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Co-op Multiplayer Modus

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3 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 4:00:47 PM

What dou you think about an Co-op Multiplayer Modus. Is there in the game ?

That is a what i think a must have for the Game. An Mode there you Spawn is ner your Teammates and can Play against the Ki.

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3 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 4:48:22 PM

ES, EL, and ES2 all featured multiplayer with various starting modifiers. It would be safe to assume that Humankind will have the same features. The Steam page lists online PVP as a feature too.

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3 years ago
May 3, 2021, 3:26:19 PM

I can absolutely agree with you, me and my gf play civ 6 for example and we always go in team and then set the A.I. as hard as possible (to have balance)
but then the problem is to spawn close, so we boot again and again the server till that happens

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3 years ago
May 3, 2021, 5:18:38 PM

Part of my regular gaming routine is co-op Civ6 with a buddy of mine, played in the background during lulls in the workday. Certainly would like to see Humankind have something similar.

Also, definitely going to need an option during game creation that allows for multiples of a civ, and another for a pick your own progression kind of option. Apparently that added layer of deciding whether to delay your ascension for extra stars or being late to the ascension party and "being left with scraps" is a layer of competition he doesn't want to deal with. 

I'm talking about a more generic version of Civs where you pick a focus (science, agrarian, expansion, etc.), a district/infrastructure, a beefed up unit, and the civ aesthetic look so that you can always get to choose the kind of civ you want to play and the era transition is instead a choice of deciding to delay ascension for more fame or upgrade for an immediate advantage. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 26, 2021, 6:30:15 PM

I wonder if they're going to have full on team coop this time. They said they would in ES2 but never actually delivered it, though they did get allied victory in.

This is one area Civ has always done better: you can start on a team with another player. My best friend and I like to play together against a bunch of AIs, and that's never really worked that well in the Endless games becuase it takes half the game before we can find each other and form an alliance vs Civ, where we start off on a team on turn 1.

Hopefully this time it's finally happening.

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 12:25:52 AM

Looks like no co-op mode which is very disappointing. I really like this game, but planned on playing co-op with friends like we have done A LOT of in civ 6. Hopefully it'll come in a future update, but for now doubt I'll buy any future content since I'd rather play co-op civ 6 than competitive in humankind.

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 9:17:50 AM


Excellent idea.

Same here: My family/friend and I have played hundreds of hours of Civ VI Co-op, and although Civ isn't perfect either with Co-op*, at least it's doable.

*: We get desyncs + I'd like to start close to, say, my sister, but it's only the roll of the dice to have us actually start close together. 

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 1:07:02 AM

+1 Would love to see this added. Until then, I would recommend playing on Pangea if you want to start next to someone. That always seems to end up putting me next to my friend.

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 5:54:49 PM
Really loved to play Endless Space 2 in Coop and have an ally function so that we won together - I would really love to see this coop victory in humankind!! 
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2 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 8:46:52 PM

This would definitely be good to have for more co-operative playstyled friends!

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