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Absence of naval warfare in opendev

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4 years ago
May 9, 2021, 2:54:45 PM

The victor opendev was great but there was absence of naval combat which was absent and AI was not at all settling on vacant territories on islands.


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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 10:46:56 AM

More naval warfare would be great in any game, but I feel this is what we're going to get. Of the non-naval strategy games, I feel Paradox (HOI 4 and EU IV) are the only one who kinda get naval warfare. In Humankind, CIV and even TW Empire what breaks immersion is that you have one ship out in the sea for hundreds of years; they can't be upgraded till you return to port (so your bireme you sent out early game is still a bireme several eras later because it hasn't returned to friendly waters); if you're circumnavigating the globe it takes hundreds of years, compared to the 3 years in real life - basically 1 turn by that era. Proper naval warfare (and air warfare) requires a base with a range.

I'm still excited about everything else. Remember they still have to work on the early modern era and contemporary era too! We have no idea how air warfare or ICBMs are going to work. And unless they move the date again, it's coming in 3 months. Not a lot of time.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 2:01:02 PM
I have made this thread because it was claimed that the opendev will have some focus on naval battle and the AI did nothing, not even claimed island territories. 
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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 5:52:01 PM

When i started on +1 difficulty, the AI was technologically left behind so they didn't claim any of the new world.

When played on Humankind difficulty, the AI catches up on technology, even faster than me in some area, but they only claim island territory. They never explore the new world. No ship, no explorer, no settler, nothing. So it's not because of the tech.

It'd be badass if there's fight for the new world like the real world.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 6:19:12 PM
Valmighty wrote:

When i started on +1 difficulty, the AI was technologically left behind so they didn't claim any of the new world.

When played on Humankind difficulty, the AI catches up on technology, even faster than me in some area, but they only claim island territory. They never explore the new world. No ship, no explorer, no settler, nothing. So it's not because of the tech.

It'd be badass if there's fight for the new world like the real world.

AI is just stick to its own continent and i did not see AI heavy expansion which was in lucy opendev.

  In lucy opendev AI expand with a good speed in the new world.

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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 7:01:55 PM

Oui j'avais soulevé la question, avec mes unités navales je régnais sans partage sur les mers. 

En même temps j'ai dû croiser que deux bateaux (même pas de flotte) 

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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 9:24:50 PM

Totally agree and I have expressed so in another thread as well. If "lucky" You might see an AI sail around with one early ship in line of sight of some of Your border, but it's rare. Also as we can not enter coastal tiles that belong to anyone elses territory it does not give much opportunity to sail around for the player or the AI, unless either be at war with each other or have open border agreement. Not until later can You sail at open sea without taking damage or sink. This made Victor Open Dev definetly less than optimal for testing naval combat. It was great for alot of other stuff though.

I do think the devs are aware of the issue. No idea if there will be time for any more OpenDev before release. It feels like one to acctually test naval combat would be good, but that could also mean push back release even further. Since resources have to be taken from finalizing the game to work around creating an OpenDev playable scenario. You can't both have the cake and eat it. Just my guesses of course. Only the almighty higher ups in Amplitude would know for sure, or they might not even be decided yet and no one knows for sure. It's the beauty of semi open development with very open testing by the public. Surprises and ideas arise and plans change, people (staff, testers, as well as gamers) have to adapt accordingly. :P

An almost related MEME on the topic of adapting. Added it mostly as I found it funny and so me irl.

Guilty as charged, he he he !!! :)

Updated 4 years ago.
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