
I just started playing the game (on the desktop of my girlfriend, since the game is far too greedy in memory for my gamer laptop)

I just gained my second unit, which is still in the main group.

When I select this group, then any of the two units, and then start scrolling down a bit, the yellow square around its portrait turn into a rectangle going all the way to the bottom of the panel.

This rectangle resets to a normal portrait square when I select the other unit, unless I scroll back to the top first.

Also, if I then (and only then, after I secured this yellow square by switching to the other unit when being all scrolled up), I click again on the portrait of the currently selected unit (it does not matter whether I switched back to the unit with the bugged yellow rectangle portrait or not), the panel below the units portraits closes, but the rectangle remains

I am playing in full screen on Windows 10.

I hope this helps.
