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AI killing its own units with trespassing

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 11:03:48 AM

I'm currently playing a game where I have grown quite big, however one of the AIs has a single province on the other end of my territory. Since they got it, they have very frequently sent 4 unit parties into my land, where they seem to get stuck after a short amount of time. They move inwards for 2 turns, and then spend the rest of the time moving back and forth, slowly but surely killing themselves through trespassing attrition. Usually they end up going down until there is 1 unit left, before they fix themselves and move back into their own land to heal up, recruit new units, and repeat the process.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 11:04:32 AM

Should've clarified, their main land is on my southern border, however they have a single province to my northeastern border.

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