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Where to find information (on e.g. Legacy Traits)

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4 years ago
Nov 21, 2020, 5:35:02 PM

Hello people! I see quite some posts, both here and on CivFanatics, mentioning information such as the Legacy Trait of each culture, or the precise bonuses the cultural affinities give, but I can't seem to find any place where this information is documented, not even with Google. Where is this information coming from (the Stadia beta? But has nobody written this down anywhere? Surely not?)? Where can I find it?

Thank you!

EDIT: This might be useful for people having the same question: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cbk3syIro8bbZ86wFkYuYG9b8L65ttaF1jUXeVeBaKo/edit#gid=1127974840

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 12:22:28 AM

All of this is subject to change. Specific information like this will be outdated by the time the game launches.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 1:19:33 AM

Thanks for sharing information. I was also wondering where the information was partially revealed.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 10:41:42 AM
Eulogos wrote:

All of this is subject to change. Specific information like this will be outdated by the time the game launches.

Of course. But there should be a lot of information out there, based on the betas and perhaps also on Discord conversations, and while all of that can be subject to change, not everything will change. I see this information mentioned more and more often - such as in threads of whether the Zulu or the Germans will be better Militarists - and it's a shame if nobody can find the information to actually understand or participate in these discussions. It seemed as if there is a tiny tiny tiny amount of privileged few who had some secret source of information, and a great mass of people who know nothing except for the cultures released on Twitter. And that's a huge shame.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 12:26:28 PM
nlspeed wrote:
it's a shame if nobody can find the information to actually understand or participate in these discussions. It seemed as if there is a tiny tiny tiny amount of privileged few who had some secret source of information, and a great mass of people who know nothing except for the cultures released on Twitter. And that's a huge shame.

Hummm, you're actually (as well as everyone else on Earth) welcomed to join and participate in discussions, either on social medias (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), Humankind Discord channel, Humankind Reddit page, or CivFanatics Humankind's subforum for the ones I know of. The Discord link is even on the main page of Humankind's section in this forum.

Nobody is priviledged or denied knowledge so far/as far as I know.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 1:08:25 PM

Well, in a sense people are denied knowledge. Because following active threads is a full-time job, especially so for a Discord channel, because those messages are not codified anywhere. As in, I follow the CivFanatics' forum, but if I wouldn't, Google could bring me to the relevant posts. That option does not exist for Discord.

And so there's a lot of information that only someone who actively follows all these channels will know - unless it's all saved in a Wiki, or, failing that, the spreadsheet I linked above. If that can be found through Google (but it can't, or at least, I couldn't), then anyone who is vaguely curious can read about this. Otherwise, people will just go 'meh, whatever, too much effort, it doesn't seem as if there's much information known'. Which is true, judging from where Google brings you; there is a rather incomplete Wiki, there are culture-reveals on Twitter, a handful of themed blog posts and YouTube videos - but videos are not as accessible as text is - and that's all there is.

Information on Humankind isn't very accessible, and that's a shame.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 1:24:08 PM
nlspeed wrote:

Information on Humankind isn't very accessible, and that's a shame.

All right then !

We're all on the same page actually. Though, I wouldn't say the information isn't very accessible, but, like you said, you have to go to different places to gather information. 

That's done on purpose : the game is still under developpement, and won't be launched until next April. As already said above and in others threads, either by VIPs or DEVs, all that is known as of today could change with the final version of the game. What would be the point of having a place publicly shared and advertised, if by April, every information on this page would have changed ?

I'm pretty confident, though, that Amplitude Studios will eventually update the game's main site (or by any other mean) with the definitive information by the time the game will be launched.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 2:59:25 PM

Yeah, unfortunately everything is rather spread out at the moment, since most of it is one time statements by devs and vips or things spotted in  videos. That said, I do think r/humankind has a few compilations up of various gameplay elements! So I'd recommend looking there for now, though it's spread out between various other posts and, as others have said, be aware this might still change a lot.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 5:34:00 PM
Waykot wrote:
nlspeed wrote:
it's a shame if nobody can find the information to actually understand or participate in these discussions. It seemed as if there is a tiny tiny tiny amount of privileged few who had some secret source of information, and a great mass of people who know nothing except for the cultures released on Twitter. And that's a huge shame.

Nobody is priviledged or denied knowledge so far/as far as I know.

Well, actually, there are 52 VIPs (about half of whom are active) and we have alpha access to the game, as well as private news channels. However we are under strict NDA not to reveal any new information. Everything that you see us post on the forums can be found in OpenDev, the Dev Blogs, confirmed by The-Cat-O-Nine-Tails on the forums or Discord, or Twitter. None of our secret information has been shared.

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4 years ago
Nov 23, 2020, 2:53:50 AM
nlspeed wrote:

Well, in a sense people are denied knowledge. Because following active threads is a full-time job, especially so for a Discord channel, because those messages are not codified anywhere. As in, I follow the CivFanatics' forum, but if I wouldn't, Google could bring me to the relevant posts. That option does not exist for Discord.

And so there's a lot of information that only someone who actively follows all these channels will know - unless it's all saved in a Wiki, or, failing that, the spreadsheet I linked above. If that can be found through Google (but it can't, or at least, I couldn't), then anyone who is vaguely curious can read about this. Otherwise, people will just go 'meh, whatever, too much effort, it doesn't seem as if there's much information known'. Which is true, judging from where Google brings you; there is a rather incomplete Wiki, there are culture-reveals on Twitter, a handful of themed blog posts and YouTube videos - but videos are not as accessible as text is - and that's all there is.

