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Humankind - Release Notes

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 1:16:19 PM

[] Version Notes

- Removed the Endless mode from beginner and advanced tutorials.
- Added subtitles to the last 4 tutorial videos.

- Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when an Independent People ransack a Ruin.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when a Contemporary Russian Emblematic District is built on a Point of Interest which is not a Resource Deposit.
- Fixed an issue where one Territory is removed by the Map Editor each time a save is performed.

IMPORTANT FIXES [Microsoft Store]
- Fixed an issue where a user without Multiplayer privilege can be invited on Multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when being invited multiple times.

- Fixed an issue where a crash can occur at start while having Epic Game Launcher installed.
- Fixed an issue where the Cloud saves system is not working.

- Fixed an issue where a wrong value is displayed when the player has not enough War Support to declare a war.
- Fixed an issue where the default Avatar is displayed in game on the First Time User Experience scenario and not the player's customized Avatar.
- Fixed an issue where an error can be encountered during a battle against Deers which uses the Automatic Battle feature.
- Fixed an issue where Resource icons could be no longer displayed on Deposits after being exploited.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the Attack Prediction panel when the Ferocious bonus is applied on Units.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text could be displayed in the Narrator's subtitles when creating the first Emblematic Unit.
- Fixed an issue where "?" character is displayed in numerous event descriptions.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the tooltip of the Luxurious AI Persona Bias.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the Diplomacy log for White Peace proposals.
- Fixed an issue where the fail message when joining a modded Multiplayer lobby isn't clear enough.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 10:46:23 AM

[] Hotfix (Steam only)

- Removed temporarily the Epic Overlay setting, which could induce a crash on the Steam build while having Epic Game Launcher installed.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 6:51:48 PM

[] Version Notes

- Broadened generation conditions of Oil and Uranium deposits to reduce the risk of not enough deposits of either spawning.
- Technology endgame condition is triggered by having every endgame Technology (instead of having every in the game Technology).
- The number of Cities contributing to a Shared Project is now displayed on its pin.
- Increased the legibility of walls used by Fortifications level 0 in Battle view.
- Improved the legibility of the Outpost panel.
- Changed the bonus provided by some Cultural Wonders.
- Improved the way AI Units hold City walls and handle sieges.
- Improved the way AI handles Shared Projects.
- Improved the way AI handles Armies upgrading.
- Improved the way AI handles military objectives.
- Improved AI performances (faster computing).

IMPORTANT FIXES [All platforms]
- Fixed an issue where the players will remain stuck on the "New tenet unlocked" mandatory notification if the other players have already selected all available Tenets for that tier.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when an AI Empire tries to build a Wonderous Extractor on a Tile which is not connected to the Main Plaza.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to a trespassing Stealth Unit.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to a Cultural Wonder being finished while being ransacked.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to an Idle Army notification.
- Fixed an issue where the a battle cannot be ended due to a deployed Unit that has returned to Reserve.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, a Battle cannot be ended due to Unit movements.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation can be encountered in the Diplomacy screen when trying to end a war (due to a conflict between "Heresy" grievance and "Secularism" civic).
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation can be encountered during a Battle with an AI opponent after ending deployment.

- Fixed authentication issues by updating Epic SDK.

IMPORTANT FIXES [Microsoft Store]
- Fixed an issue where an error message ("You were forcibly disconnected from the game") is displayed when trying to join/create a multiplayer game when you follow more than 14 users.
- Fixed an issue where flight sim and HOTAS hardware causes the game to constantly change input type and cursor stutter.
- Fixed an issue where the title uses the term Trophies when referring to achievements in the Profile Screen.

OTHER FIXES [All platforms]
- Fixed an issue where Patronage meter isn't correctly updated when clicking on multiples Minor Cities.
- Fixed an issue where AI's Affinity Action is still active after capturing a City.
- Fixed an issue where Merchant's Ability Action "Power Investor" can be used multiple times by reloading the save.
- Fixed an issue where queuing and building 2+ Districts in the same turn cost less in Industry.
- Fixed an issue where Edo Japanese Emblematic District does not display bonus for being next to a Mountain until it is built.
- Fixed an issue where Edo Japanese Legacy Trait does not appear to be applying correctly.
- Fixed an issue where a Curiosity is giving too much Science and Influence.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect Status is obtained after the follow-up event "Poison Apples? II".
- Fixed an issue where the placement mode for the "Resource Exploitation" District is not canceled by ending the turn.
- Fixed an issue where the player can construct Harbors on Glacier Tiles.

- Fixed an issue where breaking an Alliance cancels every Grievance.
- Fixed an issue where Counter-propose costs do not scale with Empire economies.

- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, AI Empires keep offering a Border treaty when the player made a Counter Proposal.
- Fixed an issue where Expansionist AI Empires keep triggering Trespassing on the Player's Territory.
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires keep making demands on Trespassing grievances.
- Fixed an issue where an AI related error is encountered after advancing to the Medieval Era.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires are unable to cancel task when they don't have enough Money to execute it.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don't correctly evaluate distances with reachable Armies.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires are not able to correctly interpret some Technology-related gains.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don't consider all City gains whent they have a lot of Cities.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don't correctly interpret gains for other Cities but the Capital.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don't check for Emblematic Districts in the Construction Queue.
- Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, Nomadic AI Armies are assigned to regular Claim missions.


- Fixed an issue where Army 3D model can disappear while a camera sequence is played.
- Fixed an issue where Army 3D model can disappear for all players, after they continue a game that finished by winning the "Space Race".
- Fixed an issue where errors occur when moving Units with Multi-Move specialty during Battles.
- Fixed an issue where an Independent People could ransack a Ruin.
- Fixed an issue where the "Dug In" status is displayed again despite being removed by shatter/bombard Units.
- Fixed an issue where Independent People don't lose Levies over time during Sieges.
- Fixed an issue where Construction Queue get locked for one turn if a Battle is started nearby but one Army retreats.
- Fixed an issue where the player does not lose their air or missile Units when overwriting their District.
- Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the siege panel during the Industrial and Modern Eras.
- Fixed an issue where the Naginata Samurai Emblematic Unit models are grouped very close, leading to clipping during animations.
- Fixed an issue where the instant battle resolution mechanic is not explained through the tutorials.
- Fixed an issue where the Iron Reserves affinity action cannot be used following an error received when inspecting the ability.

- Fixed an issue where an error can appear during a Battle after trying to make a reinforcement spawn on a Tile that has already made one spawn this round and is still occupying the Tile.
- Fixed an issue where an error can be encountered when collecting a Curiosity.
- Fixed an issue where the Empire name is not displayed on fresh sessions in the Diplomacy screen, Battle panels or notifications.
- Fixed an issue where the ability to convert to another Empire's Religion is not available to the player through the interface.
- Fixed an issue where the "Add extractor to queue" button disappears once a City or Outpost is selected and deselected.
- Fixed an issue where the "Power Investor" effect preview panel can be obscured by the resource pin.
- Fixed an issue where players are not informed regarding the name and traits of the naval transport Units used by opponents.
- Fixed an issue where the camera focuses on incorrect Cultural Wonder for the End Game sequences.
- Fixed an issue where the "Cancel Civic choice" text is scaled down instead of being split, making it difficult to read.
- Fixed an issue where the Final Era notification displays a small cut-off at the bottom of the card.
- Fixed an issue where the Hint 'Preparing for Battle' has a wrong position on the screen.
- Fixed an issue where the notification indicator for "New wonders available" is not displayed for the "Show unclaimed Wonders" button.
- Fixed an issue where the detection area for the Diplomacy mode trade link toggle is larger than the toggle are.
- Fixed an issue where the Surrender Terms scroll bar does not work.
- Fixed an issue where the scroll wheel doesn't work in the Map list in the Map Editor menu.
- Fixed an issue where Construction queue help layer scroll can only be navigated via mouse scroll.
- Fixed an issue where Construction queue help layer scroll bar is barely visible and exits the tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the saved maps list cannot be scrolled with the mouse scroll when hovering over the saved maps in the list.
- Fixed an issue where the close help layer button displays the open help layer button tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the help layer cannot be closed with the right-click mouse action.
- Fixed an issue where the "Disband Units" tutorial is overlapped by the game's UI elements.
- Fixed an issue where the "Deployment" tutorial is displayed for all Battles if deployment is performed by Automatic Battle.
- Fixed an issue where the "Battle Rounds" tutorial highlight area is misaligned the first time it is shown.
- Fixed an issue where the War Resolution's scroll bar does not work.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling for existing Religions only partially works.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not able to scroll through the Video Tutorials list with the mouse scroll wheel while hovering over tutorials.
- Fixed an issue where initial notifications of a new global Pollution state doesn't pop up as important.
- Fixed an issue where the notification received when the atmosphere has a specific global Pollution status applied to it doesn't pop up as important.
- Fixed an issue where the "All good things must end..." important notification does not remind the player of the Pollution threshold.
- Fixed an issue where "Select next outpost" option when giving Independent People an Outpost does not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where dead Population from starvation are not updated in UI or City resource production.
- Fixed an issue where Territory border lines when an Outpost is next to a different Empire's City do not render as dashed lines.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not clearly informed that the Unit upgrade feature is restricted by location.
- Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the placed placed Marker button description tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the marker buttons are flickering on the Empire screen when ending the turn.
- Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the "Revolution ends" notification.
- Fixed an issue where false information present in the placement mode estimated turns duration when placing Districts or Outposts on Ruins.
- Fixed an issue where the notification for the unavailability of the vsync option is incorrectly displayed.
- Fixed an issue where too many unlocked Deeds are not correctly displayed and exits the End Game screen.
- Fixed an issue where the "Christ the Redeemer" Cultural Wonder's City panel tooltip is too large.
- Fixed an issue where misleading information is displayed for the button and tooltip of the Hex and FIMS Grid in the Setting panel.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in Treaties tab for Vassalage Related Treaties when the player and another Empire are both Vassals from another Empire.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed when checking the Inspirational personality trait without having the additional content to unlock it.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the event "A Thousand Years Hence".
- Fixed an issue where debug text is present in the "Land Unit Spawn Points" tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the description of the Low Pollution notification.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the Community screen for the tooltip description of empty strength slots.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the "A thousand years hence" Event for the "Ignore" choice.
- Fixed an issue where text error is present in the "Mutinous!" tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where text error is present in the "Your First City" tutorial.
- Fixed several typos.

- Fixed an issue where an error occured for the host while having the Religion panel open and Trade Road pins displayed during a multiplayer game-play.


- Fixed an issue where player made AI Personas save only after exiting and re-entering the game.
- Fixed an issue where avatar changes are saved without user consent when exiting the Avatar Customization screen (during the First Timer User Experience).

- Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, Territory pass says that one or more Territories are too small or too big but the player can't identify them.
- Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, a series of exception errors are generated when placing Lake Tiles.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Map Editor can only create tiny size maps.
- Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, the player is unable to remove terrain features and spawn points.
- Fixed an issue where mods cannot be uploaded to the correction (retail) environment.
- Fixed an issue where mods cannot be downloaded from the correction (retail) environment.
- Fixed an issue where mods with "." in mod names are not correctly taken into account.
- Fixed an issue where the connection with a Steam account is failing during the first attempt.
- Fixed an issue where an "invalid user profile" error message appears when connecting to mod.io via email.

