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Extremely high gpu and cpu Temperature, almost 100% usage in Task Manager.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 8:28:20 AM

Hi i'm not sure where to post this, because it's not really a bug. But yeah yesterday i've played Humankind for the first time, which is a great game btw.

And i didn't really notice anything for hours, until later it seemed my PC got extremely hot, task manager said 90-99% usage in both gpu and cpu and

i'm actually afraid to play it again, because i have a high end gaming pc with a 3070 rtx, i710700k, so you can probably imagine it was pretty expensive.

This is also a fairly new build from january this year and it'd be terrible for me, if something happened. 

What is the problem? Is it not ready to be played on fantastic quality yet? What are the Solutions? Is 4k too much? What about fps? Vsync on or off?

Am i alone with experiencing this or do other ppl also experience the same? If so, does it work for you again? 

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 9:49:19 AM

First you need to know that the most recent graphics cards aren't well optimised/supported by the game, as they came out during development, the same goes with CPUs, etc...

So those will be optimised with patches, don't worry about that

What you can do is limit your frames, activate V-SYNC or use the FPS limiter, cranking the quality down might help but I wouldn't count on that

At least crank the resolution down, never play a game that just came out in 4K, that's just asking to transform your computer into a rocket direction the Moon

If it still doesn't work, you can change the settings in the NVidia control pannel, just take screenshots/pictures of the default settings in case something went wrong :P

You can rest easy, nowadays's parts will not spontaneously burst into flame, that's why there are sensors all over them and thermal throttling, running at 100°C isn't ideal, sure, but they can run nonetheless and will not damage them (well, if you aren't running a bitcoin farm or something that runs them h24)

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 1:52:21 PM
Rexeit wrote:

First you need to know that the most recent graphics cards aren't well optimised/supported by the game, as they came out during development, the same goes with CPUs, etc...

So those will be optimised with patches, don't worry about that

Isn't that something you don't really have to bother with that much when writing a game in Unity, as Humankind? I don't think Amplitude went with the bleeding edge version of Unity, so it should be pretty optimised with the hardware used in a vast majority of Windows computers. 

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 5:25:04 PM

It affects all sort of GPUs actually, since the beta times. I have a 1660Ti that has the same issue, running always close to 95-100%. I thought they would fix the issue before release, but here we are.

I manage to keep the GPU at 60-63 Celsius with custom fan curves (MSI Afterburner), but only playing Good graphics just in case...

CPU has no issues though, which is strange...

I am still sure that this is a case of "over-rendering" of resources, I am beta testing Distant Worlds 2 and they had something similar many betas ago, and it ended being that the engine was rendering useless stuff all the time... they fixed that, and the issue went away. My guess is that something similar is going on here; I told them during the opendevs, but here we are...

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 5:51:22 PM

I have an Asus Z390-P motherboard, I7-9700k processor, MSI RTX 2070 Super 8gb video card, 1GB NvME SSD, and  16bg DDR4 memory, with absolutely no heat issues. Not bragging, just giving you some info for your investigation. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 6:00:25 PM
Aristos wrote:

It affects all sort of GPUs actually, since the beta times. I have a 1660Ti that has the same issue, running always close to 95-100%. I thought they would fix the issue before release, but here we are.

I manage to keep the GPU at 60-63 Celsius with custom fan curves (MSI Afterburner), but only playing Good graphics just in case...

CPU has no issues though, which is strange...

I am still sure that this is a case of "over-rendering" of resources, I am beta testing Distant Worlds 2 and they had something similar many betas ago, and it ended being that the engine was rendering useless stuff all the time... they fixed that, and the issue went away. My guess is that something similar is going on here; I told them during the opendevs, but here we are...

If your CPU has no issue, I guess you're playing at 1440p ? More ?

