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constant!!! resyncing and disconnecting during multiplayer

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 11:24:26 PM

I'm trying to play a game with one friend in a private match, we are at turn 120 or so and the game ether desyncs or disconnects every turn. super annoying please help!!!!  

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3 years ago
Oct 3, 2021, 8:18:34 AM

The desync issue should have been fixed as the highest priority. I bought this game because one of my friends loves this genre of gaming (we had a lot of fun playing other games of this type) in order to play together. We are both very patient people, and have tried on many occasions to play this, but every time we play the game becomes almost unplayable after the first couple of eras. The game constantly disconnects and sometimes it isn't possible to recover from the last auto (or manual) save either because one of the players will just disconnect during the game load process or it will disconnect at the end of the loaded turn anyway. I feel that I have just thrown my money away as I don't generally play these kinds of games solo. As a software dev myself, showing a message saying the network or host disconnected is a big slap in the face because I know it has nothing to do with the network (which I have tested). My only other idea is to try playing hot-seat and share access to my screen (don't know if the game supports this or not). If anyone is considering buying this game for the purpose of playing multiplayer don't waste your time.

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