- Fixed an issue where a serie of exception errors are generated when selecting the Merchant's "Power Investor" Ability Action after a fresh install.
- Fixed an issue where a wrong narrator voice line can play when an enemy starts ransacking a player's building.
- Fixed an issue where loading a save file for the FTUX session causes the Neolithic cinematic to be played back regardless of the Era.
- Fixed an issue where the "Rewilder" trophy is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where the "Falling Out" achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where the "Life of Luxury" achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where the "How the Mighty Have Fallen" achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 7:58:21 PM

[] Version Notes 

- Decreased the Combat Strength of the "Man of War" Unit.
- Added a game option to set the speed of the horizontal/vertical panning on the map with keyboard inputs.
- Added a loading screen and animated loading picto when opening the browser for the first time.
- Added the Brazilian version of the HUMANKIND™ Unit and Tech Tree PDF poster.
- Updated the Chinese (zh-CN) translation for the following Culture names: Babylonians, Egyptians (Era 1), Hittites, Huns, Mughals, Ottomans, Edo Japanese, French.
- "Glaciers" are now "Icebergs".

- Fixed a cause of save corruption due to the buyout feature being available, in some particular cases, in Cities blocked by an ongoing battle.
- Fixed a cause of crash at start due to the instantiation of the embedded web browser plugin used by the Encyclopedia.
- Fixed an issue where the initial War Desire isn't added in the War Score calculation when the save has been loaded during the war.
- Fixed an issue where the third Empire (also known as the infamous Magenta empire 3) seems to have vision on other Empires and Independent Peoples when it should not.
- Fixed several issues where minimum value of Oil and Uranium Resource Deposits is not reached in extreme map situations.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to sending a Nuke in some specific cases.

OTHER FIXES [All platforms]
- Fixed an issue where Early Modern and Contemporary Eras Settler Units have no upkeep.
- Fixed an issue where the Army Upkeep cost formula for the Air and Missile Units is inconsistent, becoming extremely high.
- Fixed an issue where some Resource Deposits don't have a Resource pin.
- Fixed an issue where the displayed in-game calendar does not take into account the game speed.
- Fixed an issue where the game starts in English without taking the user's language into account.
- Fixed an issue where the Lord of the Flies achievement prerequisite description is misleading.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect icon is used for the "Silver Tongues" legacy trait.
- Fixed several missing localized content.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 2:56:42 PM

[] Version Notes

- Added coastal Sieges.
- Added a notion of attacker anachronism to limit the damage formula.
- Added a notification when only one Technology is left to activate the End Game trigger.
- Added subtitles color picker in the accessibility options.
- Added a dedicated icon to the War Score.
- Added a War Score breakdown in the Crisis panel.
- Added a Select button in All Military Forces and All Cities and Outposts panels to focus the camera on those elements and select them.
- Added information on next threshold on Pollution tooltips.
- Added Game Speed and Game Difficulty information to game saves.
- Added a Fullscreen option in the video settings.
- Added tools to manage and share a Persona on G2G.
- Added several new hints.
- Improved the flow of dialogues/animations between Avatars in the Diplomacy screen.
- Improved the Surrender panel.
- Improved the pathfinding computation over the fog of war.
- Improved the display speed of the Avatars in the Lobby screen.
- Improved feedback for Naval transports, Militias and Siege Weapons.
- Improved the way AI makes prediction when evaluation a battle.
- Improved the way AI Armies will consider going through safe Territories to get closer to the target.
- Improved the way AI Empires synchronize their Armies for an attack.
- Improved the way AI Empire use bombardment.
- AI Empires will now focus more on their Emblematic Districts and should be more efficient in their placement.
- AI Empires should now properly place Common Quarter to gain Stability.
- Updated default keyboard shortcuts.
- End-game stats now correctly track FoodProduced rather than FoodNet (which tends to always be around 0).
- Reduced Combat Strength effect of the "Violent Pursuits" event.
- Reduced Combat Strength effect of the "Only Game in Town" event.
- Stability penalty of being overdrawn in terms of Influence now scales quadratically.
- Slightly reduced Hunnic Hordes bonus.
- Merchant gains now scale more with Eras.
- Aesthete gains now scale quadratically with Eras.
- Reduced Expansionist costs.
- Reduced the impact on Faith of the two initial Tenets, "Shamanism" and "Polytheism".
- Increased cost of claims for players on the high end of the Territory count.
- Reduced the "per district" Stability impact of local Pollution.
- Global Pollution effects now scale with District count.
- Natural Reserves now recapture Pollution.
- Increased Global Pollution thresholds by a factor of 2.5.
- Balanced Local and Global Pollution effects to put more importance on Local effects. Please note that impact on FIMS, Faith and Influence doesn't not use the right feedback on the Local Pollution tooltip on a Territory.
- Slightly reduced Pollution impact of Airports, Airfields and other special Districts to which Pollution reductions don't apply.
- Some Infrastructures now reduce Pollution from Airports.
- Sewage Treatment Plant now reduces Farmers Quarter Pollution.
- Loosened Civics prerequisites to make rare Civics more likely to appear.
- Added a minimum value to multiplier properties for enacting and canceling Civics, preventing some exploits.
- Changed Midas' Strength from Capitalist (+15% Money) to Moneymaker (+10%).

IMPORTANT FIXES [All platforms]
- Fixed an issue where Civics cannot be unlocked under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where frame rate drops in Contemporary Era, due to Trade Routes.
- Fixed an issue where frame rate drops in Contemporary Era, due to Soviet District.
- Fixed an issue where District's 3D models are no longer displayed under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where Army pawns disappear and combat preview gets locked.
- Fixed an issue where retreating from a battle with an Aircraft Carrier carrying Air Units causes the Air Units to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where a battle cannot be ended under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a battle cannot be ended due to AI being stuck itself because it has no target.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to the war support panel being empty.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to the battle mandatory notification being not displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended when Independent People starts a Crisis under specific conditions.
- Fixes an issue where AIs are targeting Curiosities in the fog of war.
- Fixed an issue where AI Personas are reset to the default ones when loading multiplayer saves.
- Fixed an issue where the diplomacy log information is not retained through save/load.
- Fixed an issue where an error is generated when opening an ongoing battle after ending a turn.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when launching a Nuclear Missile against an opponent's Capital City.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when the move ratio is negative.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when accessing an Air Strike aftermath report.
- Fixed an issue where an audio error can be generated when using Missile Strike in a battle.

IMPORTANT FIXES [Microsoft Store]
- Fixed an issue where save files sent to the cloud can be corrupted.
- Fixed an issue where armies, cities and religions cannot be renamed.

OTHER FIXES [All platforms]
- Fixed an issue where "Power Investor" Merchant's ability can be used multiple times by reloading a save file.
- Fixed an issue where Harbors are not excluded from City's main borough, meaning that opposing players can't move their Ships onto a Harbor that is contiguous with their enemy's main borough to block Unit creation or to trigger a ransack.
- Fixed an issue where Cultural Wonders are reset to an "unplaced" state instead of transferring ownership.
- Fixed an issue where Awari, Ordu and Orda outposts have a different exploitation feedback than regular Outposts.
- Fixed an issue where Influence buyout costs scaling are not handling gamespeed.
- Fixed an issue where Luxury Resource breakdown incorrectly described its source.
- Fixed an issue where the National Projects tooltips do not specify that their cost is reduced when being constructed on a compatible project site district.
- Fixed an issue where the constructions list is automatically scrolled after each added Infrastructure and Public Ceremony to the construction queue.
- Fixed an issue where errors can occur when constructing another District on the Arms Factory.
- Fixed an issue where bonus resources from satellite launches are not shown in any breakdowns.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not informed about the placement prerequisites of the Floating Market.
- Fixed an issue where the Natural Wonders' name changes to "Exploitation" once a District is built on adjacent Tiles.
- Fixed an issue where the Coal generators effect of the Electricity technology is not fully functional.
- Fixed an issue where it is extremely difficult for players to mitigate Pollution when having a low Stability.
- Fixed an issue where the Local Pollution thresholds is scaling with World Size.
- Fixed an issue where the City Stability breakdown does not list the District Pollution penalty separately.
- Fixed an issue where Local Pollution effects isn't displayed in the City's FIMS, Faith and Influence breakdowns.
- Fixed an issue where the "End of your journey" Pollution-related important notification does not indicate who is the top polluter and that it has received Fame.
- Fixed an issue where destroying Forests does not generate Pollution.
- Fixed an issue where sometime the Local Pollution tooltip doesn't update.
- Fixed an issue where Uranium deposits can spawn on water Tiles.

- Fixed an issue where the player is able to fight against Ships on land after Sieges.
- Fixed an issue where building nomadic Units on a spawn point with a nomadic Unit already on it is not allowed.
- Fixed an issue where the Unit creation gauge of Nomad Armies can be displayed in the Army panel of a different Army.
- Fixed an issue where Air and Missile Units can be deployed in the same Army.
- Fixed an issue where Air and Missile Units cannot be disbanded under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where "Behind Walls" status is not removed after Siege Weapons destroyed the Fortification.
- Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the contextual tooltip when hovering over a Tribe with 2 or more Units.
- Fixed an issue where Tribe gauge is displayed for Independent People Armies under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the Claim Territory unit action button can display inconsistent behaviour.
- Fixed an issue where Draftees have an anti-cavalry icon instead of a melee one.
- Fixed an issue where Army actions present inconsistent behavior when accessed through their respective keybindings.
- Fixed an issue where an Army cannot cross other Empire's Ruins in order to start a Siege.
- Fixed an issue where assimilated Independent people's Armies cannot embark even with the required Technology researched.
- Fixed an issue where last Army can be fully disbanded in Neolithic Era.
- Fixed an issue where auto-exploring Armies repeat the same path during their movement turn.
- Fixed an issue where coastal naval Units can become stuck in an auto-explore loop if they cannot reach another coastal water area.
- Fixed an issue where naval Units can be placed on the land Tiles during siege battles.
- Fixed an issue where the Air Strike targeting mode is not dismissed when accessing the game's Pause menu via the Escape key.
- Fixed an issue where the game menu opens when pressing the ESC key while an unit action is selected.

- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when opening the Treaty section with a Vassal, in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when accessing the Diplomacy scren using a notification for an AI proposal.
- Fixed an issue where an ongoing annexation is not interrupted after becoming allied or at war with another player.
- Fixed an issue where the player must re-access the Diplomacy screen in order to end the turn when receiving a counter proposal while inside that screen.
- Fixed an issue where issuing a Demand automatically rejects a white peace proposal.
- Fixed an issue where an ongoing annexation is not interrupted after becoming allied or at war with another player.
- Fixed an issue where deprecated Surrender Terms are not shown and tradable for Money.
- Fixed an issue where Demands made before war are locked when forcing surrender, and the "Money per greviance" value is incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the Heresy grievance is not correctly displayed.
- Fixed an issue where wrong information is displayed in the Relations tab when the played is not part of the feedbacked relationship.
- Fixed an issue where the size of the War Morale tooltip area is too small in the Diplomacy screen.
- Fixed an issue where greetings would not play properly when quickly opening and closing the Diplomacy panel with different Empires.
- Fixed an issue where the player's Avatar is getting stucked in Furious attitude if they declare war, then meet a new Empire.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not informed regarding the Resource sharing mechanic granted by vassalization.
- Fixed an issue where making an AI a Vassal that was in a war against an ally continues the war with the ally.
- Fixed an issue where the player has the ability to open the Diplomacy screen with an eliminated Empire under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where diplomatic third person subtitles can display a text error under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where errors are generated when using the Alt+F4 command in the Diplomacy screen.
- Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for the Diplomatic History Close button.
- Fixed an issue where some texts can be hidden by the Log button in the Diplomacy screen.


- Fixed an issue where AI Empires don't wait for Players Culture choice in low game difficulties.
- Fixed an issue where AI never uses Buyout to finish Constructions.
- Fixed an issue where AI don't launch a Siege assault when no other options are available.
- Fixed an issue where AI related errors are generated when loading a save file.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur for single Tile bombardment.
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires cannot properly target Territories with the Cultural Affinity action.
- Fixed an issue where AI would not behave properly when out of movement points and joining a battle.
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires try to allocate Armies to attack Territories they cannot reach.
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires would try to regroup Armies that could not reach each other.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when besieging or capturing a City under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where reinforcements are not properly taken into account in battle estimations.
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires would disband their own embarked Armies.
- Fixed several issues with the AI pathfinding computation.

- Fixed an issue where the game version in Main Menu is barely visible.
- Fixed an issue where an error can occur when accessing the UI tab from the Settings screen, leaving a blank space in the Languages droplist.
- Fixed an issue where loading a save and opening the Empire screen shows the Fame rewards as 0 for a turn.
- Fixed an issue where the ping choice panel cannot be dismissed until the player makes a ping selection.
- Fixed an issue where no sound is played on the "The end?" notification.
- Fixed an issue where an error message is displayed when using the Alt+F4 command in the Diplomacy Mode.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not informed that they does not have access to a Technology because they has not advanced in the correct era.
- Fixed an issue where the icon for unavailable Strengths and Biases is inconsistently displayed.
- Fixed an issue where Empires the player didn't met are displayed as "Unknown" in the "Longuest War" section during the End Game sequence.
- Fixed an issue where, for a couple of frames between the video and the camera sequence, the player can see the interface and initial position of the camera.
- Fixed an issue where the District's tooltip is incorrectly scaled if the player hovers the Districts right after they clicks on the Idle City button.
- Fixed an issue where an inconsistent Technology cost is displayed when advancing from Neolithic Era without claiming a Territory.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the Technology screen Era page buttons scrolls to the Era instead of jumping directly to that Era.
- Fixed an issue where the Technology panel is not highlighted when a Research Mandatory is interacted with while the panel is already accessed.
- Fixed an issue where the player is not informed that they does not have access to a Technology because they has not advanced in the correct Era.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip window from the activated "Land Raiser" ability is bigger than the text inside.
- Fixed an issue where the City name is not displayed in the title of an Event choice.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the choices of "An Envious Eye" Event. Event description still has a debug text.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the "A Surfeit of Wisdom" Event.
- Fixed an issue where World settings are available when a player created map is selected.
- Fixed an issue where inconsistent Technology costs are displayed when advancing from Neolithic Era without claiming a Territory.
- Fixed an issue where the "Locate the Event" function on the "Resource Sold" notification pulls the camera to the wrong location.
- Fixed an issue where Harbor trade nodes are not correctly displayed in the Trade screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Empire name is not displayed on fresh sessions in the Diplomacy screen, Battle panels or notifications.
- Fixed an issue where specific UI indicators in the Army and City panel are difficult to read when displayed in a red color.
- Fixed an issue where loading a save and clicking the Empire screen shows the Fame rewards as 0 for a turn.
- Fixed an issue where some minor graphical corruption with Units appears on several screens.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect icon is used for the "Silver Tongues" Legacy Trait.
- Fixed an issue where inconsistent behaviour can be observed for the New Game Content tab.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the chat button doesn't put the cursor in the text field automatically.
- Fixed an issue where the "Enter" key opens the game chat instead of confirming the rename action in multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed an issue where the Hotkey function in-game is available while the Humankind Encyclopedia is open.
- Fixed an issue where the next City or Outpost will be selected instead of the Next Army or Previous Army when using their designated keys - P and N while having an Army selected.
- Fixed an issue where default keybinding assignment is not listed for the Game menu in the Mouse and Keyboard Settings screen.
- Fixed an issue where SFXs do not always play when using shortcuts.
- Fixed an issue where the "Smite unbelievers" Tier 1 tenet's bonus is applied as unknown.
- Fixed an issue where the Follower repartition in the Religion panel can be less than 100%.
- Fixed an issue where background functionality is present when minimizing the game.
- Fixed an issue where the "Close Help Layer" button is missing a tooltip.
- Fixed several issues with the position of Help Layer items.

- Fixed an issue where errors are generated after leaving the game idle for approximately 2 minutes in the Join Game screen.
- Fixed an issue where the player cannot join a private session using the lobby ID.
- Fixed an issue where non-host player can apply a custom map in a multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed an issue where an infinite loading screen can happen after a non-host player applies a custom map in a multiplayer lobby.

- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to delete user created maps in the Map Editor screen.
- Fixed an issue where there is no way for the player to sign the created maps.
- Fixed an issue where the New Game screen does not list the details of user created maps.
- Fixed an issue where World settings are available when a player created map is selected.
- Fixed an issue where exiting the Map Editor quits the game to desktop.
- Fixed an issue where an error occurs with the World Wrap setting.
- Fixed several issues due to missing checks to verify the validity of user created map as game map.

- Fixed an issue where changes made to the G2G Persona collection are made only after restarting or re-logging the game.
- Fixed an issue where player created Avatars are not synced back to the game when connecting with a g2g account.
- Fixed an issue where the G2G player Persona Avatar is reset to the default one after saving AI Persona changes.
- Fixed an issue where the downloaded AI Persona model can be updated by the creator after adding it to a collection or session.
- Fixed an issue where camera is abruptly repositioned to the bottom of the game map when accessing the Civics, Religion and Diplomacy screens while being zoomed in on the map.
- Fixed an issue where wrong Narrator lines and animation are played when an AI declares war on the player.
- Fixed an issue where the Narrator line is not triggered when creating a City for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where First City Settled Narrator line is triggered incorrectly when building the first District.
- Fixed an issue where the Narrator line for the Mars Landing event is triggered numerous times.
- Fixed an issue where the Narrator line is wrongly triggered for Phoenicians Harbors, Soviet Tanks, Missiles, and Greek Ships.
- Fixed an issue where Trade Links with all other Empires Narrator lines repeat every time the player buys a Resource.
- Fixed an issue where Narratore lines can be triggered in the Diplomacy screen.
- Fixed an issue where the "Reforestation" achievement can be unlocked early.
- Fixed an issue where the "Unbend the knee" achievement is unlocked when the prerequisite is not met.

Updated 3 years ago.
0Send private message
3 years ago
Nov 3, 2021, 3:58:33 PM

[] Version Notes

- Added a color picker to the game settings allowing to adjust the color of the subtitles and the available Empire colors.
- Added options to the World Generation list to allow Players to choose how many Strategic and Luxury Resources should spawn in their world.
- Added a “random AI Persona” option when picking opponents.
- Added illustrations variations for Common Units.
- Added a system of monthly challenges.
- Added Mod.io support. (See this thread for Modding Known Issues)
- Flat bonuses given to AIs in difficulties higher than normal were not scaling with game speed - this caused Hard AIs to be weaker on longer speeds and stronger on shorter speeds. Flat FIMS bonuses given out to AIs are now scaled by game speed factor.
- Increased Main Plaza's Influence output from 3 to 6.
- Lowered Influence from Population bonuses from 2 to 1 in "Wireless Telegraphy" and "Mass Entertainment" Technologies.
- Modified the enacting Civics cost formula to make it scale faster with the amount of enacted Civics.
- Aesthete Empires can spend Money on state propaganda in order to push back foreign Influence or increase their prestige.
- Improved Local Pollution effect display on tooltip.
- Lake Baikal tiles now cost 1 to move through.
- Improved Shamanism Tenet choice.
- The number of Territories needed for each Expansionist Era Stars has been adjusted depending the number of Territories on the map and which Era the Empire is (the lower the number of Territories on the map, the lower the number of Territories needed). Furthermore, the Era Star goals are the same for Ancient Era regardless to the size of the map.

Culture Balancing:
- Turks: Adjacency bonus is now correctly set at +5% of District Science output per adjacent Research Quarter (instead of 300%). District now generates 1 Science per Food Workplace instead of 1 Science per City Population.
- French: French Emblematic District now only applies their "Science per Population" bonus when the City is in Science Mode.
- Huns and Mongols: Increase production cost of raising a 4-Unit horde to match cost of 4x production of a single Unit (converted to Influence through buyout formula). Horde Units require 2 Horse resources (instead of 1).
- Harappans: Lowered Emblematic District adjacency bonus to +2 per Food District (was +3).
- Khmer: Removed 1 Industry per Population effect on Emblematic District. Khmer Baray now receives +4 per adjacent River.
- Franks: The Scriptorium's synergy bonus now only applies for adjacent Research Quarters, instead of adjacent District.
- Phoenicians: The Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Fishing" and "Sailing" Technologies.
- Romans: the Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Imperial Power" Technology.

Neolithic Era balancing:
- Reduced Animal Lair Food gain from 20 Food to 5 Food.
- Increased Mammoth Combat Strength from 13 to 14.
- Increased Scout, Harappan Runner and Scout Cavalry Upkeep from 0 to 1.
- Added a small 5 Money buffer to Unit Upkeep to give Players breathing room in early Ancient Era.

Civics Balancing:
- "Scientific Facts" choice effects: 1% Science per Holy Site or +1 Faith / Stability per Research Quarter. Added "have 1 Holy Site" to event prerequisites.
- "Religious Minorities": Raised Stability bonus per Territory under foreign Religion Influence to +10.
- "Slaves": "War Slaves" gives bonus Influence and Production on Military Districts.
- "Nuclear Weapons": "Nuclear Disarmament" now reduces your relation's base War Support against you by 20, making it harder for people to accumulate War Support against you. +10% Fame gain bonus.
- "Cultural Blessing": Added some Influence on all Cities and Administrative Centers OR a bigger amount on assimilated people's City and Administrative Centers.
- "Artistic Expression": Changed effects of unlocked Infrastructures to be per adjacency instead of flat.
- "Press Freedom": Choice effects now either slow down or hasten the speed of Stability changes on all Cities.
- "Political Entitlement": "Aristocracy" now provides +1 Combat Strength bonus on Emblematic Units.
- "Political Influence": Choices now provide cost reductions either for Emblematic Districts, Units or Cultural Wonders.
- "Monarchy Power": Choices now provide buyout cost reductions either for Units or Districts.