And what you meant by that, I think, is "culling", not rendering something that isn't on the screen, obfuscated by something else

In a game like that, it's not a big thing, but in a "conventional" 3D environment like the one you mentionned it is, so I don't think that's the problem

Besides, occlusion culling is already in Unity, and I don't think they just forgot to put it on :')

The only problem I see is that you have "just" a 1660 Ti and try to bite more than you can chew with it

But that doesn't mean there's no optimisation problems, there are of course, but not as bad as that

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 6:41:38 PM
Rexeit wrote:
Aristos wrote:

It affects all sort of GPUs actually, since the beta times. I have a 1660Ti that has the same issue, running always close to 95-100%. I thought they would fix the issue before release, but here we are.

I manage to keep the GPU at 60-63 Celsius with custom fan curves (MSI Afterburner), but only playing Good graphics just in case...

CPU has no issues though, which is strange...

I am still sure that this is a case of "over-rendering" of resources, I am beta testing Distant Worlds 2 and they had something similar many betas ago, and it ended being that the engine was rendering useless stuff all the time... they fixed that, and the issue went away. My guess is that something similar is going on here; I told them during the opendevs, but here we are...

If your CPU has no issue, I guess you're playing at 1440p ? More ?

And what you meant by that, I think, is "culling", not rendering something that isn't on the screen, obfuscated by something else

In a game like that, it's not a big thing, but in a "conventional" 3D environment like the one you mentionned it is, so I don't think that's the problem

Besides, occlusion culling is already in Unity, and I don't think they just forgot to put it on :')

The only problem I see is that you have "just" a 1660 Ti and try to bite more than you can chew with it

But that doesn't mean there's no optimisation problems, there are of course, but not as bad as that

Well, that one chews a lot more than HK without issues... plus, it is well above recommended requirements.

Playing at 1080p, always.

I am not an expert, but I recognize patterns. The problem here has very similar symptoms than the one DW2 had months ago, so it is only reasonable to suspect similar causes, and maybe similar solutions.

I love the game, I bought it even knowing the issues still remained. But I would like to hear from them, to know that they are looking into the issue beyond dropping Denuvo (which should be dropped from everything but for different reasons).

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 12:12:21 AM

I'm having similar heat issues with just my GPU (3070 ti). Whenever I tab out or don't limit the frames to 60 (playing in 1080p @ Fantastic settings) my GPU heats up like a toaster almost over 75c just idling around the ancient era map with most of the world still in fog.

TBF my heat mitigation set up isn't ideal, but I didn't think Humankind would be as demanding as DOOM Eternal. I think this is something the devs should take a look at before we have a New World beta level of a problem when people playing that game had their cards fried (fingers crossed) lol. 

If this keeps up I might have to just slap my old 1060 in this weekend for longer playthroughs.

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 11:23:09 PM

My 3090 fans were going wild playing this game, and all of a sudden I've been getting strange artifacts and games black-screening. I really hope this game hasn't fried my GPU.

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 1:50:36 PM

My laptops CPU (i7-9750H) and GPU (RTX 2060) are running under hot temperature also while playing Humankind. Both are constantly 74+ degrees Celsius, with CPU max 81 and GPU max 87 so far. I already throttled my system with ThrottleStop, limited the framerate of humankind to 30 (driver setting is 40 in whisper mode), and set the game to the lowest quality setting, but nothing changed. Fans are spinning on fastest level all the time. As long as I am using ThrottleStop and Whisper Mode I do not have this problem in any other game (Football Manager, Civilization VI, Gears Tactics, and some others).

Any more considerations?

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 1:55:58 PM

So, my 1080 Nvidia graphics card with Azus Motherboard is also running at 100%, always, since the opendevs. But I haven't been having any blue screens of death or heating issues as I built my PC around air circulation (Maintaining around 57 Celcius). Of course, that doesn't mean my room doesn't rise up in temperatures when I don't have too external fans pumping in cold air.