Information on Humankind isn't very accessible, and that's a shame.

I think Amplitude does it's best to spread information on social media, as far as the things they can spread that are set and probably will not change. I too read for example that they have revealed all cultures on some of their social media, maybe it was twitter ??? I can't confirm as I personally do not use social media, as I detest it alot. I mean like Fakebook, Instagarm, Twitter etc. Had a fakebook account once, but since long deleted and I wouldn't sign up again even if I got paid for it. I have discord but I rarely use it. I used it more when playing MMO RPG's but even then not alot. Only when having to. Like when raiding and such.

That being said, I don't see it as me being "denied" any info if I either do not look there, refuse social media, don't have the time (due to real life obligations) or if I'm simply too lazy. I see that as my own "choices" really. I don't expect or demand others to compile that info for me. I don't expect or demand others to do the job for me. If I want all that info I have to start digging myself.

In any case, if You feel that way, then be the first to start compiling what You can find and share it here on the forums. Create a new thread. Name it something to that effect. like "Humankind detailed info. What we know so far", or something like that. Then let people join in and add to it what they know. Better than waiting for someone else to do it. Do it...JUST DO IT..., he he he !!! :P Jokes aside, it's how communities start. People come together and share. I will be happy to share what I know that I acctually can share and is not under NDA in such a thread. Maybe I, or someone else, tested something in one of the OpenDevs that others did not think of testing etc. I think I heard mentioned in one of @The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales official streams that someone had posted all the different cultures avatar outfits on Reddit, I think it was. Maybe The-Cat-o-Nine-Tails can link us to that for example. 

Since You brought brought all this up @nlspeed, start compiling. :)

If YouTubers do videos explaining things for games and such that is nice. I'm sure they do it to hope to gain views and potential revenues and that is fine. A win win releationship as far as I'm concerned. It makes it easier for anyone looking for information (me included) and they (the youtuber) earn something out of it as well. A nice relationship where both parties get something out of it. I really enjoy watching YouTube videos when I'm too tired (I watch alot of vidoes as I'm about to fall asleep and cast them to my TV), or if I'm at a place where I can't play. Then I can still watch via my phone.

Remember that the game isn't out yet. When it is out I'm sure players will start making YouTube videos explaining their views on best strategies and hexagon maps and diagrams on what is the best layout for quarters and extensions and such. Just as they have done for Civilization games in the past. As for now, what can be revealed is done so by Amplitude mostly. Again yes spread out, but that is probably as they want to to reach as many different social media channels as possible, since not all use the same media. That way people can share it with friends if they so want.

As what us VIP's can share, as @Eulogos has already explained in two threads now, we are under strict NDA. What we can share is the same that is officially shared by Amplitude and we would probably only echo what they have already posted somewhere. The other things we can not share. Even if we could it's things that constantly changes, gets tweaked, altered, rebalanced  (that's the whole purpose of participating as vip, to help test and make sure it's as well balanced as possible in the end for everyones benefit) and wouldn't really be worth much anyway until the final iteration upon release. 

We also have to be very careful. It's so easy to mix up (in ones own head) what You know form an OpernDev or if it was in one of the internal test builds. I think that is why most VIP's are rather silent or sparse with details, as we are afraid to give out something that breaks our NDA. We have signed contracts and given our words to not reveal anything that is not offically approved by Amplitude to share. That's the way it is and the way it should be. Nothing strange or uncommon with that when being a tester.

Don't get me wrong. I don't intend to come off as snobby or rude. Sorry if anyone thinks so. I'm just stating what is and what is not possible as a VIP and hope You guys can understand and respect that. 

I fully well know how it is to be thirsty for information. To be hyped or at least looking forward alot to a game. Want to know more, want to play it etc. I have been there so many times myself. I am now too acctually. Since I too look forward to playing the final polished and balanced version after release. I see that as a good sign when I see people wanting to know more and be thirsty for info. Please keep that up. 

At the same time my own philosophy has always been that I rather wait and get a really good game, than get one fast which is stressed out and bad. Yes that also goes for game where I have not been a tester. I rather wait and get a good polished game. It is extra important if this first Humankind is to be series of games. "You only have one chance to make a good first impression".

Since what us VIP are testing is not the final product. Any builds we play and test are not what will be the final game. The backside of being a tester is that You can potentially play Yourself tired before release. Meaning that You have burned out on versions that are not the final polished game. I have seen testers in other games leave for that reason, as they rather wait and not spoil their own hype and enjoyment before release. I even know some YouTubers that made videos of Betas where they were allowed to make videos. For example in MMO RPG's. Running around in new zones just to show off for their viewers, playing through the story before release, but they ended up not enjoying the expansion once it was out as they had already played through it and it killed their energy. They stopped making such videos after a while, just to hold on to their own spirit and the fun of exploring it after release instead.

Not sure if any of what I just wrote is worth anything to anyone ??? I at least hope it shares some light as to why I think there is so little info so far and maybe even inspire someone to start compiling what info there is, if that is what they want. If want something done, it's best to start doing it Yourself, or You'll end up waiting, maybe a long time. Maybe it will never ever be done if just waiting for it.

Updated 4 years ago.
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