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Culture Choice Limitation Based on Previous Era Choices?

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4 years ago
Aug 21, 2020, 9:07:47 PM


I heard about this game back ilast September and I was wondering if there were limitations to the cultures you can choose later in the game based on the culture you chose in the previous Era?

Like for instance if you go from the Neolithic Era to the Classical Era and play as the Romans, you can only play as those that spawned off of the Romans, like the Franks or Ostrogoths, or the Visigoths or the Byzantines, etc in the next era?

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4 years ago
Aug 21, 2020, 9:44:20 PM

No, you can choose what you want (if not already picked by another player) or transcend and keep your culture. There is not this sort of limitations

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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2020, 10:21:25 AM

You cannot double pick a culture so far. So that's the only limitation.

edit: How did I not see it was already answered before? :D Well two is better than one.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2020, 3:02:43 PM

While I do like an open-ended, free for all cultural selection (adds variety and strategic depth), I think it would be neat (especially for the inevitable earth TSL maps) to have a pre-game option to have the next era cultures be selected (or trascend) along historical (or plausible) paths.  It would be a lot of fun from a roleplaying or althistory perspective! This may not work for every single culture of course at release but with eventual DLC and mods, this mode of play could be really cool. 

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4 years ago
Aug 24, 2020, 8:30:52 AM
basileus48 wrote:

While I do like an open-ended, free for all cultural selection (adds variety and strategic depth), I think it would be neat (especially for the inevitable earth TSL maps) to have a pre-game option to have the next era cultures be selected (or trascend) along historical (or plausible) paths.  It would be a lot of fun from a roleplaying or althistory perspective! This may not work for every single culture of course at release but with eventual DLC and mods, this mode of play could be really cool. 

yes having this otpion would be cool but would only work well with mods adding (lot of) cultures. I hope adding such restrictions is at least moddable

TSL map would require either skip neolithic era or lock ancient culture based from geographical emplacement. Would be extremely unbalanced either way because of their geograpphical position (most in middle east or in the region + 2 isolated)

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4 years ago
Aug 25, 2020, 6:00:36 AM

TSL maps wouldn't work in Humankind. Please don't apply every Civ concept onto this game

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4 years ago
Aug 25, 2020, 11:56:41 PM

I think that what might be cool and probably easier to implement is an advanced option in which you can select the "culture path" for each Player, kinda like you could create custom factions in Endless Legend. So you can just make it for the player, or even the AI as well, creating your own "custom opponents".

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4 years ago
Aug 26, 2020, 3:30:47 AM
Elhoim wrote:

I think that what might be cool and probably easier to implement is an advanced option in which you can select the "culture path" for each Player, kinda like you could create custom factions in Endless Legend. So you can just make it for the player, or even the AI as well, creating your own "custom opponents".

This isn't a bad idea/option only that I'm not sure that "every culture" has a natural lineage. Like I doubt that there is something "Chinese" in every era. I'm not even sure there's an African civ in every era. Or maybe there is. My point being I worry that something like this could be awkward (and offensive -- i cannot imagine east asians being OK lumped all together chinese-korean-japanese, etc. Btw I'm Chinese American so I'm allowed to say that :) 

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4 years ago
Aug 26, 2020, 8:02:47 AM
minger223 wrote:
Elhoim wrote:

I think that what might be cool and probably easier to implement is an advanced option in which you can select the "culture path" for each Player, kinda like you could create custom factions in Endless Legend. So you can just make it for the player, or even the AI as well, creating your own "custom opponents".

This isn't a bad idea/option only that I'm not sure that "every culture" has a natural lineage. Like I doubt that there is something "Chinese" in every era. I'm not even sure there's an African civ in every era. Or maybe there is. My point being I worry that something like this could be awkward (and offensive -- i cannot imagine east asians being OK lumped all together chinese-korean-japanese, etc. Btw I'm Chinese American so I'm allowed to say that :) 

No not every culture have some logical lineage but that doesn't make this option not possible. Yeah would be weird to lock Han to pick English, but would it be weirder that picking Han and then choosing to pick English? 

It's not weirder than base mechanic so I don't think it's a real issue. Game design allow and even somewhat aim to things like this to happen. 

It would even solve it once mods are in. 

And it would allow people to make custom scenarios

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4 years ago
Aug 27, 2020, 5:48:58 AM

I suppose a "local culture only" setting that could be enabled at the start of a game could work, as the "local cultures only" limits your civ choices to the 3 closest cultures to your current pick.

However, not sure how it would work with multiplayer if multiple people pick the same geographical area.

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