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Roman baloon question

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4 years ago
Jan 11, 2021, 10:09:23 AM

Will the game support/potrait the effect of an entity/empire to collaps on its own weight if to big? 

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4 years ago
Jan 11, 2021, 11:53:26 AM

It doesn’t seem so.....However, the fact that you win through “fame” rather than being best at the end (elimination/space/culture etc), means that in theory, they could allow empire collapse mechanisms (say after a particularly successful era) and it would still be worthwhile. (overextending yourself would be worthwhile to earn fame, even if you lost the territory the next era, the fame is permanent). I don’t think they will do that, but I hope they will.

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4 years ago
Jan 11, 2021, 1:26:07 PM

Historically, the collapse of Empires is not just being about "too big", but a lot and multiple factors, hard to represent in a game

BUT In the case of Roman Empire, I could argue than if you make a wide empire than you are not able to protect, other cultures will probably attack your territories, ranksack it, and steal it. You will likely experience the fall of Roman Empire if you are attacked by a Goth or Huns player.

And there is a mechanic of stability in the game, if the stability is too low in a city, a rebellion will rise and take the unstable city. But it's probably unlikely too happen at the scale of your whole empire if you play normally.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jan 11, 2021, 3:23:44 PM

There are also the historic effect Rome had/have fomer Roman areas like forexample Brittain, where Roman culture,infrasreucture and arcitecture was presen long after the Romans was gone. Can the game represent that? Same historicle Helenism as a huge influenser for Roman greatness.

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4 years ago
Jan 11, 2021, 4:05:22 PM
swedewolf wrote:

There are also the historic effect Rome had/have fomer Roman areas like forexample Brittain, where Roman culture,infrasreucture and arcitecture was presen long after the Romans was gone. Can the game represent that? Same historicle Helenism as a huge influenser for Roman greatness.

well the concept of the game is to go from a culture to another one, and mix their unique bonus, and create your own history of cultures... but with a certain degree of abstraction because it's a 4X game.

So if you go from Classical Romans to Medieval English. The aesthetic of your cities will change from a greco-roman classical aesthetic to a western european medieval one. But, the aesthetic of your City Center (as Romans, the City Center looks like a forum) will remain, and you will keep your Roman Emblematic Quarters (Triumphal Arch), and keep your legacy trait (a passive bonus).

And, in one of my games, as Romans, I got Londinium as random city name. So you will be able to roleplay if you rename your cities, from a culture to the new one.

So yes, you will keep some Romans architectures

An exemple from the official twitter account, an ancient Olmecs to classical Romans to medieval Ghana, City :

You can see the Roman City Center top right

Updated 4 years ago.
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