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Governors removed in opendev Victor?

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 11:07:35 AM

I'm not sure if I recall correctly. In opendev Lucy, you could place a governor to a city that gives additional stability. And you get additional governors via the tech tree. In opendev Victor, they seem to be non-existent.

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 11:47:58 AM
zephidel wrote:

I'm not sure if I recall correctly. In opendev Lucy, you could place a governor to a city that gives additional stability. And you get additional governors via the tech tree. In opendev Victor, they seem to be non-existent.

They were replaced with a City Cap in the top right.

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 1:19:33 PM
Salterius wrote:
zephidel wrote:

I'm not sure if I recall correctly. In opendev Lucy, you could place a governor to a city that gives additional stability. And you get additional governors via the tech tree. In opendev Victor, they seem to be non-existent.

They were replaced with a City Cap in the top right.

Can we please get the both - City Cap and Governors at the same time ? Governors that provide different bonuses and can level-up seems pretty cool.

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4 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 1:46:18 AM
Metztli wrote:
Salterius wrote:
zephidel wrote:

I'm not sure if I recall correctly. In opendev Lucy, you could place a governor to a city that gives additional stability. And you get additional governors via the tech tree. In opendev Victor, they seem to be non-existent.

They were replaced with a City Cap in the top right.

Can we please get the both - City Cap and Governors at the same time ? Governors that provide different bonuses and can level-up seems pretty cool.

Yeah. I kinda miss the heroes in Endless Legend. Hopefully we can have the equivalent in Humankind as a governor/general/admiral.

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