Late-stage snowball slowdown:
- Reinforced strength of quadratic Growth portion of Population consumption and lower the linear cost increase.
- Added a second exponential factor to grow District construction costs faster when reaching higher numbers.
- Applied a different scaling factor based on already researched Technologies on Tech Tier costs for Medieval Era and above.

- Unit Upkeep allowance uses game speed scale.
- Moved Upkeep Reduction to be visible regarding money impact.
- Removed Upkeep reduction for full Armies.

- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation during end turn was encountered during multiplayer gameplay under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during battle due to some narrative events.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered when having a hostile Unit on the Territory of player's first Outpost.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered due to the destruction of a Nuclear Test District.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during end turn due to Pollution under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during end turn due to the destructions of Ruins under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered on the end game screen under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered on unassigned Population under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where using a nuclear weapon in a multiplayer session causes the game to crash for all players viewing the cinematic under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated for all Human Empires when ending a turn under specific conditions related to the use of Nuclear Weapons.
- Fixed an issue where game crashed when upgrading Districts into or from Artificial Deposits under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a series of errors occurred due to the "Concede" option of the "The Hard-Knock Life" narrative event.

- Fixed an issue where the texture of the City wild life from the Industrial Era started to flicker after a period of time.
- Fixed an issue where narrator voicelines looped after building an Infrastructure and an Emblematic Unit.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when selecting one of the "Independent People" Resource from the "Resources and Trade" tab under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to use "Buyout with Population" on Shared Projects in the City Constructions panel with no result under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where Empires can generate Pollution from the Ancient Era onward.
- Fixed an issue where the World Wrap setting affected Trade links, causing them to wrap around the map.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when hovering the mouse over the "Fission Test" Shared Project under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors were generated after placing an Outpost in the Industrial Era under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when attempting to Claim Territory under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when clicking on the "Independent People City" pin under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where debug text appears inside the tooltip of the "Buyout" button for Nuclear Missiles if the Silo was destroyed then rebuilt in the same turn.

- Fixed an issue where Siege Units cannot attack empty fortified Tiles.
- Fixed an issue where players can't siege a City surrounded by Ruins, making Cities immune to the Siege mechanic.
- Fixed an issue where errors were generated with Naval Units being deployed on land.
- Fixed an issue where the "Dug-In" status can be gained by Embarked Units during a naval battle.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when retreating from a Siege during a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when the player transfers Units from an army to another under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when an Empire is eliminated by using a bomb from a "Nuclear Strike".
- Fixed an issue where the sound effect that triggers after using the "Instant Resolution" option to fight a battle is not affected by the master volume.
- Fixed an issue where errors receive when opening the battle screen under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when accessing an ongoing Siege battle under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where elements in battle mode were flickering under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where an annexation can be interrupted by turning the target into a City.
- Fixed an issue where battle round automatic ending is not prevented if deploying Units are remaining.
- Fixed an issue where elimination countdown can cause infinite siege.
- Fixed an issue where Embarked Gunships become way stronger when embarked.
- Fixed an issue where "Fields of Gold" Legacy Trait caused an amplifying negative Growth.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the Evolve Outpost tooltip when a hostile Army is annexing the Outpost.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the Siege panel when Siege Weapons are not researched.

- Fixed an issue where AI Empires attacked other Empires' Army while the Peaceful Mode is activated.
- Fixed an issue where AI was ransacking its own District while its City is occupied.

- Fixed an issue where Empires in an Alliance lose War Support each turn below the base value.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when opening the "Treaties" tab while being at war with another empire under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the "Oppressing My People" grievance never expired, always displaying 10 turns remaining.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when an Empire accepts the player's surrender terms under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the "surrender terms" locate buttons lost functionality for proposed terms.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when the player clicked on the "Acknowledge" button to a "Demand Received" notification under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the tooltip for the diplomatic history close button.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed when hovering over the Empires listed under the Peace category in the "Their Relations" panel from the Diplomatic Relations screen.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the "Set us Free" Grievance demand for Vassals.
- Fixed an issue where rapid hair movement glitched on some of the hairstyles for a particular Avatar.
- Fixed an issue where the diplomatic log entries only contain information about one Empire War Support.
- Fixed an issue where Treaties highlight stayed displayed even after accepted.

- Fixed an issue where the "War Slaves" Civics choice is not functional.
- Fixed an issue where the Religion mode information is not displayed when accessing the Religion panel using Alt+5.
- Fixed an issue where the "Cultural Blessing" Civic doesn't unlock after completing its prerequisites.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the Confirm Religion rename tooltip in a certain situation.

- Fixed an issue where "A Hollow Victory" narrative event incorrectly triggered for the player when an AI Empire succeeds in a Siege against an Independent People.
- Fixed an issue where the Empire name was displayed instead of the Natural Wonder and City name in the description of the "Based on a true story" I and II events.
- Fixed an issue where some narrative events could point to variables with null targets ("The Darkest Depths II" for instance).
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the "Envious Eye" event description.
- Fixed an issue where Natural Wonder names were not displayed in narrative events.

- Fixed an issue where there is no way to disable the World Wrap setting of the Map Editor.
- Fixed an issue where Spawn Points are already set on new maps after previously loading a saved map with Spawn Points.
- Fixed an issue where player created maps have a fixed number of 8 Empires.
- Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for the "Open destination folder" button in the "Save as" section.
- Fixed an issue where there is no clear overview of placed Resource Deposits.
- Fixed an issue where the highlight of Rivers in Map Editor will remain displayed after the player uses the Undo option.
- Fixed an issue where the Natural Wonders texture will be partially displayed if the player places Natural Wonders over each other.
- Fixed an issue where the RMB will copy the texture of one Tile instead of the whole Natural Wonder.
- Fixed an issue where the player is able to place terrain features over the Tiles containing Natural Wonders.
- Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed for player created maps when there are invalid Starting Points, not enough Territories and no Continent.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the map warning tooltip for multiple validation failure flags.

- Fixed an issue where graphical corruption is displayed on the terrain Tiles which contain tree 3D models.
- Fixed an issue where severe graphical corruption is displayed for the Avatar movement and background in the Empire and Diplomacy screens.
- Fixed an issue where graphical corruption is present for displayed Trade Routes in the Diplomacy mode.

- Fixed an issue where the "Locate event" button from the "Territory Stealing" notification has no functionality.
- Fixed an issue where the Backspace will delete only one character in the World Generation Seed text field.
- Fixed an issue where End Game screen's summary remains stuck on the Era in which the player has received a Competitive Spirit Era Star.
- Fixed an issue where collected Curiosity pins were no longer shown after a zoom/dezoom during the collected animation.
- Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed for the Persona collection refresh button tooltip and status notifications.
- Fixed an issue where several text errors were displayed in the Games2Gether Share tools description and the share button tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where text error was displayed in the Upload button tooltip for Your AI Persona in the Community screen.
- Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is present for when interacting with the chat button.

- Fixed an issue where Era Star achievement progress is reset if the session is interrupted.
- Fixed an issue where no image is displayed in the Community screen for the AI personas added to the G2G account.
- Fixed an issue where an error message is generated when closing the Humankind Encyclopedia under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the "Humankind Encyclopedia" feature can no longer be accessed if the player has previously lost the internet connection while in a session.
- Fixed an issue where false information was present in the "Construction Cost" tutorial if the players first construction is not a District.
- Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the "Tutorial Videos" tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where an error message was generated when the "Rail Travel Unlocked" tutorial is triggered.
- Fixed an issue where an error message was generated when the "Cities" tutorial is triggered.
- Fixed an issue where the "Exit Game" button from the Tutorials menu of the FTUX screen is not functional.
- Fixed an issue where an error was generated when dismissing the Game options menu under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a text error is displayed for the "Exclusive Fullscreen" option in the Settings screen.
- Fixed an issue where a text error is displayed in the Evolve Outpost tooltip when a hostile Army is annexing the Outpost.
- Fixed an issue where the "They know not what they ask" achievement is obtained after accepting civic osmosis demands.
- Fixed an issue where the "Talk to the hand" achievement is obtained by players without meeting the prerequisites.
- Fixed an issue where the "Culture Vulture" achievement is unlocked without meeting the prerequisites.
- Fixed an issue where the "Falling Out" achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where mutually exclusive "From zero to hero" and "Pacesetter" achievements can be obtained in the same session.
- Fixed an issue where the "The meek shall inherit the earth" achievement can be obtained after declaring war in a session.
- Fixed an issue where the "Landstalker" achievement is not unlocked when meeting the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where the player is able to unlock "Lord of the Flies" achievement when playing on a Huge map with 8 other AI.

