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Civ VII copies Humankind and gets a lot of hate

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5 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 6:22:23 PM

Civ 6 was the first entry in Civ that I skipped. I played 1-5. A short while ago Civ 6 was on a 95% off sale - and I still thought it was a bad idea to get it.
Civ should go back to 4 and improve from there (it had some issues in late game and the influence conquering kinda ruined it for me, but otherwise it probably had the best foundation in the series). Maybe keep the hex map.
I don't know if copying from humankind is a move in the right direction.

I mean... I bought Humankind to support the studio that makes Endless Space, but I can't really bear to play it. I even was in beta and at the start I thought it would be a ~98% approval game, loved by everyone. I loved it at that point. All they really had to do was just coast it into the goal (with tried and true). People would have complained that it "didn't improve on the formula", but it would have worked.
And then they added combat and I was like "10%, that's not a game for me". Which is, of course, their right. They can restrict the pool of potential customers as much as they want. They can make it less appealing for the masses to be able to fully realize their unique vision for it. It's just... then you get what you get.

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:18:28 AM
Dear God, the level of ignorance and cognitive dissonance is off the charts in these discussions.
Firaxis copied Humankind? To paraphrase Potato McWhisky: "if you can find me another 4x game that gets more than 10K players a day then you can talk to me about Firaxis copying other games." The fact is that the entire 4x industry stands on the shoulders of Civilization, the franchise. Everyone, including Amplitude, has copied Firaxis.

If the "intellectuals" who speak so smugly about Firaxis had any ability to think critically, they'd realize that a singular feature, even if it were rotely copied by Firaxis, does not an entire copied game make.

However, we know from the various previews and dev live streams that Firaxis' civ-changing mechanic will play *very* different from Humankind's, just as Civ VI's districts are very different from Endless Legend's district building system. Nobody accused Firaxis of copying EL because of districts.

How many mechanics did Humankind borrow from Civ? Too numerous to list because Firaxis practically made them commonplace.

But all of this is really besides the point because, for anyone who has been paying attention for the last 3-4 years it is very obvious that Firaxis and Amplitude have very friendly relations that goes beyond professional courtesy.
When Humankind was on the verge of launching, Firaxis had come off a hugely successful rolling out of its New Frontier Pass, but when NFP concluded Firaxis went dark on social media even though the devs had hinted that more content was incoming. Humankind launched to middling reviews but Firaxis gave them months and months of space.
While updating Humankind, Amplitude rolled out its community challenges to the game. Later on Firaxis would follow suit on its own monthly challenges, something they'd never done before.
I'll go so far as to say that Firaxis and Amplitude devs have been collaborating and exchanging ideas through back channels. In many ways Humankind was a kind of test bed for both devs to innovate ideas in the 4x space.
Needless to say, it is beyond petty to think Firaxis needs to copy anyone, or that Amplitude literally owns a gameplay mechanic. By this logic, Sega's Sonic "copied" Mario because jumping on an enemy defeats it.
So go ahead Civ IV and V fanboys, by all means continue to hate on Firaxis while you stagnate with the same game you've been playing for 10+ years, your measly opinions do not matter nor do they change the facts that Firaxis is a giant in the 4x space, that they've been so cordial toward Amplitude is a testament to their quality as a developer. Civ VII is going to sell like hotcakes regardless of what you say.

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5 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 5:11:41 PM

RexBellator wrote:
Dear God, the level of ignorance and cognitive dissonance is off the charts The fact is that the entire 4x industry stands on the shoulders of Civilization, the franchise. Everyone, including Amplitude, has copied Firaxis.

From what I remember, it's not. Currently "Warlords" comes into my mind. It's more fantasy related and it was released before Civilization I, I'm sure. 4X has it's roots to be found in boardgames, or even before by play-per-mail games (no, not email). By lack of time for to dig in my brain even further, I post a wiki link this place: List of 4X video games

Edit: Also not to forget about

Seven Cities of Gold or Sid Meiers Pirates!

Edit edit: Forgot about this legendary one: Empire

Updated 5 months ago.
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