Personally, I'm thinking the way to help the GPU usage to go down is for this game to have more settings in the graphical department, like being able to toggle shadows on/off--for example.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 1:53:45 PM

CPU (AMD Ryzen 3700X 8-Core) bei max. 30%

gtx 1080 8G auch bei fast dauerhaft 100% bei 74° Grad

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 3:52:37 PM
DarthSonic wrote:

My laptops CPU (i7-9750H) and GPU (RTX 2060) are running under hot temperature also while playing Humankind. Both are constantly 74+ degrees Celsius, with CPU max 81 and GPU max 87 so far. I already throttled my system with ThrottleStop, limited the framerate of humankind to 30 (driver setting is 40 in whisper mode), and set the game to the lowest quality setting, but nothing changed. Fans are spinning on fastest level all the time. As long as I am using ThrottleStop and Whisper Mode I do not have this problem in any other game (Football Manager, Civilization VI, Gears Tactics, and some others).

Any more considerations?

Have you considered not using throttlestop and whisper mode, and limiting fps within the game itself?

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 7:23:28 PM
DarthSonic wrote:

BTW; I can not enable VSync in the games options. Why that?

You have to toggle FPS limit OFF before VSync option becomes available.

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 7:26:15 PM
Gonzo73 wrote:

CPU (AMD Ryzen 3700X 8-Core) bei max. 30%

gtx 1080 8G auch bei fast dauerhaft 100% bei 74° Grad

Ja, genau!

CPUs, even old generations like mine (yet still powerful) are barely used (mine is a I7 4790 @ 3.6 GHz) below 50% or 40%, yet the GPU gets eaten fast.

I suspect Unity is the culprit here. Has not been the best engine lately, according to multiple reports from other games and devs that decided to go with it. Maybe a bad decision?

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 6:46:14 PM
Qoojo wrote:
DarthSonic wrote:

My laptops CPU (i7-9750H) and GPU (RTX 2060) are running under hot temperature also while playing Humankind. Both are constantly 74+ degrees Celsius, with CPU max 81 and GPU max 87 so far. I already throttled my system with ThrottleStop, limited the framerate of humankind to 30 (driver setting is 40 in whisper mode), and set the game to the lowest quality setting, but nothing changed. Fans are spinning on fastest level all the time. As long as I am using ThrottleStop and Whisper Mode I do not have this problem in any other game (Football Manager, Civilization VI, Gears Tactics, and some others).

Any more considerations?

Have you considered not using throttlestop and whisper mode, and limiting fps within the game itself?

Does not change anything.

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 7:17:15 PM

Hmm for me either. I actually forced V-Sync from inside the nVidia panel settings. Still getting 100% usage on GPU. Running a GTX 1660, i5-7500 and 16GB of RAM.

Please fix it Amplitude!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 9:14:26 PM

I forced texture filtering quality for Humakind to "Performance" for Humankind in Nvidia System Control Panel. That lowered temp of GPU by nearly 10 degress Clecius. Still to hot and my fans are driving crazy but at least better and I do not worry anymore about hardware damage.

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 11:42:17 PM
DarthSonic wrote:

I forced texture filtering quality for Humakind to "Performance" for Humankind in Nvidia System Control Panel. That lowered temp of GPU by nearly 10 degress Clecius. Still to hot and my fans are driving crazy but at least better and I do not worry anymore about hardware damage.

I did that right from the start but did not notice any difference... will try again.

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 2:08:49 AM
DarthSonic wrote:

I forced texture filtering quality for Humakind to "Performance" for Humankind in Nvidia System Control Panel. That lowered temp of GPU by nearly 10 degress Clecius. Still to hot and my fans are driving crazy but at least better and I do not worry anymore about hardware damage.

This lowered my temps by about 5%. Not enough to be really comfortable but enough to worry less about cooking my GPU...usage still hovering around 100% though.

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 8:01:28 AM
Slashman wrote:
DarthSonic wrote:

I forced texture filtering quality for Humakind to "Performance" for Humankind in Nvidia System Control Panel. That lowered temp of GPU by nearly 10 degress Clecius. Still to hot and my fans are driving crazy but at least better and I do not worry anymore about hardware damage.

This lowered my temps by about 5%. Not enough to be really comfortable but enough to worry less about cooking my GPU...usage still hovering around 100% though.

My GPU usage is around 65% and CPU around 50%. But lot of heat, that I can prevent in other games by lowering quality and/or using whispering mode.

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