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Is there any humankind wiki at all? Anywhere?

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 9:10:36 PM

ok, so first run at this open-dev Victor - and I am about 90% certain that I have no idea as to the basic mechanics of resources, outposts, etc... 
The encyclopedia in-game is a later feature, and the search function on this forum has a lot to be desired...  I mean tool-tips are nice and all, but there is a lot they don't explain.
Is there any wiki? Anywhere? to help with some of the basic mechanics/gameplay?
(And please don't say Fandom after a google search... there is nothing there yet that helps with this question.)

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 9:29:41 PM

I am with you here, I played every other "Endless" games, apart from Endless Space 2, and I find this one confusing:

- I have no idea why creating an outpost or a quarter will change the yield of the surrounding hex, most often than not, removing the science ones, which is why I put the city/outpost there in the first place

- I keep forgetting doing things on my outpost, because contrary to city, it doesn't remind you to build something there (annoying, especially when there are resources available)

- I keep winning war by "losing" battles: I only defend, and the attrition on the enemy units is atrocious, so after they lose big units to my scout, I win the war. I have no unit left, but still, thanks to some stability or some mechanism, I win, and I manage to vassalize them.

- OTOH, I keep winning wars while losing territories: I am winning aggression battles, but during this time, the enemy AI is ransacking my outposts, and from time to time, I am losing the territory, as another "neutral" AI, I am not at war with, quickly build an outpost on the area, and then it's too late for me to reclaim it again. This is incredible frustrating.

- Vassals of others were ransacking my outpost without me being able to defend without going to war with their liege. OTOH my vassal doesn't seem to defend me in the slightest

I have yet to find the "pace" of this game. I am playing on "normal" difficulty, and in the 2nd or 3rd era so far, suddenly I am outpace in tech and units, and then it quickly goes game over.

I have not tried naval warfare at the moment (the topic this opendev is supposed to focus on) because I find keeping pace on land is difficult enough.

I didn't play the Lucy OpenDev, so maybe I am unlucky and I missed a first "beta" as a tutorial.

Also they are glitches, like if you try to see what a battle is going to be, then the positions of the units for the battle stay on the map even if you decide to go somewhere else, and then your units become "invisible". But hey, not a full game, yet. ;)


Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 11:14:05 PM

And now after fuddling around for awhile, I figure out after researching the right tech that I did not need to build my city next to the luxury resource.  I can improve it anywhere on the territory.  Just sucks that they let me build a farming district on top of it already... thinking that, that would do it.
Oh, and yea - not having a reminder that the outpost could be constructing something and not doing anything sucks.

Eh.  its a dev, I get it.  but not even having the basics mechanics explained to any real degree sort of sucks.
I'll kill this game and give it another go.  At least I learned a litle about how outposts sort of work.

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4 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 4:28:15 AM

The game definitely does hold your hand, a bit too tight imo, with tutorials out the gate on nearly everything you do but I understand they still aren't covering everything. Personally I got annoyed how often I had to swat those too windows away. In general you'll learn how the mechanics work after your first playthrough and just refine it from there so it's really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. More you play any game the more things click or you notice later the tools they provide you what you need to know were always there but perhaps not where you expected to look.

As for luxuries or strategic resources it functions exactly like their older game endless legends which also had no tutorial that I can recall on this. Can build it from anywhere unlike civ series. Just need to own the territory yup.

This being said there is a book icon by your end turn button that when you hover over it it says humankindopedia or something like that will be at launch. Basically a civilopedia, if you've played the civ series, does seem to be in development which is to say what you are looking for will be all in game without having to look into guides or how to's third party.  So.. not in the game yet but it will be!

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 2:13:38 AM

You know, I turned on the 'beginner' notifications, just hoping that I would get some good info on the mechanics.

I think I have seen 12 'expert' notifications for every 1 'beginner'....
Not worth it.  If you have played any of these types of games before, the 'beginner' pop-ups are really sort of worthless.  (and they don't give you any of the 'mechanic' info on things that are happening in the game.)

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4 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 9:44:37 AM

Not yet, you have to figure stuff out by yourself.
I think this is also part of testing, to see how intuitive things are.

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4 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 9:47:19 AM

So far, there is some "Getting started" video on the official Amplitude channel.

A wiki is planned, but not available in Victor OpenDev.

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