Updated 3 years ago.
0Send private message
3 years ago
Nov 17, 2021, 2:02:19 PM

[] Version Notes 


  • Added Endgame Conditions options.
  • Expensive Districts balancing:
    • Base Districts now scale depending on how many Districts of that type are present
    • Other Districts scale based on a percentage of total District amount
  • Military balancing:
    • Gajnal base CS to 44 (was 49).
    • Dragoon CS to 45 (was 46).
    • Cossack CS to 46 (was 44).
    • Turkish SOM price set to tier 1 = 3700 (was 14805). Upkeep is now 70 (was 90).
    • Strengthen Poison : caps movement to 2, caps range to 1.
    • Increase javelin thrower bonus effect (from +4 to +6 when in good terrain).
    • Increase Javelin throwers CS to 21.
    • Increase Javelineers CS to 26.
    • Reduce War Elephant to 30 CS (was 31).
    • Increase Gaesati to 26 CS (was 25).
    • Increase Jaguar Warriors to 35 CS (was 33).
    • Increase Impi CS to 47 (was 45).
    • Impi "Unstoppable" ability now twice as strong, to overtake gunner "focused fire" bonuses.
    • Reduce Varangian Guard CS to 38 (was 43).
    • Reduce Khmer Siege Elephant CS to 38 (was 43).
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 1_3 to 2 from 3.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 2_1 to 4 from 5.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 2_2 to 6 from 8.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 2_3 to 8 from 10.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 3_1 to 10 from 15.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 3_2 to 12 from 20.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 3_3 to 14 from 25.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 4_1 to 15 from 30.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 4_2 to 20 from 35.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 4_3 to 25 from 40.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 5_1 to 30 from 50.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 5_2 to 40 from 55.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 5_3 to 50 from 60.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 6_1 to 60 from 70.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 6_2 to 70 from 80.
    • Reduced Upkeep Tier 6_3 to 80 from 90.
    • Reduced Warrior Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Warrior Industry Cost to 45 from 90.
    • Reduced Promachois Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 3.
    • Reduced Promachois Industry Cost to 45 from 180.
    • Reduced Royal Guardsmen Upkeep to Tier 2 from Tier 3.
    • Reduced Royal Guardsmen Industry Cost to 90 from 180.
    • Increased Scout Cavalry Upkeep from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
    • Increased Scout Cavalry Industry Cost from 45 to 90.
    • Reduced Chariot Strategic Cost from 2 Copper to 1 Copper.
    • Increased Chariot Strategic Cost from 1 Horse to 2 Horse.
    • Increased Chariot Archer Strategic Cost from 1 Horse to 2 Horse.
    • Increased Chariot Archer Strategic Cost from 0 Copper to 1 Copper.
    • Increased Noble Chariot Strategic Cost from 1 Horse to 2 Horse.
    • Increased War Chariot Strategic Cost from 1 Horse to 2 Horse.
    • Reduced Swordsmen Strategic Cost to 0 Iron from 1 Iron.
    • Reduced Shotelai Warrior Strategic Cost to 0 Iron from 1 Iron.
    • Celts cannot build Swordsmen anymore (is replaced by their emblematic unit Gaesatae).
    • Warriors can now upgrade to Gaesati.
    • Reduced Gothic Cavalry Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 2 Iron.
    • Increased Gothic Cavalry Strategic Cost to 2 Horses from 1 Horses.
    • Reduced War Elephants Strategic Cost to 1 Copper from 2 Copper.
    • Increase War Elephants Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 0 Iron.
    • Moved unlock of Praetorian Guard earlier to Standing Army from Imperial Power (Romans can still build Swordsmen if they lack Iron access).
    • Increased Crossbows Upkeep to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased Crossbows Industry cost to 400 from 200.
    • Increased Longbows Upkeep to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased Longbows Industry cost to 400 from 200.
    • Reduced Greatswords Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 2 Iron.
    • Reduced Varangian Guards Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 2 Iron.
    • Increased Capetian Knights Upkeep to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Capetian Knights Industry Cost to 800 from 400.
    • Increased Teutonic Knights Upkeep to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Teutonic Knights Industry Cost to 800 from 400.
    • Reduced Haras Strategic Cost to 2 Horses from 3 Horses.
    • Reduced Naginata Samurari Upkeep cost to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Naginata Samurai Industry cost to 485 from 970.
    • Reduced Musketeer Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 2 Iron.
    • Reduced Arquebusier Strategic Cost to 0 Iron from 1 Iron.
    • Increased Mortar Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 0 Iron.
    • Reduced Mortar Strategic Cost to 1 Copper from 2 Copper.
    • Increased Mortar Upkeep Cost to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Mortar Industry Cost to 1945 from 970.
    • Howitzers now upgrade to Helicopter Gunships (as "Anti Entrenchment" roles).
    • Mortars no longer upgrade to Cannons, but straight to Siege Artillery.
    • Reduced Rocket Cart Strategic Cost to 2 Saltpetre from 3 Saltpetre.
    • Reduced Winged Hussars Strategic Cost to 1 Iron from 2 Iron.
    • Increased Winged Hussars Upkeep Cost to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Winged Hussars Industry cost to 1945 from 970.
    • Reduced Man O' War Strategic Cost to 0 Copper from 3 Copper.
    • Increased Man O' War Strategic Cost to 3 Iron from 0 Iron.
    • Increased Galleass Upkeep Cost to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Galleass Industry cost to 1945 from 970.
    • Increased Howitzer CS to 50 from 49.
    • Increased Howitzer Industry cost to 5155 from 1290.
    • Increased Howitzer Upkeep cost to Tier 3 from Tier 1.
    • Late game cavalry units (Dragoons, Cossacks...) now upgrade to Mechanized Infantry (APC).
    • Reduced Line Infantry Industry Cost to 1290 from 2575.
    • Reduced Line Infantry Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Redcoats Industry Cost to 1290 from 2575.
    • Reduced Redcoats Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Alpinis Industry Cost to 1290 from 2575.
    • Reduced Alpinis Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Evidenzbureau Agents Industry Cost to 1290 from 5155.
    • Reduced Evidenzbureau Agents Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 3.
    • Reduced Soldaderas Industry Cost to 1290 from 2575.
    • Reduced Soldaderas Upkeep to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Cuirassiers Industry Cost to 2575 from 5155.
    • Reduced Cuirassiers Upkeep to Tier 2 from Tier 3.
    • Increased Machine Gun Strategic Cost to 1 Oil from 0 Oil.
    • Increased Machine Gun Industry cost to 5155 from 2575.
    • Increased Machine Gun Upkeep cost to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Siege Artillery Industry cost to 5155 from 1290.
    • Increased Siege Artillery Upkeep cost to Tier 3 from Tier 1.
    • Reduced Commandos Industry Cost to 3700 from 7400.
    • Reduced Commandos Upkeep Cost to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Anti Tank Gun Industry Cost to 7400 from 3700.
    • Increased Anti Tank Gun Upkeep Cost to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased Anti Air Gun Industry Cost to 7400 from 3700.
    • Increased Anti Air Gun Upkeep Cost to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased Helicopter Gunship Industry Cost to 7400 from 3700.
    • Increased Helicopter Gunship Upkeep Cost to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased APC Industry Cost to 7400 from 3700.
    • Increased APC Upkeep Cost to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased All Terrain APC Industry Cost to 7400 from 3700.
    • Increased All Terrain APC Upkeep Cost to Tier 2 from Tier 1.
    • Increased Guardians Industry Cost to 14805 from 7400.
    • Increased Guardians Upkeep Cost to Tier 3 from Tier 2.
    • Reduced Guardians Strategic Cost to 1 Uranium from 2 Uranium.
    • Reduced Monoplane Fighters Industry Cost to 3700 from 7400.
    • Reduced Monoplane Fighters Upkeep Cost to Tier 1 from Tier 2.
    • Increased Mongol Horde CS to 33 from 29.


  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered after clicking on the Show Details button from the "Nuclear Specter" narrative event, if Rebels captured a Cultural Wonder.
  • Fixed an issue where a desync can occur after an Event (Challenge) or State Share notification, under specific conditions.


  • Fixed an issue where the Redeem action is not updated when clicking on the reward button from the Event completion.
  • Fixed an issue where Community Challenge Chapter 2 completion remains incomplete after achieving all specified requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where Avatar eye colors have changed from patch 3 to patch 4.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed for the title of the mod.io email authentication panel.
  • Fixed an issue where there is a typo present in the Twitch Extension menu description.
  • Fixed an issue where "Project Mercury" is listed in the Mod Usage section in the Load Save menu.


  • Fixed an issue where an error occurs when the Player tries to drag a Mountain over a River.
  • Fixed an issue where no information is provided for the Territory limit, causing loaded maps to generate errors.
  • Fixed an issue where the help section is missing from multiple menus.
  • Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for the undo/redo buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where the menus from the Map Editor will remain highlighted when the player presses RMB on the map with an option selected.
  • Fixed an issue where an unknown UI element is displayed in the map editor next to the undo/redo buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the tooltip descriptions of points of interest.
  • Fixed an issue where the "There is no Continent" Validation Failed report displays a text error.
0Send private message
3 years ago
Dec 13, 2021, 2:04:14 PM

[] "Jigonhsasee" Version Notes

Improved the way lines of sight are feedbacked in battle.
Added the ability to use Avatar rewards as AI opponents, including La Catrina.
Improved AI: military strategic planning (armies management, reinforcement, bombing, disembarkment, ...)
Improved AI: territories claiming behaviours.
Improved AI: diplomatic camps and alliances creation.
Improved AI: fame gathering.
Improved AI: pollution management.

Improved game data telemetry flow.
Added settings for colorblind modes once the game is launched.
Added detailed tooltips on challenges rewards.
Improved the visibility of the challenges on the Main menu.
Improved the challenge timer localization.
Improved the feedback when the player is not connected to G2G while trying to complete a challenge.

Fixed an issue where a stuck with errors in the loading screen is encountered under specific conditions (single and multiplayer).
Fixed an issue where a stuck with an error message occurred ingame under specific conditions (single and multiplayer).

Fixed an issue where an error is generated when making the same Demand to an empire in a specific situation.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated at the start of a turn during normal gameplay, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated after pressing the Next Player button from the End Game screen, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the player connects to the G2G account, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated when booting up the title while not being connected to the G2G account, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the player attempts to edit the settings for a competitor for the first time on a fresh install.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated after pressing the "Locate the Event" button of an Osmosis Event notification during late-game.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated in Main Menu after leaving a session where a natural wonder was discovered first time by the player.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the client in a lobby clicks on the Pace button, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error is generated when loading a specific quick save of a multiplayer session.
Fixed an issue where an AI-related error is generated when two AI empires declared war on each other, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an AI-related error is generated during gameplay, under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an AI related error is generated when ending turn, under specific conditions.

Fixed an issue where challenge availability can be modified by changing the computer date and time.
Fixed an issue where the Civil evolution challenge does not always complete by the community users.
Fixed an issue where the population sacrificed for the completion of Cultural Wonders is not counted in the Necropolis challenge event.
Fixed an issue where no information is provided to players that the challenge feature is available and can be unlocked by signing into G2G.

Fixed an issue where sections of the Mount Vesuvius 3D model are no longer rendered when moving the camera in close proximity to it.
Fixed an issue where scrolling the map for a prolonged period of time leads to a grayed out "edge".
Fixed an issue where City Population models flicker.

Fixed an issue where narrator voice lines for building 30 farmers quarters trigger when the 16th farmers quarter is built.
Fixed an issue where narrator voice lines for 30 farmers quarters are triggered when building 30 market quarters.

Fixed an issue where no end conditions are assigned to the "default" condition preset on first run until the preset is re-selected.
Fixed an issue where the turn symbol is displayed twice inside the pollution's tooltip.
Fixed an issue where removed player persona strengths and biases are not correctly displayed in the Community screen until restarting the game.
Fixed an issue where the second choice of the narrative event "Highway Robbery" has the same description as the first choice of the event.
Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed for one of the preset Avatars.
Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed for the connection timeout notification when refreshing the multiplayer lobby list.
Fixed an issue where debug text present in the description of the District Placement Confirmation.
Fixed an issue where debug text displayed for the "Give Me Freedom" persona strength in the Profile Screen.
Fixed an issue where debug text displayed for the tooltip of "Change State Religion" button in the Religion Panel.

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3 years ago
Dec 15, 2021, 5:50:37 PM

[] Hotfix Version Notes

- Fixed an issue where some saves made with former versions, including specific end-game conditions, could not be loaded.

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3 years ago
Dec 16, 2021, 5:40:06 PM

[] Hotfix 2 Version Notes

- Fixed an issue that prevents cities to plant forest or clear ruins.
- Fixed an issue that prevents camps to be relocated under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue in which surrender terms could not be accepted under certain conditions.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 20, 2022, 1:24:55 PM

[] "Allen Newell" Version Notes

ADDITIONS [Cultures of Africa Pack]

- Expand your HUMANKIND™ experience with the Cultures of Africa DLC!

- Features 6 new cultures spanning all eras, new natural and built wonders, 7 new independent people, and 15 new narrative events.


- Added Great Zimbabwe Wonder content (newsletter opt-in).

- Added movies when discovering specific technologies.

- Added a new window at launch to display info about the game.

