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"Select retailers" for edition with the coin?

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4 years ago
Apr 2, 2021, 12:45:14 AM

I've been looking everywhere and haven't been able to find the edition that has the coin, is it just that the pre-order isn't up yet? Do we have the list of "select retailers" yet?

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4 years ago
Apr 2, 2021, 7:25:13 AM
MirshkoOrdo wrote:

I've been looking everywhere and haven't been able to find the edition that has the coin, is it just that the pre-order isn't up yet? Do we have the list of "select retailers" yet?

Amazon and Fnac are selling it in france

Check for "Humankind Day One Edition Metal Case " or even "Humankind deluxe" should allow to find it easily

Keep in mind its a limited edition so it seems there are still left but maybe in different countries its different

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