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Civics "Irreligion" bug?

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4 years ago
May 2, 2021, 3:45:42 AM

The two paths from this civic are "Secularism" (Effect: receive no religious grievances) and "State Atheism" (Effect: reimburse all religious civics and they lose their effect).

I have chosen Secularism, however I believe the religious civics I had lost their effects. More specifically the "Procession" Ability is no longer possible. I feel like a description of this civic is missing. (also had civic points reimbursed for choosing "secularism", which is not mentioned in its effects.)

I am wondering if this happened to anyone else, or is this intended? 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 3, 2021, 8:04:07 AM

if you look carefully, you'll notice that both the left and right civics have two effects. they each have two boxes to contain stuff. however, for the secularism civic, one of those boxes are empty. this says to me that it's a bug, and that it's supposed to contain the "turns off religion" text.

it's a little late considering the beta's ending soon, but from now on, just don't grab the irreligious civic. it's honestly pretty terrible lol

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