I have been playing the Victor OpenDeV and so far I enjoy the game but the biggest weakness in my opinion is the Interface followed by the combat.

User Interface
This is an area that will vary with each individual person as some people may love it and others such as myself may simply hate it. The UI looks clean and slick but that is where the compliments end. When it comes to finding out information in a clear manner I find it extremely sub par. While I enjoyed the gameplay of the game so far the User Interface really hurts the experience and needs to be less confusing and show more information. Personally this is not an area where you will be able to please everyone so I would suggest making the User Interface Moddable so that we can get custom UI Mods.

Combat is way too slow, clunky, terrible and I find it really annoying. If given the option I will use Auto Resolve each and every time and never use it. Its like the developers wanted to go a Total War Route, got lost and confused on the way and made some abomination in between. Also when the game launches playing a Turn Based game like this in multiplayer with the current combat system would literally take all day. I don't think Multiplayer was taken into consideration when developing this combat system but it needs a rework.

If these two areas get fixed/improved on I could see Humankind destroying the Civilization series. The strategic ideas in the game so far are well thought out and excellent. This is coming from someone who makes Mods for other strategy games.