- Removed the "Turn Limit" condition from the Default, Last Human Standing and Space Race endgame conditions.

- Improved the usability of the Trade and Wondrous systems.

- Improved the way AI handles Bombardment management.

- Improved the way AI handles military objectives.

- Improved the way AI handles Competitive Deeds.

- Improved the way AI handles escort of Embarked Army.

- Improved the way AI handles Garrison.

- Improved the way AI handles Civic choices.

- Improved the way AI handles Culture choices.

- Improved the way AI handles Units that cannot climb fortifications in an assault.

- Improved the way AI handles Siege sortie.


- Fixed an issue where players can remain stuck after loading a multiplayer auto save created during the launching of the nuclear missile.

- Fixed an issue where the player will remain stuck on the "New tenet unlocked" mandatory notification if the AI is choosing the last tenet before the player does in the same turn.

- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated and the session remains stuck on "Turn Pending" after ending turn on a specific save file.

- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation was encountered during a naval battle between two clients.

- Fixed an issue where battle stuck on confirmation stage, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation occurred while performing a manual battle in a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation occurred when ending the turn immediately after launching an Air Strike, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where errors and desync were encountered, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a player army became invisible when retreating, generating errors and desync on player interaction.

- Fixed an issue where an error is generated when attempting to "attack" an AI army during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a desync with errors was encountered when the host of a multiplayer session entered a battle, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a series of exception errors followed by a desync were encountered during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the turn is ending during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.



- Fixed an issue where the player can construct the Arms Factory emblematic on a strategic resource tile, generating errors on ransack.

- Fixed an issue where players or AI can buy Soviets Arms luxury at 0 cost.


- Fixed an issue where an error is generated when disbanding the Aircraft Carrier while it contains Aircraft units.

- Fixed an issue where an expansionist empire's trespassing units cannot move with complete freedom.

- Fixed an issue where Cruise Missiles and Thermonuclear missiles can be moved to Aircraft Carriers, generating errors.

- Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when sending missile strikes multiple times in a quick succession at the same target.

- Fixed an issue where using the "Aerial Stealth" unit's Strike actions trigger Grievances for the opposing empire.

- Fixed an issue where a series of errors were encountered during a siege battle with the player as defender.

- Fixed an issue where military forces are not visible on the map after auto-exploring.

- Fixed an issue where two exception errors are generated when a Nuclear Strike action is cancelled due to diplomatic changes.

- Fixed an issue where two errors are generated when launching a nuclear missile on a specific city during a specific session.


- Fixed an issue where AI controlled empires do not consider the Commons Quarter adjacency when constructing the extension.

- Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the minor faction AI attacks one empire in a cross-play session between the Gamepass and Epic PC in the Ancient era.

- Fixed an issue where a fortification attack related error occurs on "blitz" mode if the player is attacking a fortified area of an AI, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where two AI-related errors are generated when attacking a liberated city.

- Fixed an issue where two error messages were generated for the host during normal gameplay (Handle the case when the Army is already at a safe position).

- Fixed an issue where a series of AI related errors were encountered, under specific conditions. 

- Fixed an issue where the player encountered an AI related error message, under specific conditions.

- Fixed an issue where two errors are generated when the player eliminates himself by launching a nuclear strike on a nearby city.

- Fixed an issue where AI related errors were generated during gameplay, under specific conditions. 

- Fixed an issue where an AI-related error was generated during gameplay, under specific conditions. 

- Fixed an issue where errors were generated after placing an outpost in the Contemporary era.

- Fixed an issue where multiplayer Progression Blocker occurred after one of the players city was besieged by the AI army.


- Fixed an issue where player receives a series of error messages after pressing the "Locate the Event" button of an Osmosis Event notification during late-game.

- Fixed an issue where placeholder values are displayed in Battle Aftermath reports.

- Fixed an issue where the randomize AI buttons are functional when loading multiplayer sessions.

- Fixed an issue where the colors of the Empires do not match on the loading screen in a multiplayer session.

- Fixed an issue where the Buy resource button of the Diplomacy Trade panel does not update immediately after a purchase.

- Fixed an issue where the Buy Resource button tooltip in the Trade tab doesn't display the amount of money needed to buy the resource when not having enough money.

- Fixed an issue where the Empire name is displayed instead of the Natural Wonder name in the description of the "Based on a true story II" event.

- Fixed an issue where text error present in the Mouth and Nose avatar option tooltips.

- Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the Help Layer All Military Forces panel tooltip.

- Fixed an issue where a specific premade avatar portrait is inconsistent with the premade avatar model displayed.

- Fixed an issue where named avatars can have their presets edited despite the fact that they are locked.

- Fixed an issue where the "Main Menu" button from the lobby appears out of screen if multiple add-ons/DLCs are enabled.

- Fixed an issue where one of the empire symbol icons presents low resolution.

- Fixed an issue where duplicate empire icons are displayed in the empire symbol screen.

- Fixed an issue where misleading information is displayed in the Move Capital action tooltip.

- Fixed an issue where the "Clear Ruins" and "Hamlet" extensions share the same icon.


- Fixed an issue where the "First Civic Unlocked" tutorial can be triggered in the late game after unlocking multiple civics.

- Fixed an issue where the "City Stability" tutorial appears for Outposts in a specific situation.

- Fixed an issue where the Aesthete affinity action tutorial is triggered for the Scientist affinity action.

- Fixed an issue where Agrarian affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay .

- Fixed an issue where Blitz Tutorial message is displayed for all Affinities.

- Fixed an issue where the Scientist affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay.

- Fixed an issue where the Builder affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay.

- Fixed an issue where the "Legacy of an era" and "Your story" video tutorials display the same image.

- Fixed an issue where incomplete or false information displayed in the "Construction Queue" tutorial.


- Fixed an issue where game crashed in loading screen (Vulkan general compatibility + remove most of open while loop to avoid infinite loop).

- Fixed an issue where harbor models are not displayed on the game map when using Vulkan mode.

- Fixed an issue where Research quarter water pool displayes heavy flickering for the Aztecs Civilization.


- Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when dismissing the current tech research in the technology panel.

- Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when closing the Society and Religion panels.

- Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when accessing and dismissing the Minor Faction panel.

- Fixed an issue where multiplayer button has no SFX when clicked.


- Fixed an issue where an error message is generated when attempting to use the import tool and no png image is found.


- Fixed an issue where Mod.Io mods fail to download and present error message when subscribing while using the Steam MacOS or EGS MacOS platforms.


- Fixed an issue where the Unplugged, disconnected and Terminated achievement are not unlocked when meeting the prerequisites.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 27, 2022, 1:54:08 PM

[] "Allen Newell" Patch 1 Version Notes

- Fixed several issues where a desync could occur after ending a turn while playing cross platform sessions.
- Fixed an issue where a desync may be encountered early in the Neolithic era.
- Fixed a stuck situation that could be encountered in multiplayer sessions during battles when queuing multiple orders.
- Fixed a stuck situation that could occur in multiplayer sessions when being attacked by a rebel army.

- Fixed an issue where the Civics screen could be broken after loading a mod.
- Fixed an issue where users were not logged into Mod.io until restarting the game.

- Fixed an issue where AI would start the assault when siege engines are not yet available.
- Updated the Aluminium picto.
- Updated the MRAP Shoot sound.
- Fixed various issues with natural wonders vfx.
- Fixed text errors in the description of the Tainted Waters 2 narrative event.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder Legacy trait and Emblematic unit icons are displayed in the Encyclopedia for the "Cultures of Africa" pack cultures.
- Fixed an issue where no image was displayed for the Mount Kilimanjaro Wonder in the Encyclopedia.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed for the Effects of the Mount Kilimanjaro Wonder in the Encyclopedia.

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3 years ago
Feb 8, 2022, 1:30:41 PM

[] "Allen Newell" Patch 2 Version Notes

Fixed an issue on MacOS (Steam & Epic) where custom maps are not displayed when creating a new game.
Fixed an issue on MS Store where achievements were reset upon game reboot.
Fixed an exploit where players could obtain cities by using the Liberate function without investing resources.

Fixed an issue where the user could remain unable to complete the session while using the official Endless mod.
Fixed an issue where subscribed mods were counted as Enabled mods when checking for save compatibility.
Fixed an issue where saves became invalid even if only a minor update has been made on the mod.
Fixed an issue where the game could become unstable when a player unsubscribes to a Mod that is activated.
Fixed broken texts and unstable behaviors after loading a modded save without the mod and then installing the mod to reload the save.
Fixed an issue where new mods uploaded to mod.io could not appear in the Available Mods list after being downloaded in some cases.


Fixed an issue where a desync could be encountered on crossplay multiplayer sessions (EGS/Steam - PC/MacOS).
Fixed an issue on Steam where multiplayer sessions created on 1.0.6 versions cannot be loaded on 1.0.7 versions if the build was started from the executable.
Fixed an issue where an error could be generated when the player selects the "Attend" choice for the "Based on a true story 1".
Fixed an issue where debug text could be present in the New Game screen.
Fixed an issue where Players were able to connect to G2G without adding any credentials if they were previously connected to G2G.
Fixed an issue where no Narrator voice lines were triggered after adopting the Cultures of Africa new cultures.
Fixed an issue where no Narrator voice lines were triggered when meeting a culture among the new ones of the Cultures of Africa pack.
Fixed an issue where no Information was displayed outside the city panel status bar borders when the 'Divide and Conquer' narrative event effects were applied.
Fixed an issue where Blue eye color was missing from the avatar customization options.

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3 years ago
Feb 24, 2022, 1:53:06 PM

[] "Allen Newell" Patch 3 Version Notes

- Added new movement markers in naval combat.
- Tooltips for the Colony upgrades has been made clearer: it now specifies how they can be used, or which Units can use them, and players are informed that the Infrastructures build are limited by the Resources owned.
- Players are now better informed about the reward they have gained upon completing a community challenge chapter.

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to refuse demands from an AI Empire in some occasions.

IMPORTANT FIXES [Cultures of Africa]
- Fixed a stuck situation in some occasions in multiplayer sessions when the AI was using Units from the Cultures of Africa pack.
- Fixed a stuck situation when the player was launching a manual battle against a liberated Nigerian's Army.

- Fixed an issue on Epic Game Store where Trophies were not unlocked upon completion of required Achievements in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue on Epic Game Store where the player would not have access to the rewards for unlocked Trophies in some occasions.

