No screenshot (sorry), but I've sometimes noticed cases while fighting against the huns where during one of the AI's combat rounds, it would a) not have a sensible path to any of my units (thanks to defensive chokepoints etc limiting them to one 1 / 6 units attacking at a time, fwiw), b) move one of its horse archer units to some random open location A, then move it to another location unit B, then move it again to a 3rd location C, then move it back to A, and then keep doing this in an infinite loop.

I'm quite frankly not sure how an AI is allowed to move one of its horse archer units multiple (and in fact, infinite) times after not attacking, but this is very obviously a bug and will in fact completely break the game as there is no way to stop the AI from this infinite loop and end its combat turn outside of reloading a save.

I've had this happen multiple times in different situations, all with hunnic horse archer units, and presumably this affects mongol horse archers too.

Would recommend looking at these systems in question to determine how it is possible that either a) a horse archer unit can move without attacking, and keep moving after it has moved, thus moving infinitely and/or b) the AI can move a unit without otherwise respecting the combat / movement rules.

(the fact that it moves infinitely in a triangle is... interesting, but probably just an artifact of how the AI picks the next best location to move to that is not here, and maybe not the point it was at previously)

Either of these should be a bug (right?!), and must absolutely be fixed if they can occur.



edit: reporting template

2. Bug description

(see above)

3. Steps to reproduce

Fight a pitched battle against many hunnic / mongol horse archers, on terrain st. you can heavily restrict their movement and force at least some units to move uselessly (or not move) during the AI's turn. If the AI begins moving the same unit indefinitely between 2, 3, or more points, you have successfully reproduced this bug

4. Reproducibility


(see below)

5. Expected behavior

Horse archers should not be capable of more than two times per turn, and should not be capable of moving an infinite amount of times per turn without attacking. 

the AI should respect all movement rules (obviously) and thus not be capable of moving a unit between 3 points infinitely (and thus never end its turn), unless there is an edge case in the movement rules or some weird bug in the AI that somehow allows this

6. Notes

Wouldn't necessarily rec trying to reproduce this, would rec getting the devs to look a) how unit movement is implemented, b) how the AI uses the movement rules, to see if there is either a) a bug or edgecase that could potentially cause a unit to move infinitely (see above), or b) a case where the AI is somehow capable of not following the normal movement rules, which seems unlikely but would be the only other possible explanation for this phenomenon.

(edit: alternatively there could be some kind of internal bug where the AI hangs and instead of moving a unit once instead moves and keeps moving ad infinitum due to not successfully finding a target, or something. I would probably say that this would fall under b), but could be non-trivial. if the fact that it moves between 3 points is at all helpful, great)