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Posting High Scores and Difficulty

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4 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 9:04:52 PM

Hello folks,

I was just thinking it would be fun to post our high-scores and difficulty levels. I've played through the Victory Open-Dev twice and I did a lot better my second time around. If you can, you can also post the civilizations you played as.

Here are my two games:

First Playthrough:

Difficulty: Metropolis

Final Fame: 3763

Civilizations: Egyptians -> Egyptians -> Egyptians -> Spanish

Second Playthrough:

Difficulty: Empire

Final Fame: 8212

Civilizations: Phoenicians -> Carthaginians -> Ghanaians -> Joseon

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 10:31:11 PM

Second playthrough:
Difficulty: Humankind

Fame: 9197. Could have gone to industrial with 7K fame on T119
Civs: Storytelling>Nubians>Carthage>Byzantium>Dutch

First playthrough was storytelling>Egypt>Greece>Franks>Forgot (Science on costal tiles). Around 8K on that one.

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4 years ago
Apr 27, 2021, 9:00:13 PM

Nice work! I wonder if it's possible to get >10 000. Also, does anyone know what constitutes circumnavigating the world? In my second game, I travelled the full way around the world but the fame didn't unlock for me. I'm wondering either if it's broken or if I didn't do it correctly.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 27, 2021, 9:04:10 PM

It's actually pretty easy to get above 10 000, this was on Nation. I think circumnavigating the world is bugged.

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 11:12:56 PM

Yeah, easiest way to get over 10k is to max out stars before moving to the next era. You can also do it by simply not changing culture (and getting bare minimum stars but getting to industrial) as long as you complete enough wonders and deeds.

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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 12:08:11 AM

My most successful game was on Humankind Difficulty with 11k+ fame, but I prefer this Humankind Difficulty session; because it was the one where I researched all technologies, fielded a lot of Late Industrial Era units, got to find out for myself if the Money Economy was all undue hype for cultures without the 70% buyout reduction, and I even got to have a neat little three turn battle against an overwhelming force where I got to used quite a few of my late industrial land units, along with two Coastal Ironclad ships as naval support.

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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 9:37:36 PM

Humankind Difficulty, only Babylon run.

It was difficult to spread religion past the Babylon empire states on the mainland(just stuck with three 2-3 region cities up until reaching newland by turn 80), and I bought into the hype to make my religious sites produce science, but that proved to be not worth the hype for me in this game. Economic buyouts was also, like my previous game focused on economy without the 70% reduction, also proved to be quite balanced in that I never could just buy out everything I wanted to buy out across ten ten turn intervals, so I was forced to strategically use the buyout to buy buildings that do the most good for my empire's economy(Yes I did end up making 7,000+ money a turn at the end, but that was far from me being able to buy the 6k military units and infrastructures my cities had in storage). The thing I can not deny, however, is that those +10% fame earning score legacy traits for each era seem to be superior to a player that chooses to evolve to a new culture every era, at least  in terms of fame generation (which is what determines who wins the game).

In any case, this playthrough left me with the impression that, on average, a peaceful player committing to transcendence, that's left to expand across the world, is going to fair better than a player who is aggressive in warring and expanding through other empires.

Oh, yeah: 

Chopping is useless lol, at least if you are only using one or two armies to chop forests at the same time. You're better off using four seperate units to chop four seperate forests at the same time in order for a city to gain a combined 40 industry from that. Otherwise, you're better off scouting, building infrastructure to make your makers quarters a lot better.

Also also:

I now want to know if the players are only allowed one port in each region for the entire game, as I find that limitting with how large regions can be, not to mention crippling those single tile island regions, making them only worth creating a city on if you're just gonna take advantage of the fact that putting enough tiles on every island is going to make it impossible for any player to siege that city (because boats or land units on transport ships can not initiate a sea to land invasion) or if you're gonna attatch that region to another much better region.

And to anyone wondering:

I was only able to build on Emblematic quarter for each region, for the entire game. 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 7:35:22 AM

Changlini wrote:

Also also:

I now want to know if the players are only allowed one port in each region for the entire game, as I find that limitting with how large regions can be, not to mention crippling those single tile island regions, making them only worth creating a city on if you're just gonna take advantage of the fact that putting enough tiles on every island is going to make it impossible for any player to siege that city (because boats or land units on transport ships can not initiate a sea to land invasion) or if you're gonna attatch that region to another much better region.

And to anyone wondering:

I was only able to build on Emblematic quarter for each region, for the entire game. 

If you have seen what late game harbors can do then you'd understand why they are limited. You can build multiple ones if you take countries with special harbor districts.
I also don't think that big mega cities on small islands make much sense.

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4 years ago
May 1, 2021, 8:05:01 PM

Did a >10,000 run on my third time through, this time on the Humankind difficulty. I really don't have the energy to play the game anymore for now though. My progression was Harappans -> Aksumites -> Teutons -> Mughals:

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4 years ago
May 1, 2021, 8:21:07 PM

My last attempt : NATION level, Harrapean > Greeks > Franks > Joseon.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 2, 2021, 6:00:32 PM

Went full Agrarian cultures, Harrapan > Celts > English > Saunee this run, Humankind difficulty. Could've got way more fame if I stayed as Celts the rest of the game.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 2, 2021, 7:31:04 PM

Went full warmonger on Humankind difficulty: 

Mycenaeans -> Romans -> Khmer -> Edo Japan

Early Modern:




AI Elimination: 

Fame Graph:

I ended the game with 87/87 possible stars at Humankind difficulty and ended with 18.3k fame. I mapped 98-99% of the world, eliminated all the AIs, and colonized every available territory (114 in total. There were 792 quarters built, battles145 won, and 535 units slain.

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4 years ago
May 3, 2021, 10:57:11 AM

Ah ouf impressionné par les scores ! Il faut que j'upgrade mon cerveau. Lol.

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4 years ago
May 3, 2021, 12:23:34 PM

Tried to go for a really high score as my last Humankind Game. This is Nubian transcendence on Humankind Difficulty.

I ended it prematurely at turn 128 because it got kinda boring and I was running out of irl time. Still a fun interesting challenge.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 3, 2021, 1:46:40 PM

my highest was 3600 on hamlet difficulty. Dont laugh at it!! I actually was trying different combos of civilizations and I found that I like fame early on than science in middle and last money making civilizations. I tried war-making but found that unprofitable than trading.

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