- Fixed an issue where no narrator voice lines were triggered when building recently added Cultural Wonders.
- Fixed an issue where the bonus and malus of the Civic "Architecture" were also impacting exploitations in the Official Endless™ Mod.
- Fixed an issue where the Expansionist Star counter was not updated after annexing enemy Territories through war resolutions.
- Fixed an issue where the icon of a construction completed this turn remained displayed on the player's cursor if they started dragging it during the end turn sequence.
- Fixed an issue where debug text may have been displayed as the name of a custom player Persona.
- Fixed an issue where female Units with female voice-over have a male voice-over during the dying animation.
- Fixed an issue where Units made solely of female pawns could be using male voices.
- Fixed possible instabilities during gameplay when placing a Market Quarter.
- Fixed possible instabilities when inspecting the influence tooltip breakdown from the Empire resource banner.
- Fixed possible instabilities when hovering the mouse over the "Geosynchronous Satellite" shared project in multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed (rare) possible AI instabilities when attaching an Outpost to a City.
- Fixed an issue where multiple debug texts were displayed in the AI persona "Strengths" screen when coming back to it after gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where information text was displayed outside the borders of the combined combat strength comparison bar in some situations.
- Fixed an issue where text error was displayed in the air, artillery or missile strike aftermath pin and panels, when multiple strikes were used on the same target.
- Fixed an issue where, if the maximum number of auto-saves was set to "1", some autosaves could be automatically deleted.

OTHER FIXES [Cultures of Africa]
- Fixed an issue where texture clipping was present for the Nigerians male avatar outfit.

OTHER FIXES [Windows Store]
- Fixed an issue where the players were receiving an unlock notification for the "Midas Touch" and "Millionaires Club" achievements every time when ending the first turn on a fresh boot.

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2022, 2:39:02 PM

[] "Vitruvian Update" Version Notes

Note: modding tools will require an update that will arrive soon.


Improved historical religions discoverability
* Reworked the Religion panel, to make the choice of historical religions more visible.
* Improved the way the AI chooses historical religions, so that it does not stick to its first choice anymore.

Balanced Affinitites
* Increased the payouts for Merchant affinities, to give substantially more Money per Trade Route and per Era.
* Increased the payouts for Aesthete affinities, to give substantially more Influence per adjacent Territory and per Era.
* Limited the "Collective Minds" action (Scientist affinities) to be applied only one City at a time, with a cooldown.
* Limited the "Land Raiser" action (Builder affinities) to be applied only one City at a time, with a cooldown.
* Improved the way game speed settings are taken into account for the "Power Investor" Merchant's active ability.

Added control over notifications, so that only relevant ones are displayed.
* Added game options to show or hide themes of notifications.
* Added a "show/hide" button directly on notifications.

- Improved the way the AI manages cities, to avoid Stability penalties and a deficit of Influence, which should make it more competitive mid/late game, prevents it from spamming Common Quarters and Garrisons, and should avoid waves of "zombie AIs rebels" attacks.
- Improved the way the AI manages its economy, with refinements on resource needs and an Industry and Money focus, which makes it more competitive mid/late game.
- Improved the way the AI handles affinities actions for Scientists, Builders and Expansionists affinities: AI armies will tend to annex Territories more often.
- Improved AI culture choices mid/late game: the AI performs a better analysis of its current situation when changing Eras, and how it takes culture bonuses into account.
- Improved the way the AI manages settlers: AI empires will tend to produce more Settlers and give them smarter colonisation missions.
- Added the possibility to build Trebuchets until the end of Industrial Era.
- Increased the maximum number of opponents on tiny maps to 4.
- Added information about pollution malus when clearing a Forest.
- Merged veterancy Combat Strength bonuses in the attack preview UI.
- The "placement details" tooltip is now anchored on the bottom-left of the screen to avoid overlapping with the cursor.
- Added feedback to highlight tiles where the Clear Ruins can be built.

- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where Germans Legacy Trait "Iron Ordnance" Combat Strength bonus was not applied properly.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the Lighthouse of Alexandria Combat Strength bonus was applied to all unit types.
- [CMTY] Fixed an AI odd behavior when placing a unit on the tile the AI wanted to turn into a City.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where Cultural Wonders in separated Territories were no longer exploiting adjacent tiles.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the game could be stuck at the end turn on rare occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed several issues where the International Trading Civic was not functioning as intended.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where Japanese Reisen emblematic air Unit had an invalid Upkeep cost.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the Stormborn Legacy Trait Combat Strength bonus of the Norsemen was applied to land Units once Naval Transport was unlocked.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where sea curiosity pins were visible only after researching Trade Expeditions in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the "placement details" tooltip could displayed inconsistent information for tiles adjacent to Mountains, depending on the position of the cursor.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where inconsistent information was present in the Noble Javelineers range description tooltip.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where Armies could not move through a passable terrain tile in rare occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where upgrade path for the Dragoon Unit in Contemporary Era was inconsistent.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where outpost and ruin 3D models were not displayed when placed on the tile of a partially completed and ransacked Outpost.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the player could not exit the religion mode using the Escape key or right-click if the mode was accessed using Alt+5.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the Machu Picchu Cultural Wonder Food effect was stronger than intended.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where false information could be displayed in the "Pay" Grievance demand included in the surrender terms in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the City's Population counter could reach a negative -1 value on rare occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the empire referenced by the description of the "The Propaganda Machine" narrative event was incorrect.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the description of the "Left out" narrative event.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the description of the "Based on a true story III" narrative event.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the effects of the first choice in the "Lost Souls I" narrative event was not taking effect if your Units were engaged in a battle.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the effects of the "Lost Souls II" narrative event was not applied in a specific situation.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where Independent People's siege of an AI never got resolved in very rare occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where "Crusader" persona strength was applied on Units in the Neolithic Era.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where emblematic Units could not be constructed if their technology was researched in the previous Era, in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the player would not receive the Independent People defender Armies when assimilating them in a specific situation.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the pathfind algorithm would lead ships to be lost at sea without taking into account "Coastal ship" or "Navigator" attributes in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where the "Be Virtuous As Water" Tenet was applying a malus effect instead of bonus in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where misleading information was present in the tooltip for the "Lumber Yard" infrastructures in some occasions.
- [CMTY] Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the siege battle preview in specific situations.

- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where attempting to load a save file caused the session load to fail in rare occasions.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where sessions were redirected to the main menu after ending the first turn in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the host was unable to change the AI Persona from the Lobby Competitor Settings panel.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where placeholder empires were displayed in the loading screen when the session has less than 10 empires.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where instabilities could occur for the host when ending a turn in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where instabilities could occur for the host after they selected a Biplane squadron.
- Fixed an issue where the session would not end when the Era limit reached end conditions were met.
- Fixed an issue where Army Upkeep was not properly lowered for Armies with more Units.
- Fixed an issue where the player received War Support when declaring any type of war on an empire that has the materials procurement first Civic choice active.
- Fixed an issue where the "Hamlet" District would not replace other Districts previously build on a tile.
- Fixed an issue where the "Lord of the Flies" achievement was not unlocked when the prerequisites were met.
- Fixed an issue where a stuck situation could be encountered when launching 2 simultaneous nuclear strikes over 2 ongoing battles.
- Fixed an issue where the UI of the player which accepts a demand that leads to their elimination would disappear.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to perform an "instant resolution" in some battles.
- Fixed an issue where the Natural Wonders narrator lines were triggered only after pressing the locate button from the Natural Wonder discovered notification.
- Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption could be present when accessing the profile screen when booting the game.
- Fixed an issue where no audio feedbacks were present in several places (empire statistic panels, liberate action, etc.)
- Fixed an issue where the sound effect that triggers when reaching the end-game screen after resigning was not affected by any volume option.
- Fixed an issue where AI attitude changes made by signing an open borders Treaty required multiple turns to register.
- Fixed an issue where an upgraded Unit's Upkeep was not displayed inside the tooltip that appears when hovering the cursor over the Unit's "Upgrade" button.
- Fixed an issue where the mute button help layer had a missing information line.
- Fixed an issue where videos of technologies discoveries were sometimes hiding subtitles.
- Fixed an issue where misleading information was displayed in the affinity panel for the "Land Raiser" and "Collective Minds" abilities.
- Fixed an issue where the player was not informed in the City FIMS output tooltip about the "Land Raiser" and the "Collective Mind" abilities status.
- Fixed an issue where the placement details tooltip could overlap the placement cursor.
- Fixed an issue where the heads-up markers placed by the AI empires on the player's Territory were not clear enough on what the player should do for them.
- Fixed an issue where confusing information was present in the violent Independent People "Indifferent" status description tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where interacting with a tile pin while attempting to place a marker was opening the pin's associated UI.
- Fixed an issue where the description of the "A meeting of minds" achievement was misleading.
- Fixed an issue where the game options screen had a scrolling speed inconsistent with other menu screens.
- Fixed an issue where the Japanese Culture's Legacy Trait description was containing an inconsistent period symbol.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the tooltips of the squadron actions whenever the squadron was placed in the area of an ongoing battle.
- Fixed an issue where a text error was displayed in the tooltip of the Encyclopedia entry from the Mouse & Keyboard settings.
- Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck on the "G2G Share Tools" screen if the "Upload" button was pressed right after pressing the "Edit" button.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect avatar icon was displayed for the Horatio Avatar (unforgivable!)
- Fixed an issue where trait column mislabeled in the AI Persona would display in the Profile screen tabs.
- Fixed an issue where multiple hairstyles presets presented missing textures when the player changed the avatar's gender.
- Fixed an issue where Nayakuralu Nagamma's avatar preset could get facial features of other avatar presets.
- Fixed an issue where Nayakuralu Nagamma's avatar was displaying inconsistent skin color between different body parts.
- Fixed an issue where Nayakuralu Nagamma's name was not fully displayed in avatar customization.
- Fixed an issue where La Catrina's avatar was no longer available in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur upon toggling the UI visibility after choosing end game or concede defeat options.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when attempting to buy resources via trade.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur attempting to use the "Air Strike" squadron action on a target.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when attempting to move a Unit on the tile of an opponent Unit during manual combat.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when when booting up the title while having a specific hair style on the avatar.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when after loading a save file and an AI declared war on the player in rare occasions.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when hovering over the Influence counter in the society screen or in the resource banner.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when accessing the society mode in the Ancient Era.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when destroying a resource extractor via artillery strike.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when attempting to produce the Aksumite's emblematic District Great Obelisk.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur when the "Iron Reserves" Militarist affinity ability was used right after opening a screen using its hotkey.

- Fixed an issue where the "Bandari" Swahili emblematic District did not replace the Harbor District.
- Fixed an issue where narrator lines were not triggered when discovering "Cultures of Africa" Natural Wonders.

- [Mac] Added an option in the Game Resolution settings to filter Mac native resolutions.
- [Mac] Fixed an issue where terrain was incorrectly rendered and army panel were displaying graphical corruption in some occasions.
- [Mac] Fixed an issue where several panels displayed font graphical corruption in some occasions.

- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where a desync could occurs after ending a turn while playing cross platform sessions between Microsoft Store and Epic Game Store.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 6:05:28 PM

[] "Bolivar Update" Version Notes

Note: modding tools will require an update that will arrive soon.
Modding tools have been updated.

ADDITIONS [Cultures of Latin America Pack]

- Expand your HUMANKIND™ experience with the Cultures of Latin America DLC!
- Features 6 new cultures spanning all eras, new natural and built Wonders, 9 new independent people, and 25 new narrative events.


