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Game freeze on Turn 33 with -force-vulkan enabled

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4 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 3:22:51 PM

I've had quite the saga trying to play this game. First on Gamepass it would freeze on me as soon as I started a game with a GPU Async issue. A dev recommended I try the -force-vulkan switch. This is not possible on Gamepass since Gamepass shortcuts do not allow you to provide arguments in the Target field; the Target field is greyed out.

So I bought the game on Steam. Sure enough, it frozen when starting a game. But putting the -force-vulkan switch enabled me to play. Success, finally! Or so I thought.

Well I just had another freeze with the -force-vulkan switch enabled, this time on Turn 33. Here's the final parts of the diagnostics log and before you ask, no I don't have Sonic Audio or the like:


%Tutorial_SpawnPoint_01Description Trying to get a parameter 0 out of bound 0.


UpdatePawnsCountWhenNotMoving called while pawnsToCreate is zero! Nothing to do!


UpdatePawnsCountWhenNotMoving called while pawnsToCreate is zero! Nothing to do!


[Deeds] DeedDefinition 'Fame_CompetitiveDeed_HolySiteBuilt' was already unregistered for this Listener.


UpdatePawnsCountWhenNotMoving called while pawnsToCreate is zero! Nothing to do!


Metadata 'rmc0' has no policy registered; assuming None.


Metadata 'IsEditingScenario' has no policy registered; assuming None.


TutorialWindow.SpecificUpdate: TopTutorialElementIndex is invalid while window' Status is Activating.


TutorialWindow.SpecificUpdate: TopTutorialElementIndex is invalid while window' Status is Activating.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.


Issue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.

Why does this game freeze so much? This is absurd. No other game behaves this way. What is going on?

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3 years ago
Mar 15, 2022, 5:40:36 PM

Push, have the exact same freeze bug.

Every public workaroud doesn't work. Put 10 hours of my life in this absurd freeze bug. Sometimes after 1 min or 10 min gameplay, often even in the main menu...

win10 64bit, system and every driver up to date.


18:30:39:394NoneSTACK%ArtificialWonderCardAlreadyClaimedFormat Trying to get a parameter 0 out of bound 0.

18:30:39:394NoneSTACK%ArtificialWonderCardAlreadyClaimedFormat Trying to get a parameter 0 out of bound 0.

18:30:39:395NoneSTACK%ArtificialWonderCardAlreadyClaimedFormat Trying to get a parameter 0 out of bound 0.

18:30:39:395NoneSTACK%ArtificialWonderCardAlreadyClaimedFormat Trying to get a parameter 0 out of bound 0.

18:30:41:295NoneSTACKAI post synchronization passes took 1,7 seconds to be executed.

18:30:41:863NoneSTACKNo Unit can be kept to improve that army (Empire '5' Army '8550' for ArmyType 'GroundExplorer')

18:30:42:006NoneSTACKUpdatePawnsCountWhenNotMoving called while pawnsToCreate is zero! Nothing to do!

18:30:42:273NoneSTACKThe AI decision process took 2,7 seconds to be executed (2,1 seconds of AI processing and 0,6 seconds waiting for async requests)

18:31:55:986NoneSTACKMissing an override in the effect using the SimulationEventEfect

18:31:55:987NoneSTACKMissing an override in the effect using the SimulationEventEfect

18:31:55:987NoneSTACKMissing an override in the effect using the SimulationEventEfect

18:31:56:292NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:293NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:293NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:293NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:295NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:295NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:295NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:31:56:295NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:32:07:323NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:32:07:323NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:32:07:323NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:32:07:323NoneSTACK[Localization] Unknown key '%IdeologicalAxisRulerDescription'

18:33:06:792NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : audio sources doesn't match particule infos.

18:33:06:808NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:823NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:838NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:855NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:872NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:888NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:906NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:923NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:939NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:956NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:973NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:06:989NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:008NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:024NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:039NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:057NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:074NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:091NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:109NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:124NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:141NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:158NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:174NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:191NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:208NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:225NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:241NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:259NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:278NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

18:33:07:293NoneSTACKIssue with audio readback : guard value is incorrect (0) != (123456789)

Updated 3 years ago.
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