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Sphere of Influence troubles

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4 years ago
May 2, 2021, 12:34:49 AM

Hey all

Been playing through the Victor Open Dev and I've noticed that my sphere of influence is practically nonexistent.

My influence production is pretty decent but for some reason my cities are all fighting the influence battles alone and there's no fun lines going between my cities and outposts unlike all the AI which are drawing influence across their entire civilization.

Is this a bug orrr have i missed some important step.


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4 years ago
May 2, 2021, 1:51:48 AM

Alright rekon I've figured this one out.

If a territory isn't under your sphere of influence it cant influence your other territories.

This seems interesting as from my limited experience with the game it seems quite difficult to develop any sphere of influence if you don't get a foothold early on.

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