do a quick reminder that you can get a physical copy that gathers them all (here)!



It is time to close for today, as we could keep talking and talking about this book and the lore for quite a long time! 

Do not hesitate to share with us (and Stephen), if you have any questions, or if there is anything you are curious about! 

Have a nice day ^-^


We’ve prepared a quick FAQ, but if you have any other questions, we will do our best to answer them and I will include them here 



Shadow of the Endless will release on October 15th


No, the shipping starts a bit earlier, so it should arrive at your place on the week of the release! 


The book is only available in English.


We are first going into the English-speaking market, and we hope to have more exciting news to share in the future about potential additional languages.


We are all chasing Stephen to get signed copies, you are not the only one! He will be participating in several Events in the UK to sign copies, but we will share more details on our social media channels.


The Audio edition is confirmed! The team is working really hard to bring it as soon as possible.


You can visit the official Titanbooks store or check other online retailers, like Amazon


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11 days ago
Sep 24, 2024, 4:26:24 PM

Very exciting that the Endless Universe is branching in to novels, as a fan of the universe this is something I have wished for!  I'm just finishing Shaman by Kim Stanly Robinson and was thinking about what to read next, so I Just pre-ordered on Amazon :)  Too bad UK is a bit far from Montana for a signed copy though :(

Updated 11 days ago.
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11 days ago
Sep 24, 2024, 6:02:55 PM

*happy Sublustris noises*

*pre-orders two copies*

Stephen! Does Academy city have a name? Or if Academy name is shared between organization, main building coplex, city and station itself?

Who are its citizens, and how do you become one? Was it inhabited before Isyander?

Updated 11 days ago.
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11 days ago
Sep 24, 2024, 8:58:44 PM

What about an ebook version, the time to wait for other languages? i won't buy it physically in English but waiting for my languages i can buy it in english as ebook.

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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 12:47:59 AM

Wait, it was not a pdf version, but a physical hard copy one?!

idk. the price (7gbp) would be barely meets the shippong fee to my country, S Korea.. 

should i going to pay extra fee or something..? I checked out a minute ago, and now i am concerning about that.

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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 7:40:30 AM

phanemy wrote:

What about an ebook version, the time to wait for other languages? i won't buy it physically in English but waiting for my languages i can buy it in english as ebook.

For the first part, if not mistaken on Amazon you have the Kindle version. 
But I understand you, I personally would love a Spanish version of the book 🙏

Updated 10 days ago.
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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 9:39:31 AM

Daarkarrow wrote:

phanemy wrote:

What about an ebook version, the time to wait for other languages? i won't buy it physically in English but waiting for my languages i can buy it in english as ebook.

For the first part, if not mistaken on Amazon you have the Kindle version. 
But I understand you, I personally would love a Spanish version of the book 🙏

Thank you for the reply i only click on pre-order not on amazon because amazon ^^ i have find it on other online retailer so really thank you can't wait to read it

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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 4:10:40 PM

Glad to see that the IP spreads to new audiences. But I'm not sure I can handle EN book thus I'll wait for possible localization

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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 5:39:55 PM

This is awesome! A book in Endless universe is something I didn't know I want but I'm super excited about it now! :D

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10 days ago
Sep 25, 2024, 7:57:38 PM

Awesomesauce, always a joy to see Endless universe fleshed out and it would be fun to see ES1's favourites getting some payback for being relegated to minor faction ;P

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9 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 4:33:23 PM

I want to note, that softcover is slightly a bummer. I see no point to cheap out on printing of the book, unlike 144 pages comic book.

This though 👀

Updated 8 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 6:47:37 PM

Already put in my pre-order for the book.

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9 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:16:48 PM

phanemy wrote:

What about an ebook version, the time to wait for other languages? i won't buy it physically in English but waiting for my languages i can buy it in english as ebook.

Google Play also has it as an e-book, I pre-ordered there. Possibly adding the physical copy later on.

Very excited for the release, by the way, an Endless book is what I always dreamed of!

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7 days ago
Sep 28, 2024, 9:24:55 PM

This is great, I am so excited to have it on my hands. Maybe in the future it will be available in other languages, a Spanish version would be awesome.

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4 days ago
Oct 1, 2024, 9:00:05 AM

ENDOR7TIN wrote:

This is great, I am so excited to have it on my hands. Maybe in the future it will be available in other languages, a Spanish version would be awesome.

I will be the first one interested in a Spanish version 😂

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