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World-Ending High Pollution gives an insiginficant penalty and no effect on ending

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 4:06:50 AM

Managed to make a game end by Pollution without even trying, and in the route there I found out just how poorly implemented this mechanic is.

Local pollution gives an absurdly disproportionate penalty - just Low Pollution in a city is enough to give it -15 Stability Per District (this was resulting in over -1200 Stability on my Low Pollution city before I simply destroyed the airport and everything returned to normal), along with other percentage-based penalties to outputs.

Meanwhile, this world-ending, last-turn, catastrophic level of High Pollution gives the world a meagre -100 Stability (every city had way above +200 stability at this point, so a -100 was insignificant) and a laughably -20 food.

The fact that devs even considered that -20 food at this point of the game was something even remotely perceptible is a note on how little testing the whole endgame got. Each of my cities had way above +500 surplus food and maxed out population slots, -20 food was literally a completely insignificant penalty.

This trend can be seen in a lot of parts of the late game, like events costing you a whooping 200 gold when you're producing 5000 gold per turn without even trying, but I digress.

Also, there was no Fame Penalty for literally destroying the world, I still won the game as normal, and the ending was all cheery and upbeat and positive, with no mention of the human race dying out due to me polluting legacy.

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 4:08:19 AM

The attached image didn't seem to work, here's a link:


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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 5:17:13 AM

Maybe the pollution penalties are jumbled. The world ending pollution penalty seems to be applying at low.

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