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Why only one avatar?

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3 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 8:47:42 AM

I watched your hype stream and heard that there is only one avatar per player. We can import our friends avatars and play with them, once they're suitably powered up, no doubt and that's a fun idea.

But why can't we just make our own sets of avatars to play with? With the whole game being centred around us choosing the story of Humankind in our games, this seems like a strange restriction. Do you have plans to ease it in the future by allowing us to create a host of avatars for our own games? Or is this just a huge misunderstanding on my part?

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3 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 10:22:51 AM

We already have a thread about this:


While we received no official answer there, it did gain enough traction for the devs to mention it as something they're looking into during one of the streams (don't even recall which one was it, tho, sorry). Apparently they looked into it and made decision not to add it after all. Fingers crossed it will make it to the list of things to add post-release.

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3 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 4:22:50 PM

Yea this is a HUGE dissapointment. I should never have assumed we'd be able to stock the game with our friends and family. It's like Stellaris, you can create empires to use as opponents and I just thought this would work the same.

Can one export their Avatar and later import it or is it an ingame function to import a friends avatar?

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3 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 6:37:54 PM

Hi ! 

For the local avatar, this won't be in the release version (but your voices are heard, this is, somewhere, in our huge backlog, I can't make any promise but we know you want it, no idea if or when it might come though).

BUT and that's a big one, you'll be able to share, and download friends avatar on this page

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3 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 8:01:47 PM
DrunkenChoko wrote:

Hi ! 

For the local avatar, this won't be in the release version (but your voices are heard, this is, somewhere, in our huge backlog, I can't make any promise but we know you want it, no idea if or when it might come though).

BUT and that's a big one, you'll be able to share, and download friends avatar on this page

We can use downloaded avatars in our games, right?

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3 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 8:40:15 PM

That's the goal of the persona section, to add them to your library and then play against them.

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3 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 10:59:06 PM

It would be really helpful, if there was information provided on what the various persona traits do.  If it was a hover over that provided details that would be great.  I can only guess what the traits do and have no idea how each persona would play

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 1:57:08 AM
Stryder24 wrote:

It would be really helpful, if there was information provided on what the various persona traits do.  If it was a hover over that provided details that would be great.  I can only guess what the traits do and have no idea how each persona would play

I am fairly certain that this is exactly how it works (inside the persona section in-game).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 3:02:13 AM

Well this absolutely sucks... I have no desire to have my immersion broke when LoLn00bBr3@ker shows up everywhere.

With avatars being based off profile names, unless I want a chatroom ass looking pile of unimmersive junk I'll have to avoid certain avatars of people I'd normally love simply for the fact it will be a death to my immersion.

Creating avatars is fun for me. Creating characters. Making custom Civ games. Telling the stories of strange worlds and leaders. I don't like having to fish and hope for a leader to fit the criteria for the story I want to start.

Amplitude, I pre-ordered this game because of your awesome work and promises of freedom to tell my story of humankind. But if this 'one avatar system' proves too much of a slog, especially for someone who's friends are doubtful about the game to begin with I may have to reconsider until you fix it.

I don't give a flying damn about multiplayer or most other people's avatars. I LIKE the way you had it in Endless. I LIKE being able to make my factions, their stories, their leaders. I LIKE being able to customize my gaming experience without having to have a plethora of leaders with names like "D0nutth0le" and "thespiffingbrit". If they could name their avatars at least, I'd be happy to pick em, but this unimmersive trash decision is like shooting your best feature in the leg. Don't blame players when the decision blows up in your face. It doesn't take someone two brain cells to figure out how this custom world of your design thing will fail if you can't customize the most important criteria of the game.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 9:00:16 PM

The two things that interested me where 1. a focus on culture and history as opposed to end goal, and 2. avatar system for character creation use.

I initial thought the avatar system was created because of being able to "combine" cultures would make having a leader for a civilization impossible such as the Civ games do. I wanted to be able to create characters and roleplay them. Each one would have different traits and bias that would encourage a different play style, thus increasing replayable.

But now I am hearing that I am forced to play as myself? Guess what. Myself is boring and uninteresting. Random internet people are boring and uninteresting. If I refuse to give an identity to the persona-civ I am facing, then calling them "blue player" would serve just as much purpose without distractions.

Updated 3 years ago.
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