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Clarification on the way CS works

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 8:18:10 PM

I've seen a lot of posts saying stuff along the lines of "+1 CS doesn't seem so good when units have 50" or "The bonus CS from Veterancy is way more impactful in the early eras" I just want to clear up a lot of these misconceptions and show that an extra 1 CS is just as valuable in the ancient era as it is in the Early Modern.

Combat Strength is based off a comparison between your unit and the unit you're fighting. It's incorrect to look at it in total amount. Your unit strength - opponent strength = difference that difference is used to calculate damage. This means that a difference of one point when you have 12 overall, is just as impactful as a difference of one point when you have 42 overall. It's all relative.

In addition, here's a table of the Lucy Opendev(The older opendev) damage calculations to get a better understanding, notice how it says "difference in strength" and not "Total strength"

difference in strength                           damage to strongest unit                                                           damage to weakest unit

020 - 3020 - 30
115 - 2525 - 35
210 - 2030 - 40
35 - 1535 - 45
45 - 1040 - 50
55 - 1045 - 55
65 - 1050 - 60
75 - 1055 - 65
85 - 1060 - 70
95 - 1065 - 75
105 - 1070 - 80
115 - 1075 - 85
125 - 1080 - 90
135 - 1085 - 95
145 - 1090 - 100
155 - 1095 - 100
16+5 - 10100
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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 3:58:38 AM
Standard Deviations of Unit combat strength (CS) as of the Victor OpenDev

Ancient EraClassical EraMedieval EraEarly Modern EraIndustrial Era
Land Units (Generic & Emblematic Units, No settlers/city defense)3.3551 2.7455 4.3258 3.0451 3.3693 
Land Units with every Class Trait and Specialty Trait applied (Phalanx assumes 3 adjacencies)5.3825 5.36825.44143.84704.5492
Naval Units (Generic & Emblematic Units, including Transports) with every Class Trait and Specialty Trait applied0.70717.07101.41425.99607.0474

In this context, the standard deviation of CS would be how far-removed the units of the era as a whole are from the mean/average CS of that era. All numbers are truncated to the ten-thousandths place.

Pending Updates:

  1. Phalanx bonuses are essentially doubled Friendly Adjacent Ally bonuses
  2. Hunnic Hordes are effectively 28 CS, not 22 CS
  3. Hittite Gigirs have an extra 1 CS bonus
  4. Conquistadores have a 3 CS bonus in enemy territory
Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 12:01:52 PM

Change the screen that say your unit vs opponent unit (I don't know the exact name) so that is say your unit combat strength (YC) - enemy unit combat strength (EC) = difference. If your is higher, the difference is postitive. it would say something like your unit have the advantage, and if the difference is negative it would say enemy unit have the advantage.

Like this: 

YC - EC = difference

if(0 < difference): Your unit have the advantage

else: Enemy unit have the advantage

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