- Added the Mississipian culture!
- Added Italian and Turkish localization.
- Voluntary Forced Surrender: Wars can now be continued after the losing empire reaches 0 War Support. Sending Surrender Offers is limited by the global Diplomatic Offer cooldown.
- War Support gains and loss are now affected by losses in battles, Influence on controled Territories and Ransacking of enemy districts.
- War Score is not reset to zero anymore after a peace is concluded.
- Pollution negative effects on gameplay are now deactivated by default when creating a new game. Those effects on gameplay can be re-activated when creating a new game.
- AI: added a delay on AI movements when claiming a Territory, retreating and when the player attacks its units.
- Sorties can now only be triggered once a Siege is confirmed.
- Luxury Resources spread can now be customized when creating a new game.
- Civics unlock conditions are now documented in tooltips in the civics screen.
- Natural wonders now have various effects, instead of the same one for all of them.
- Infrastructure gains can now be previewed (before building them and once they are built).
- Stability Surplus and Deficit are now shown in tooltips.
- Added a new constructible: Administrative Center Renovation, which allows to replace the visuals of the administrative center by the buildings of the current era.
- AI: Improved the way the AI choses Cultures early and mid-game, so that it feels less predictible.
- The mod configuration of the latest save is now loaded automatically.
- Difficulty bonuses given to the AI have been reworked, to be more progressive among eras.
- The Aztec Costume has been reworked, to better reflect historical accuracy.


- The chances that DLC Content (excluding cultures) appears in a new game can now be customized when creating a new game (from "never" to "high frequency").
- War Support is better feedbacked in the UI, especially after a Retreat.
- new content from DLCs are tagged with a small dot (that can be deactivated in the game Settings).
- AI: Improved airforce garrison behaviour. The AI will now use its aerial garisson more wisely.
- AI: Improved airfield planning. The AI will now place its airports more wisely.
- AI: Improved white peace proposition and acceptance and war declaration behaviors.
- Removed turn limit condition from Beginner and Advanced endgame conditions in First Time User Experience scenarios.
- Players can now go to the crisis tab to check their war score, even if they are not at war.
- Mods and challenges can now be accessed directly in the main menu.


- Fixed an issue where some Emblematic Districts were not properly counted for effects using the number of Districts as a prerequisite (Market Quarters, Tech Park, etc.)
- Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons : Assyrian Dunnu, Mycenaen Cyclopean Fortress, English Stronghold, Polish Barbican, Zulu Izindlu.
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to end the game via The Red Planet narrative event even if the Mars Conquered end condition was turned Off.
- Fixed an issue where natural modifiers that spawn on coastal waters, like Coral Reef or Pearls, were counted as land modifiers by the map editor.
- Fixed an issue where AI kept sending surrender offers during the same turn.
- Fixed an issue where World life trains were ignoring train track paths and were not being rendered a short distance after the Train Station.
- Fixed an issue where War Support was mismatching between battle report and notification/actual value.
- Fixed an issue where City had no Spawn point if the player relocated the outpost before transorming it into a city.
- Fixed an issue where civics could be locked in multiplayer session in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where all roads were reducing the movement penalty more than intended.
- Fixed an issue where players could occupy cities while in a state of Peace, locking out the city from being used.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could be encountered when loading a specific community provided save file.
- Fixed an issue where Cleared Ruin tiles had no resources yield when exploited.
- Fixed an issue where game pace tooltip in the new game lobby was presenting misleading information.
- Fixed an issue where Cavalry units could bypass city walls if the hex they were moving to was undiscovered.
- Fixed an issue where the Warrior badge effect was incorrectly applied.
- Fixed an issue where the player could not change the mod order in the Active Mod menu.
- Fixed an issue where map with a continent that had no luxury resources could be generated in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where Konstantiniyye city name could appear incorrect in various locations.
- Fixed an issue where previewing placing districts next to mountains with the Shelter the True Oracles tenet showed that the player will lose the influence buff.
- Fixed an issue where in some occasions, cities given after a White Peace could not build districts other than stability increasing ones, even at full Stability.


- Fixed an issue where an Empire could be stuck in Neolithic while the other Empire advanced in way later Era.
- Fixed an issue where the Develop the Intellect tenet was not functional in game in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where the player could construct the forest extension on natural wonder tiles.
- Fixed an issue where roads between cities and outposts were created without the Wheel technology being unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where roads between outposts were created without the Supply Lines technology being unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where the Use Airport unit action was consuming a movement point when used.
- Fixed an issue where grievances were during 11 turns instead of 10.
- Fixed an issue where pathfind around river entries could behave inconsistently.
- Fixed an issue where the AI was remaining in the same era because it believed the Farmer era stars would be unlocked soon.
- Fixed an issue where the AI would ping positions it have not explored yet.
- Fixed an issue where the "Cultural Blitz" active ability took more than 10 turns to recharge on normal game speed.
- Fixed an issue where the player was not informed about why they were unable to Refuse a Demand after having previously refused it.
- Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the "Someone moves to a new Era" notification for when an empire Transcends.
- Fixed an issue where a desync was encountered at the start of a turn where an AI-controlled empire proposed the "Only trade luxuries" treaty to the Host.
- Fixed an issue where map Markers were not removed after the empire's elimination.
- Fixed an issue where AI controlled empires were not using the "Under One Banner" Expansionist affinity action in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after the player declared a "Surprise War" followed by "Offer Surrender" to an opposing AI empire.
- Fixed an issue where Independent People were not evolving their Outposts into Cities when playing on the Blitz Game Speed setting.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect pathing indicator could be displayed when reinforcing a battle in a specific situation.
- Fixed an issue where the displayed trajectory of the nuclear missile during the strike cinematic was erratic.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after Liberating a city.
- Fixed an issue where the Forest extension was missing its ghost model while being placed and constructed.
- Fixed an issue where Armies were retreating from battle over more tiles than intended.
- Fixed an issue where players could Plant Forests on natural wonders.
- Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after assimilating a specific minor faction.
- Fixed an issue where harbour-type Districts could be placed on coastal Natural Deposits.
- Fixed an issue where the "Close to victory in the war!" notification was triggered after the war ends in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where the Humankind Encyclopedia was opened in the background when typing the designated Encyclopedia key - H - in the mods search bar.
- Improved the overall stability & potential desynch issues in multiplayer.
- Fixed and updated multiple tooltips to provide more accurate information.
- Corrected multiple instances of debug text or images being displayed.
- Fixed several minor other UI issues.


- Fixed an issue where wireframe assets were displayed during the nuclear detonation animation.
- Fixed an issue where the Humankind game icon was difficult to distinguish on Dark Mode.


- Fixed an issue where all previously unlocked trophy notifications were generated at the start of a session.


- Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons: Ethiopian Amba.
- Fixed an issue where unit pin was overlapping with the Maasai culture emblematic "Maasai Morans" unit model.
- Fixed an issue where Pestilent Pastures narative event choices and outcomes were not scaling with game speed.
- Fixed an issue where trade roads could pass through Victoria falls natural wonder.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 23, 2022, 12:53:20 PM

[] Bolivar Hotfix 1 Version Notes

- Added an item "Cultures of Latin America" in the Extras menu, to give access to community rewards.

- Fixed an issue where winner AI would not force surrender and loser AI would not offer surrender in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where Natural wonders could be cut in half in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where the Independent People relation increase for a "bribe" or "praise" would last a single turn.

- Fixed an issue where Sapa Inca Guards unit was missing the Centralized Power tech prerequisite to be unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where the Inca Terrace Farm could not be built next to natural wonders that have mountain tiles, if mountains were in another territory, or next to snowy mountains.

- Fixed a crash when using the "run" option in the modding tool.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 28, 2022, 2:40:10 PM

[] Bolivar Hotfix 2 Version Notes

- Fixed an issue where additional content could be hidden from the game in some occasions.

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3 years ago
Jul 28, 2022, 1:01:40 PM

[] "Ibn Battuta Update" Version Notes

- Introduced the new Empire Name system.
- Heavily rebalanced cultures, including Militarist Iron Reserves rework, Phoenicians EU becoming naval transport, etc.
- Rebalanced influence costs, especially late game: Enact Civic, Attach Territory and Merge City influence costs grow slower.
- New Line of Sight calculation (should be more intuitive).

Please find all balance changes here : https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/forums/168-general/threads/49496-battuta-patch-balance-changes?page=1#post-357922

- New Loading screens.
- New Loading tips.
- Borders are now turned off when removing the UI overlay with Shift+F10 (for nicer screenshots!)
- Civic Bonuses shown in tooltips for locked civics.
- Improved rotation of quarters, buliding placement in city plans and variety of Commons Quarters to avoid repetitive patterns in large cities.

- Vassalizing an enemy after they try to break free should now cost 0 war support
- Fixed several issues with the Wonder-Full achievement not unlocking properly.
- Fixed an issue with the Pacesetter achievement not unlocking properly.
- Fixed an issue where "Falling Out" achievement was not unlocking correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the "International Trading" civic was not unlocking when the prerequisites were met.
- Fixed an issue where War Support changes did not match between the battle aftermath and diplomacy screen.
- Fixed an issue where an AI controlled empire could get stuck in the Neolithic.
- Fixed an issue with no texture appearing on the Great Zimbabwe wonder.
- Fixed an issue where the community folder could have too many folders when building mods often.
- Fixed an issue where Air and Artillery strikes could corrupt a save in very rare occasions.
- Fixed an issue where units with the Bombard ability could not attack a unit on a tile with destroyed fortifications.
- Fixed an issue where armies standing on an outpost of an empire that just signed a non-aggression pact would get destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with resource pins not correctly updating when replacing an embematic resource with different types of resource extractor.
- Fixed an issue where the yields of the Aesthete ability were working differently than described in the tooltip.

- Fixed an issue where a player who was not the host could change DLC content spawn probability settings in the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed an issue with the Mississipians' emblematic quarter wasn't giving money to adjacent districts.
- Fixed an issue where resource pins remained on tiles that became Wastelands.
- Fixed an issue where the "See more" button in the new update panel on the main menu was incorrectly localized in several languages.
- Fixed an issue where armies could not ransack tiles belonging to one of their vassal empires.

- [Community] Fixed an issue with the Baira Hunter's tooltip not correctly showing the Indirect Fire ability.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where the Inca's emblematic quarter could not be build next to some mountain tiles.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where the Inca's emblematic quarter could not be built next to mountain natural wonders.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where Sapa Inca Guards had their Anti-cavalry bonus applied twice.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where the Taino emblematic unit did not replace the crossbowmen.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where units minor factions added with the Cultures of Latin America had incorrect art.
- [Community] Fixed an issue where the Machu Pichu wonder would lose functionality after its territory was split, upgraded to a city, then merged.
- Fixed an issue where bonuses from Machu Picchu also applied to outposts.

- Fixed an issue where the Amplified 2022 content was not available. Content is now available after redeeming the code on G2G and restarting the game.

Updated 3 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 12:55:56 PM

[] "First Anniversary Update" Version Notes

- Added the "One Hundred Years War" scenario.
- Added hats in the avatar customization panel.
- Added all previously released community challenges.

- Added the Cakeification constructible for city centers.
- You might also see magical animals running around. Who knows?

Updated 2 years ago.
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